Dictionary in python is a very useful data structure and at many times we see problems regarding converting a string to a dictionary. So, let us discuss how we can tackle this problem. Method # 1: Using eval() If we get a string input which completely resembles a dictionary object(if the string looks like dictionary as in python) then we can easily convert it to dictionary using eval() in Python.
# Python3 code to convert # a string to a dictionary # Initializing String string = "{ 'A' : 13 , 'B' : 14 , 'C' : 15 }" # eval() convert string to dictionary Dict = eval (string) print ( Dict ) print ( Dict [ 'A' ]) print ( Dict [ 'C' ]) |
{'C': 15, 'B': 14, 'A': 13} 13 15
Method # 2: Using generator expressions in python If we get a string input does not completely resemble a dictionary object then we can use generator expressions to convert it to a dictionary.
# Python3 code to convert # a string to a dictionary # Initializing String string = "A - 13 , B - 14 , C - 15 " # Converting string to dictionary Dict = dict ((x.strip(), y.strip()) for x, y in (element.split( '-' ) for element in string.split( ', ' ))) print ( Dict ) print ( Dict [ 'A' ]) print ( Dict [ 'C' ]) |
{'C': '15', 'A': '13', 'B': '14'} 13 15
The code given above does not convert integers to an int type, if integers keys are there then just line 8 would work
string = " 11 - 13 , 12 - 14 , 13 - 15 " Dict = dict ((x.strip(), int (y.strip())) for x, y in (element.split( '-' ) for element in string.split( ', ' ))) print ( Dict ) |
{'13': 15, '12': 14, '11': 13}
One additional approach that could be used to create a dictionary from a string is to use the json module. The json module allows you to parse a JSON string and convert it into a dictionary.
Here’s an example of how you could use the json module to create a dictionary from a string:
import json # Initializing string string = '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}' # Parse the string into a dictionary using json.loads dict = json.loads(string) print ( dict ) # {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} |
{'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
The json module is a part of the Python standard library, so you don’t need to install any additional modules to use it.
Time complexity for this approach is O(N), where N is the length of the string, as the json.loads function needs to parse the entire string to create the dictionary. The space complexity is also O(N), as the resulting dictionary will be the same size as the original string.