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Python PIP

In this article, we will discuss what is PIP, and how to install, upgrade and uninstall packages using Python PIP. So before starting and using it, let us understand what is a Python PIP.

What is Python PIP?

Python PIP is the package manager for Python packages. We can use PIP to install packages that do not come with Python. The basic syntax of PIP commands in the command prompt is: 

pip 'arguments'

How to Install Python PIP?

Python PIP comes pre-installed on 3.4 or older versions of Python. To check whether PIP is installed or not type the below command in the terminal.

pip --version

This command will tell the version of the Pip if it is already installed in the system.

Checking PIP version

Checking Python PIP version

If you do not have PIP installed on your system refer to the below articles.

How to Install Package with Python PIP

We can install additional packages by using the Python pip install command. Let’s suppose we want to install the Numpy using PIP. We can do it using the below command.


pip install numpy

Example 1: When the required package is not installed. 

Using PIP to install a new package

Using Python PIP to install a new package

Example 2: When the required package is already installed. 

Using Python PIP to install an existing package

Using Python PIP to install an existing package

Specifying Package Version using Python PIP

We can also install the package of a specific version by using the below command.


pip install package_name==version

This will install the package with the specified version

Display Package information using Python PIP

We can use the Python pip show command to display the details of a particular package. 


pip show numpy


Display package information using Python PIP

Display package information using Python PIP


  • Requires column shows the dependencies required by the NumPy package
  • Required by shows the packages that require NumPy

Get a list of locally installed Python Modules using Python PIP

The Python pip list command displays a list of packages installed in the system. 


pip list


Getting list of locally installed modules using Python PIP

Getting a list of locally installed modules using Python PIP

Uninstall Packages with Python PIP

The Python pip uninstall command uninstalls a particular existing package. 


pip uninstall numpy


Uninstall package with Python PIP

Uninstall package with Python PIP

Note: The PIP uninstall command does not uninstall the package dependencies. If you want to remove the dependencies as well then you can see the dependencies using the pip show command and remove each package manually.

Search Packages with Python PIP

We can search for a particular existing package using the Python pip search command. 


pip search numpy


Search package with Python PIP

Search package with Python PIP

Using Requirement files with Python PIP

Let’s suppose you want more than one package then instead of installing each package manually, you can install all the modules in a single go. This can be done by creating a requirements.txt file. Let’s suppose the requirements.txt file looks like this:




pip install -r requirements.txt


Using requirements file to install packages with Python PIP

Using requirements file to install packages with Python PIP

Listing additional Packages with Python PIP

The Python pip freeze command is used to list packages that don’t come pre-installed with Python. 


pip freeze


Listing additional packages with Python PIP

Listing additional packages with Python PIP

Listing Outdated Packages with Python PIP

Python pip list –outdated command is used to list all the packages that are outdated. This command cross-checks the installed package information with the PIP repository.


pip list --outdated


Listing outdated packages with Python PIP

Listing outdated packages with Python PIP

Upgrading Packages with Python PIP

Python pip install –user –upgrade is used to update a package.


pip install --user --upgrade package_name


Upgrading packages with Python PIP

Upgrading packages with Python PIP

Upgrading packages with Python PIP

Upgrading packages with Python PIP

We can also upgrade any package to a specific version using the below command.

pip install --user --upgrade package_name==version

Downgrading Packages with Python PIP

the Python pip install –user command is used to downgrade a package to a specific version.


pip install --user package_name==version


Downgrading packages with Python PIP

Downgrading packages with Python PIP

FAQ on Python PIP

Q: What is PIP?

A: PIP stands for “PIP Installs Packages.” It is the package installer for Python, used to download and manage Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI) or other package repositories.

Q: How do I install PIP?

A: PIP is usually installed by default when you install Python. If you have a recent version of Python, you should already have PIP installed. You can check its installation by running pip –version in your command prompt or terminal. If PIP is not installed, you can download the script from the official website and run it to install PIP.

Q: How do I use PIP to install Python packages?

A: To install a package using PIP, you can use the following command: pip install package_name. Replace package_name with the name of the package you want to install. PIP will automatically download and install the latest version of the package from PyPI.

Q: How do I upgrade a package with PIP?

A: You can upgrade a package to the latest version using the command: pip install –upgrade package_name. PIP will check for a newer version of the package and install it if available.


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