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HomeLanguagesPython – Print dictionary of list values

Python – Print dictionary of list values

In this article, we will print a dictionary of list values. Dictionary of list values means a dictionary  contains values as a list of dictionaries


{‘key1’: [{‘key1′: value,……,’key n’: value}……..{‘key1′: value,……,’key n’: value}}],



‘keyn’: [{‘key1′: value,……,’key n’: value}……..{‘key1′: value,……,’key n’: value}}]}

So we have to get the dictionaries present in the list according to the key. We can get this by using dict.items().



we can iterate over the dictionary using for loop

for key,values in data.items():
     for i in values:
          print(key," : ",i)

Example 1: Python code to create a dictionary with student names as key and values as subject details


# create a dictionary
# with student names as key
# values as subject details
data = {'manoja': [{'subject1': "java", 'marks': 98}, 
                   {'subject2': "PHP", 'marks': 89}],
        'manoj': [{'subject1': "java", 'marks': 78}, 
                  {'subject2': "PHP", 'marks': 79}]}
# get the list of data
# using items() method
for key, values in data.items():
    for i in values:
        print(key, " : ", i)


manoja  :  {'subject1': 'java', 'marks': 98}
manoja  :  {'subject2': 'PHP', 'marks': 89}
manoj  :  {'subject1': 'java', 'marks': 78}
manoj  :  {'subject2': 'PHP', 'marks': 79}

Example 2:


# create a dictionary
# with student names as key
# values as subject details
data = {'manoja': [{'subject1': "java", 'marks': 98}, 
                   {'subject2': "PHP", 'marks': 89}],
        'manoj': [{'subject1': "java", 'marks': 78},
                  {'subject2': "PHP", 'marks': 79}],
        'ramya': [{'subject1': "html", 'marks': 78}]}
# get the list of data
# using items() method
for key, values in data.items():
    for i in values:
        print(key, " : ", i)


manoja  :  {'subject1': 'java', 'marks': 98}
manoja  :  {'subject2': 'PHP', 'marks': 89}
manoj  :  {'subject1': 'java', 'marks': 78}
manoj  :  {'subject2': 'PHP', 'marks': 79}
ramya  :  {'subject1': 'html', 'marks': 78}


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