Python program to generate random number code; In this tutorial, you will learn how to generate random number code in python.
The purpost of this python post, Generate random numbers for various distributions including integer and floats.
Python program to generate random number
# import numpy module
import numpy as np
# use random.rand() method
print("Example of random.rand() :- ")
x = np.random.rand(1,8)
# use random.randint() method
print("Example Of random.randint() :- ")
y = np.random.randint(2,15)
print("Example of random.randn() :- ")
z = np.random.randn(2,8)
print("Example of random.random() :-")
x1 = np.random.random((2,9))
Example of random.rand() :- [[0.874984 0.1170868 0.2361305 0.22063702 0.87225102 0.44132484 0.60338013 0.06461086]] Example Of random.randint() :- 3 Example of random.randn() :- [[-0.89878963 -0.18942447 -0.05195196 -0.25545111 -0.6459828 -0.97399557 -0.42355701 1.93452622] [ 1.42286654 -0.85622765 -1.87287378 1.38771535 -0.66227205 -1.02218487 -1.36015049 0.17660855]] Example of random.random() :- [[0.17645405 0.49221241 0.28873661 0.07891243 0.96179974 0.99236161 0.64423944 0.74937619 0.69697957] [0.64346416 0.98649536 0.82340289 0.985775 0.20080291 0.5241042 0.9508779 0.05709641 0.59902887]]
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