Conversion of hex to binary is a very common programming question. In this article, we will see a few methods to solve the above problem.
Method #1: Using bin and zfill
# Python code to demonstrate # conversion of a hex string # to the binary string # Initialising hex string ini_string = "1a" scale = 16 # Printing initial string print ( "Initial string" , ini_string) # Code to convert hex to binary res = bin ( int (ini_string, scale)).zfill( 8 ) # Print the resultant string print ( "Resultant string" , str (res)) |
Initial string 1a Resultant string 00b11010
Method #2: Using Naive Method
# Python code to demonstrate # conversion of hex string # to binary string import math # Initialising hex string ini_string = "1a" # Printing initial string print ( "Initial string" , ini_string) # Code to convert hex to binary n = int (ini_string, 16 ) bStr = '' while n > 0 : bStr = str (n % 2 ) + bStr n = n >> 1 res = bStr # Print the resultant string print ( "Resultant string" , str (res)) |
Initial string 1a Resultant string 11010
Method #3: Using .format
# Python code to demonstrate # conversion of hex string # to binary string import math # Initialising hex string ini_string = "1a" # Printing initial string print ( "Initial string" , ini_string) # Code to convert hex to binary res = "{0:08b}" . format ( int (ini_string, 16 )) # Print the resultant string print ( "Resultant string" , str (res)) |
Initial string 1a Resultant string 00011010
Method #4:Using a loop:
- Convert the hexadecimal number to a string
- Initialize an empty string to store the binary representation
- Loop over the hexadecimal digits from the second character to the end
- Convert each hexadecimal digit to its binary representation using a dictionary
- Append the binary representation to the binary string
- Return the binary string
hex_num = '1f' hex_dict = { '0' : '0000' , '1' : '0001' , '2' : '0010' , '3' : '0011' , '4' : '0100' , '5' : '0101' , '6' : '0110' , '7' : '0111' , '8' : '1000' , '9' : '1001' , 'a' : '1010' , 'b' : '1011' , 'c' : '1100' , 'd' : '1101' , 'e' : '1110' , 'f' : '1111' } binary = '' for digit in hex_num: binary + = hex_dict[digit] print (binary) |
Time complexity: O(n)
Space complexity: O(n)