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Print Nodes after level K from given node in Graph in ascending order

Given an undirected graph, a source node src, and an integer K, the task is to print all nodes after level K from the source node in ascending order 
(nodes are from 1 to N ).


Input: { (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 10), (2, 4), (3, 8), (3, 9), (4, 11), (5, 6), (5, 7), (8, 12), (10, 13) }, K = 1, src = 1
Output: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

under level 1 – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Input 2: {, (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9) }, K = 2, src = 4
Output: 1 7 8 9

under level 2 : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Approach: This can be solved with the following idea:

Using BFS, while moving across the neighboring element of src and maintaining levels in order to keep a count that we have crossed K. Once, K is crossed push the nodes data into a vector which will be returned as output.

Steps involved in the implementation of the above approach:

  • Make an adjacency list from the input.
  • Take a vector ans to store all nodes after level K.
  • Take a queue for BFS traversal.
  •  When we iterate the queue for more than K times it means that now nodes present in the queue lie after level K.
  • Take a visited array to check whether the particular node is previously visited or not.
  • Take a top element of the queue and rest on that node and add every neighbor node of that particular node into the queue.
  • At last sort the ans array and print all elements.

Below is the code for the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code for above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
vector<int> afterLevelK(int src, int k, vector<int> adj[],
                        int n)
    // Create a visited array to check the
    // particular node is previously
    // visited or not
    vector<int> vis(n + 1, 0);
    // Take queue for BFS traversal
    queue<int> q;
    // Ans vector to store all element
    // lies after level k
    vector<int> ans;
    // Push src node into queue and
    // mark it as visited
    vis[src] = 1;
    // Traverse graph
    while (!q.empty()) {
        int n = q.size();
        while (n--) {
            // Take top element of queue
            // and pop it
            int top = q.front();
            // If element lies after level
            // k then push it in ans vector
            if (k < 0) {
            // Rest on node and check
            // its neighbour nodes
            for (auto x : adj[top]) {
                // If adjacent node is
                // not visited then mark
                // it as visited and
                // push it into queue
                if (!vis[x]) {
                    vis[x] = 1;
        // Decrement the level
    return ans;
// Drivers code
int main()
    // Total number of nodes
    int n = 9;
    // All links in undirected graph
    vector<pair<int, int> > links
        = { { 1, 2 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 4 }, { 4, 5 },
            { 5, 6 }, { 6, 7 }, { 7, 8 }, { 8, 9 } };
    // Adjacency list
    vector<int> adj[n + 1];
    // Create graph in form of
    // adjacency list
    for (auto it : links) {
        int u = it.first;
        int v = it.second;
    // Source node
    int src = 4;
    // Level
    int k = 2;
    // Function call
    vector<int> ans = afterLevelK(src, k, adj, n);
    // sort ans vector
    sort(ans.begin(), ans.end());
    // Traverse and print ans vector
    for (auto it : ans) {
        cout << it << " ";
    return 0;


// Java code for above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    static List<Integer>
    afterLevelK(int src, int k, ArrayList<Integer>[] adj,
                int n)
        // Create a visited array to check whether the
        // particular node is previously visited or not
        boolean[] vis = new boolean[n + 1];
        // Take a queue for BFS traversal
        Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
        // Ans list to store all elements lies after level k
        List<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();
        // Push src node into queue and mark it as visited
        vis[src] = true;
        // Traverse graph
        while (!q.isEmpty()) {
            int len = q.size();
            while (len-- > 0) {
                // Take top element of queue and poll it
                int top = q.poll();
                // If element lies after level k then add it
                // in ans list
                if (k < 0) {
                // Rest on node and check its neighbor nodes
                for (int x : adj[top]) {
                    // If adjacent node is not visited then
                    // mark it as visited and add it into
                    // queue
                    if (vis[x] == false) {
                        vis[x] = true;
            // Decrement the level
        return ans;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Total number of nodes
        int n = 9;
        // All links in undirected graph
        int[][] links
            = { { 1, 2 }, { 2, 3 }, { 3, 4 }, { 4, 5 },
                { 5, 6 }, { 6, 7 }, { 7, 8 }, { 8, 9 } };
        // Adjacency list
        ArrayList<Integer>[] adj = new ArrayList[n + 1];
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            adj[i] = new ArrayList<>();
        // create graph in form of adjaceny list
        for (int[] link : links) {
            int u = link[0];
            int v = link[1];
        // source node
        int src = 4;
        // level
        int k = 2;
        // Function call
        List<Integer> ans = afterLevelK(src, k, adj, n);
        // sort the ans arraylist
        // traverse and print ans vector
        for (int it : ans) {
            System.out.print(it + " ");
// This code is contributed by lokesh.


from collections import deque
def after_level_k(src, k, adj, n):
    # Create a visited array to check if the
    # particular node is previously visited or not
    vis = [False] * (n + 1)
    # Take a queue for BFS traversal
    q = deque()
    # Ans list to store all elements
    # that lie after level k
    ans = []
    # Push src node into queue and
    # mark it as visited
    vis[src] = True
    # Traverse graph
    while q:
        n = len(q)
        while n > 0:
            # Take the top element of queue
            # and pop it
            top = q.popleft()
            # If element lies after level k
            # then append it to ans list
            if k < 0:
            # Rest on node and check
            # its neighbour nodes
            for x in adj[top]:
                # If adjacent node is not visited
                # then mark it as visited and
                # append it to queue
                if not vis[x]:
                    vis[x] = True
            n -= 1
        # Decrement the level
        k -= 1
    return ans
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Total number of nodes
    n = 9
    # All links in undirected graph
    links = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9)]
    # Adjacency list
    adj = [[] for _ in range(n+1)]
    # Create graph in form of adjacency list
    for u, v in links:
    # Source node
    src = 4
    # Level
    k = 2
    # Function call
    ans = after_level_k(src, k, adj, n)
    # Sort ans list
    # Traverse and print ans list
    for it in ans:
        print(it, end=" ")


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program {
    static List<int> AfterLevelK(int src, int k,
                                 List<int>[] adj, int n)
        // Create a visited array to check if
        // a particular node is previously visited or not
        bool[] vis = new bool[n + 1];
        // Take queue for BFS traversal
        Queue<int> q = new Queue<int>();
        // Ans list to store all elements
        // that lie after level k
        List<int> ans = new List<int>();
        // Push src node into queue and mark it as visited
        vis[src] = true;
        // Traverse graph
        while (q.Count > 0) {
            int count = q.Count;
            while (count-- > 0) {
                // Take top element of queue and dequeue it
                int top = q.Dequeue();
                // If element lies after level k, then add
                // it to ans list
                if (k < 0) {
                // Visit adjacent nodes and push them into
                // queue if not visited
                foreach(int x in adj[top])
                    if (!vis[x]) {
                        vis[x] = true;
            // Decrement the level
        return ans;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Total number of nodes
        int n = 9;
        // All links in undirected graph
        Tuple<int, int>[] links = new Tuple<int, int>[] {
            Tuple.Create(1, 2), Tuple.Create(2, 3),
            Tuple.Create(3, 4), Tuple.Create(4, 5),
            Tuple.Create(5, 6), Tuple.Create(6, 7),
            Tuple.Create(7, 8), Tuple.Create(8, 9)
        // Adjacency list
        List<int>[] adj = new List<int>[ n + 1 ];
        for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
            adj[i] = new List<int>();
        // Create graph in form of adjacency list
        foreach(Tuple<int, int> it in links)
            int u = it.Item1;
            int v = it.Item2;
        // Source node
        int src = 4;
        // Level
        int k = 2;
        // Function call
        List<int> ans = AfterLevelK(src, k, adj, n);
        // Sort ans list
        // Traverse and print ans list
        foreach(int it in ans) { Console.Write(it + " "); }


function afterLevelK(src, k, adj, n) {
    // Create a visited array to check whether
    // a particular node is previously visited or not
    const vis = new Array(n + 1).fill(0);
    // Take a queue for BFS traversal
    const q = [];
    // Ans array to store all elements
    // that lie after level k
    const ans = [];
    // Push the src node into the queue and
    // mark it as visited
    vis[src] = 1;
    // Traverse the graph
    while (q.length !== 0) {
        const levelSize = q.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < levelSize; i++) {
            // Take the top element of the queue
            // and remove it from the queue
            const top = q.shift();
            // If the element lies after level k,
            // then push it into the ans array
            if (k < 0) {
            // Explore the neighbours of the current node
            for (let j = 0; j < adj[top].length; j++) {
                const neighbour = adj[top][j];
                // If the adjacent node is not visited,
                // then mark it as visited and push it into the queue
                if (!vis[neighbour]) {
                    vis[neighbour] = 1;
        // Decrement the level
    return ans;
// Driver code
(function main() {
    // Total number of nodes
    const n = 9;
    // All links in undirected graph
    const links = [
        [1, 2],
        [2, 3],
        [3, 4],
        [4, 5],
        [5, 6],
        [6, 7],
        [7, 8],
        [8, 9]
    // Adjacency list
    const adj = new Array(n + 1).fill().map(() => []);
    // Create the graph in the form of
    // an adjacency list
    for (const [u, v] of links) {
    // Source node
    const src = 4;
    // Level
    const k = 2;
    // Function call
    const ans = afterLevelK(src, k, adj, n);
    // Sort ans array
    ans.sort((a, b) => a - b);
    // Traverse and print ans array
    console.log(ans.join(' '));


1 7 8 9 

Time Complexity: O (V+E)
Auxiliary Space: O (V)

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Last Updated :
20 Apr, 2023
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