Wednesday, July 3, 2024
HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmProgram to find the profit or loss when CP of N items...

Program to find the profit or loss when CP of N items is equal to SP of M items

Given N   and M   denoting that the Cost Price of N articles is equal to the Selling Price of M articles. The task is to determine the profit or Loss percentage.


Input:  N = 8, M = 9
Output: Loss = -11.11%

Input:  N = 8, M = 5
Output: Profit = 60%


Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation of above formula
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate
// Profit or loss
void profitLoss(int N, int M)
    if (N == M)
        cout << "No Profit nor Loss";
    else {
        float result = 0.0;
        result = float(abs(N - M)) / M;
        if (N - M < 0)
            cout << "Loss = -" << result * 100 << "%";
            cout << "Profit = " << result * 100 << "%";
// Driver Code
int main()
    int N = 8, M = 9;
    profitLoss(N, M);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of above formula
public class GFG{
    // Function to calculate
    // Profit or loss
    static void profitLoss(int N, int M)
        if (N == M)
            System.out.print("No Profit nor Loss");
        else {
            float result = 0;
            result = (float)(Math.abs(N - M))/ M;
            if (N - M < 0)
                System.out.print("Loss = -" + result * 100 +"%");
                System.out.print("Profit = " + result * 100 + "%");
    // Driver Code
     public static void main(String []args){
        int N = 8, M = 9;
        profitLoss(N, M);
     // This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1


# Python 3 implementation of above formula
# Function to calculate Profit or loss
def profitLoss(N, M):
    if (N == M):
        print("No Profit nor Loss")
        result = 0.0
        result = float(abs(N - M)) / M
        if (N - M < 0):
            print("Loss = -",'{0:.6}' .
                   format(result * 100), "%")
            print("Profit = ",'{0:.6}' .
                   format(result * 100), "%")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 8
    M = 9
    profitLoss(N, M)
# This code is contributed by
# Sanjit_Prasad


// C# implementation of above formula
using System;
class GFG
// Function to calculate
// Profit or loss
static void profitLoss(int N, int M)
    if (N == M)
        Console.Write("No Profit nor Loss");
        float result = 0;
        result = (float)(Math.Abs(N - M))/ M;
        if (N - M < 0)
            Console.Write("Loss = -" +
                           result * 100 +"%");
            Console.Write("Profit = " +
                           result * 100 + "%");
// Driver Code
static public void Main ()
    int N = 8, M = 9;
    profitLoss(N, M);
// This code is contributed by ajit.


// PHP implementation of above formula
// Function to calculate
// Profit or loss
function profitLoss($N, $M)
    if ($N == $M)
        echo "No Profit nor Loss";
        $result = 0.0;
        $result = (abs($N - $M)) / $M;
        if ($N - $M < 0)
            echo "Loss = -",
                  $result * 100, "%";
            echo "Profit = ",
                  $result * 100, "%";
// Driver Code
$N = 8;
$M = 9;
profitLoss($N, $M);
// This code is contributed
// by Sach_Code


// Javascript implementation of above formula
// Function to calculate
// Profit or loss
function profitLoss(N, M)
    if (N == M)
        document.write( "No Profit nor Loss");
        var result = 0.0;
        result = (Math.abs(N - M)) / M;
        if (N - M < 0)
            document.write("Loss = -" +
              result.toFixed(6) * 100 + "%");
            document.write("Profit = " +
               result.toFixed(6) * 100 + "%");
// Driver Code
var N = 8, M = 9;
profitLoss(N, M);
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56


Loss = -11.1111%


Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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