In this article, we are going to learn how to check whether any website is running or it’s down with a simple Python script. We will use Python’s requests library for sending ‘get’ request and ‘smtplib’ library for sending email notification when the website is up.It means we don’t need to check every time. Our Python program will notify us via email when the site is running.
This script simply checks whether a website is up or not. If it is up then it will send an email about this, if it is down then it will keep checking and when the site will be up, it will send an email and terminate.
Go to command prompt and write this command:
pip install requests, smtplib
Below are the steps:
- Put the entire code into a try block, to handle the exception.
- Send a get request to the website we want.
- If website is not running, then we don’t get a response thus throwing an exception.
- Then in except block we just print that website is not running.
- If there is no exception thrown, then it means we got the response and website is running.
- Now Create SMTP session for login through gmail.
- Enter your correct gmail id and password.
- Send the mail and done.
Below is the implementation:
import smtplib, requests, time from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart while ( 1 ): try : # Replace the url for your desired website # Send the get request to the website r = requests.get(url) # creates SMTP session s = smtplib.SMTP( "" , 587 ) # start TLS for security s.starttls() # Authentication s.login( "sender_gmail_id" , "sender_password" ) # Instance of MIMEMultipart msg = MIMEMultipart( "alternative" ) # Write the subject msg[ "Subject" ] = url + " is working now." msg[ "From" ] = "sender_gmail_id" msg[ "To" ] = "receiver_gmail_id" # Plain text body of the mail text = url + " is running now." # Attach the Plain body with the msg instance msg.attach(MIMEText(text, "plain" )) # HTML body of the mail html = "<h2>Your site is running now.</h2><br/><a href ='" + url + "'>Click here to visit.</a>" # Attach the HTML body with the msg instance msg.attach(MIMEText(html, "html" )) # Sending the mail s.sendmail( "sender_gmail_id" , "receiver_gmail_id" , msg.as_string()) s.quit() print ( 'sent' ) break except : print ( 'site is down yet...' ) print ( 'sleeping...' ) # Sleeping for 60 seconds. We can change this interval. time.sleep( 60 ) print ( 'Trying again' ) continue |