With the help of sympy.compositepi() method, we can find the number of composite numbers less than or equal to a given number.
Syntax: compositepi(n)
n – It denotes the number up to which the count of composite number is calculated.Returns: Returns the number of composite numbers less than or equal to n.
Example #1:
# import compositepi() method from sympy from sympy import compositepi n = 10 # Use compositepi() method count_composites = compositepi(n) print ( "The number of composites numbers less than or equal to {} is {}" . format (n, count_composites)) |
The number of composites numbers less than or equal to 10 is 5
Example #2:
# import compositepi() method from sympy from sympy import compositepi n = 100 # Use compositepi() method count_composites = compositepi(n) print ( "The number of composites numbers less than or equal to {} is {}" . format (n, count_composites)) |
The number of composites numbers less than or equal to 100 is 74