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Python Tkinter | grid_location() and grid_size() method

Tkinter is used to develop GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications. It supports a variety of widgets as well as a variety of widgets methods or universal widget methods.

grid_location() method –

This method returns a tuple containing (column, row) of any specified widget. Since this method is a widget method you cannot use it with master object ( or Tk() object). In order to use this method, you should first create a Frame and treat it as a parent (or master).

Syntax: widget.grid_location(x, y)
x and y are the positions, relative to the upper left corner of the widget (parent widget). 

In below example, grid_location() is used to get the location of the widget in the Frame widget.


# This imports all functions in tkinter module
from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating master window
master = Tk()
# This method is used to get the position
# of the desired widget available in any
# other widget
def click(event):
    # Here retrieving the size of the parent
    # widget relative to master widget
    x = event.x_root - f.winfo_rootx()
    y = event.y_root - f.winfo_rooty()
    # Here grid_location() method is used to
    # retrieve the relative position on the
    # parent widget
    z = f.grid_location(x, y)
    # printing position
# Frame widget, will work as
# parent for buttons widget
f = Frame(master)
# Button widgets
b = Button(f, text = "Button")
b.grid(row = 2, column = 3)
c = Button(f, text = "Button2")
c.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
# Here binding click method with mouse
master.bind("<Button-1>", click)
# infinite loop

grid_size() method –

This method is used to get the total number of grids present in any parent widget. This is a widget method so one cannot use it with master object. One has to create a Frame widget.

Syntax: (columns, rows) = widget.grid_size()
Return Value: It returns total numbers of columns and rows (grids). 

Below is the Python code-


# This imports all functions in tkinter module
from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import *
# creating master window
master = Tk()
# This method is used to get the size
# of the desired widget i.e number of grids
# available in the widget
def grids(event):
    # Here, grid_size() method is used to get
    # the total number grids available in frame
    # widget
    x = f.grid_size()
    # printing (columns, rows)
# Frame widget, will work as
# parent for buttons widget
f = Frame(master)
# Button widgets
b = Button(f, text = "Button")
b.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
c = Button(f, text = "Button2")
c.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
# Here binding click method with mouse
master.bind("<Button-1>", grids)
# infinite loop

Every time you click the mouse button it will return the same value until more widgets are not added OR number of rows and columns are not increased.

(3, 2)



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