In this article we will see how we can create a number guessing name using PyQt5. The Number guessing game is all about guessing the number randomly chosen by the computer in the given number of chances. Below is how game will look like
GUI implementation steps 1. Create a head label to show the game name, set its alignment font and color 2. Create a info label that gives all the information and set its style sheet 3. Create a spin box to change the guessed number 4. Create a push button to check the guess 5. Create a start and reset buttons and add color effect to them Back end implementation steps 1. Create a variable number that will store the random number 2. Add action to the start button 3. Inside the start button action get the random number from 1 to 20 using random method 4. Set the text to the info label and change its color to grey 5. Add action to the check button 6. Inside the check button action, get the spin box value and compare it with the random number 7. If numbers are equal change info label color to green and set text as “correct” 8. Else check if smaller then say number is smaller guess again similarly do if number is bigger 9. Add action to the reset button 10. Inside the reset action set welcome text to info label and set its color to grey
Below is the implementation
# importing libraries from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtCore import * import random import sys class Window(QMainWindow): def __init__( self ): super ().__init__() # setting title self .setWindowTitle("Python ") # setting geometry self .setGeometry( 100 , 100 , 340 , 350 ) # calling method self .UiComponents() # showing all the widgets self .show() # number self .number = 0 # method for components def UiComponents( self ): # creating head label head = QLabel("Number Guessing Game", self ) # setting geometry to the head head.setGeometry( 20 , 10 , 300 , 60 ) # font font = QFont( 'Times' , 14 ) font.setBold( True ) font.setItalic( True ) font.setUnderline( True ) # setting font to the head head.setFont(font) # setting alignment of the head head.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) # setting color effect to the head color = QGraphicsColorizeEffect( self ) color.setColor(Qt.darkCyan) head.setGraphicsEffect(color) # creating a label that will give the info self .info = QLabel("Welcome", self ) # setting geometry to the info label self .info.setGeometry( 40 , 85 , 260 , 60 ) # making the info label multi line self .info.setWordWrap( True ) # setting font and alignment self .info.setFont(QFont( 'Times' , 13 )) self .info.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) # setting style sheet self .info.setStyleSheet("QLabel" "{" "border : 2px solid black;" "background : lightgrey;" "}") # creating a spin box to set the number self .spin = QSpinBox( self ) # setting range to the spin box self .spin.setRange( 1 , 20 ) # setting geometry to the spin box self .spin.setGeometry( 120 , 170 , 100 , 60 ) # setting alignment and font self .spin.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) self .spin.setFont(QFont( 'Times' , 15 )) # creating a push button to check the guess number check = QPushButton("Check", self ) # setting geometry to the push button check.setGeometry( 130 , 235 , 80 , 30 ) # adding action to the check button check.clicked.connect( self .check_action) # creating a start button start = QPushButton("Start", self ) start.setGeometry( 65 , 280 , 100 , 40 ) # reset button to reset the game reset_game = QPushButton("Reset", self ) # setting geometry to the push button reset_game.setGeometry( 175 , 280 , 100 , 40 ) # setting color effect color_red = QGraphicsColorizeEffect() color_red.setColor( reset_game.setGraphicsEffect(color_red) color_green = QGraphicsColorizeEffect() color_green.setColor(Qt.darkBlue) start.setGraphicsEffect(color_green) # adding action to the button start.clicked.connect( self .start_action) reset_game.clicked.connect( self .reset_action) def start_action( self ): # making label green self .info.setStyleSheet("QLabel" "{" "border : 2px solid black;" "background : lightgrey;" "}") # creating random number self .number = random.randint( 1 , 20 ) # setting text to the info label self .info.setText("Try to guess number between 1 to 20 ") def check_action( self ): # get the spin box number user_number = self .spin.value() # check the value if user_number = = self .number: # setting text to the info label self .info.setText("Correct Guess") # making label green self .info.setStyleSheet("QLabel" "{" "border : 2px solid black;" "background : lightgreen;" "}") elif user_number < self .number: # giving hint self .info.setText("Your number is smaller") else : # giving hint self .info.setText("Your number is bigger") def reset_action( self ): # making label green self .info.setStyleSheet("QLabel" "{" "border : 2px solid black;" "background : lightgrey;" "}") # setting text to the info label self .info.setText("Welcome") # create pyqt5 app App = QApplication(sys.argv) # create the instance of our Window window = Window() # start the app sys.exit(App. exec ()) |
Output :
The time complexity of the code is: O(1). This is because the code only performs few operations and requires very minimal time to run the tasks.
The space complexity of the code is: O(1). This is because the code is not creating any new objects or variables that would require additional memory.