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PYGLET – Drawing Circle

In this article we will see how we can draw circles on window in PYGLET module in python. Pyglet is easy to use but powerful library for developing visually rich GUI applications like games, multimedia etc. A window is a “heavyweight” object occupying operating system resources. Windows may appear as floating regions or can be set to fill an entire screen (fullscreen). A circle is a shape consisting of all points in a plane that are a given distance from a given point, the centre; equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves in a plane so that its distance from a given point is constant. Circle is drawn with the help of shapes module in pyglet.
We can create a window with the help of command given below 

# creating a window
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title)


In order to create window we use Circle method with pyglet.shapes
Syntax : shapes.Circle(x, y, size, color)
Argument : It takes first two integer i.e circle position, third integer as size of circle and fourth is tuple i.e color of circle as argument
Return : It returns Circle object 

Below is the implementation 


# importing pyglet module
import pyglet
# importing shapes from the pyglet
from pyglet import shapes
# width of window
width = 500
# height of window
height = 500
# caption i.e title of the window
title = "GeeksforLazyroar"
# creating a window
window = pyglet.window.Window(width, height, title)
# creating a batch object
batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()
# properties of circle
# co-ordinates of circle
circle_x = 250
circle_y = 250
# size of circle
# color = green
size_circle = 100
# creating a circle
circle1 = shapes.Circle(circle_x, circle_y, size_circle, color =(50, 225, 30), batch = batch)
# changing opacity of the circle1
# opacity is visibility (0 = invisible, 255 means visible)
circle1.opacity = 250
# creating another circle with other properties
# new position = circle1_position - 50
# new size = previous radius -20
# new color = red
circle2 = shapes.Circle(circle_x-50, circle_y-50, size_circle-20, color =(250, 25, 30), batch = batch)
# changing opacity of the circle2
circle2.opacity = 150
# window draw event
def on_draw():
    # clear the window
    # draw the batch
# run the pyglet application

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