The contains(Object o) method checks whether PriorityBlockingQueue contains an object o or not. This method returns true, if and only if, this queue contains at least one element e which is equal to object o passed as parameter i.e. e.equals(o). If queue does not contains the Object o, then method returns false.
public boolean contains(Object o)
Parameter: This method takes a mandatory parameter o which is the object to be checked in the PriorityBlockingQueue.
Returns: This method returns true if this queue contains the object passed as parameter. Else it returns false.
Exception: This method does not throw any Exception.
Below program illustrate contains() method of PriorityBlockingQueue:
Example 1:
// Java Program Demonstrate contains(Object o) // method of PriorityBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // define capacity of PriorityBlockingQueue int capacityOfQueue = 5 ; // create object of PriorityBlockingQueue PriorityBlockingQueue<Integer> PrioQueue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Integer>(capacityOfQueue); // Add element to PriorityBlockingQueue PrioQueue.add( 4641515 ); PrioQueue.add( 46514561 ); PrioQueue.add( 56156 ); PrioQueue.add( 948964165 ); // print PrioQueue System.out.println( "PrioQueue: " + PrioQueue); // check whether PriorityBlockingQueue contains 56156 boolean answer1 = PrioQueue.contains( 56156 ); // print result System.out.println( "PriorityBlockingQueue contains " + "number 56156 : " + answer1); // check whether PriorityBlockingQueue contains 46545 boolean answer2 = PrioQueue.contains( 46545 ); // print result System.out.println( "PriorityBlockingQueue contains" + " number 46545 : " + answer2); } } |
PrioQueue: [56156, 46514561, 4641515, 948964165] PriorityBlockingQueue contains number 56156 : true PriorityBlockingQueue contains number 46545 : false
Example 2: To demonstrate contains() method of PriorityBlockingQueue which contains list of names.
// Java Program Demonstrate contains(Object o) // method of PriorityBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; public class GFG { public static void main(String[] args) { // define capacity of PriorityBlockingQueue int capacityOfQueue = 10 ; // create object of PriorityBlockingQueue PriorityBlockingQueue<String> names = new PriorityBlockingQueue<String>(capacityOfQueue); // Add names names.add( "Geeks" ); names.add( "forGeeks" ); names.add( "A" ); names.add( "Computer" ); names.add( "Portal" ); // print queue details System.out.println( "List of Names: " + names); // check whether PriorityBlockingQueue contains Geeks boolean answer1 = names.contains( "Geeks" ); // print result System.out.println( "Does names contains " + "Geeks: " + answer1); // check whether PriorityBlockingQueue contains SandeepJain boolean answer2 = names.contains( "SandeepJain" ); // print result System.out.println( "Does names contains " + "SandeepJain: " + answer2); } } |
List of Names: [A, Computer, Geeks, forGeeks, Portal] Does names contains Geeks: true Does names contains SandeepJain: false