Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Print N-ary tree graphically

Given an N-ary tree, the task is to print the N-ary tree graphically.
Graphical Representation of Tree: A representation of tree in which the root is printed in a line and the children nodes are printed in subsequent lines with some amount of indentation. 

                / | \
               /  |  \
              1   2   3
             / \    / | \
            4   5  6  7  8
+--- 1
|    +--- 4
|    +--- 5
+--- 2
+--- 3
    +--- 6
    +--- 7
    |    +--- 9
    +--- 8



Approach: The idea is to traverse the N-ary Tree using DFS Traversal to traverse the nodes and explore its children nodes until all the nodes are visited and then similarly, traverse the sibling nodes.
The step-by-step algorithm for the above approach is described below – 

  • Initialize a variable to store the current depth of the node, for the root node the depth is 0.
  • Declare a boolean array to store the current exploring depths and initially mark all of them to False.
  • If the current node is a root node that is the depth of the node is 0, then simply print the data of the node.
  • Otherwise, Iterate over a loop from 1 to the current depth of node and print, ‘|’ and three spaces for each of the exploring depth and for non-exploring depth print three spaces only.
  • Print the current value of the node and move the output pointer to the next line.
  • If the current node is the last node of that depth then mark that depth as non-exploring.
  • Similarly, explore all the child nodes with the recursive call.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Structure of the node
struct tnode {
    int n;
    list<tnode*> root;
    tnode(int data)
        : n(data)
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
void printNTree(tnode* x,
    vector<bool> flag,
    int depth = 0, bool isLast = false)
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == NULL)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i) {
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true) {
            cout << "| "
                << " "
                << " "
                << " ";
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
        else {
            cout << " "
                << " "
                << " "
                << " ";
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
        cout << x->n << '\n';
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast) {
        cout << "+--- " << x->n << '\n';
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
    else {
        cout << "+--- " << x->n << '\n';
    int it = 0;
    for (auto i = x->root.begin();
    i != x->root.end(); ++i, ++it)
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(*i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x->root.size()) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
void formAndPrintTree(){
    int nv = 10;
    tnode r(0), n1(1), n2(2),
        n3(3), n4(4), n5(5),
    n6(6), n7(7), n8(8), n9(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths
    vector<bool> flag(nv, true);
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(&r, flag);
// Driver Code
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
    // Function Call
    return 0;


// Java implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Structure of the node
static class tnode {
    int n;
    Vector<tnode> root = new Vector<>();
    tnode(int data)
        this.n = data;
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
static void printNTree(tnode x,
    boolean[] flag,
    int depth, boolean isLast )
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == null)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i) {
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true) {
            System.out.print("| "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
        else {
            System.out.print(" "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast) {
        System.out.print("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
    else {
        System.out.print("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
    int it = 0;
    for (tnode i : x.root) {
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x.root.size()) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
static void formAndPrintTree(){
    int nv = 10;
    tnode r = new tnode(0);
    tnode n1 = new tnode(1);
    tnode n2 = new tnode(2);
    tnode n3 = new tnode(3);
    tnode n4 = new tnode(4);
    tnode n5 = new tnode(5);
    tnode n6 = new tnode(6);
    tnode n7 = new tnode(7);
    tnode n8 = new tnode(8);
    tnode n9 = new tnode(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths
    boolean[] flag = new boolean[nv];
    Arrays.fill(flag, true);
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, false);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


# Python3 implementation to print N-ary Tree graphically
# Structure of the node
class tnode:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.n = data
        self.root = []
# Function to print the
# N-ary tree graphically
def printNTree(x,flag,depth,isLast):
    # Condition when node is None
    if x == None:
    # Loop to print the depths of the
    # current node
    for i in range(1, depth):
        # Condition when the depth
        # is exploring
        if flag[i]:
            print("| ","", "", "", end = "")
        # Otherwise print
        # the blank spaces
            print(" ", "", "", "", end = "")
    # Condition when the current
    # node is the root node
    if depth == 0:
    # Condition when the node is
    # the last node of
    # the exploring depth
    elif isLast:
        print("+---", x.n)
        # No more childrens turn it
        # to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = False
        print("+---", x.n)
    it = 0
    for i in x.root:
        # Recursive call for the
        # children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1, it == (len(x.root) - 1))
    flag[depth] = True
# Function to form the Tree and
# print it graphically
def formAndPrintTree():
    nv = 10
    r = tnode(0)
    n1 = tnode(1)
    n2 = tnode(2)
    n3 = tnode(3)
    n4 = tnode(4)
    n5 = tnode(5)
    n6 = tnode(6)
    n7 = tnode(7)
    n8 = tnode(8)
    n9 = tnode(9)
    # Array to keep track
    # of exploring depths
    flag = [True]*(nv)
    # Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, False)
# This code is contributed by suresh07.


// C# implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG
// Structure of the node
public class tnode
  int n;
 List<tnode> root = new List<tnode>();
  tnode(int data)
     this.n = data;
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
static void printNTree(tnode x,
                       bool[] flag,
                       int depth, bool isLast )
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == null)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (int i = 1; i < depth; ++i)
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true)
            Console.Write("| "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
            Console.Write(" "
               + " "
               + " "
               + " ");
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast)
        Console.Write("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
        Console.Write("+--- " +  x.n + '\n');
    int it = 0;
    foreach (tnode i in x.root)
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x.root.Count) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
static void formAndPrintTree()
    int nv = 10;
    tnode r = new tnode(0);
    tnode n1 = new tnode(1);
    tnode n2 = new tnode(2);
    tnode n3 = new tnode(3);
    tnode n4 = new tnode(4);
    tnode n5 = new tnode(5);
    tnode n6 = new tnode(6);
    tnode n7 = new tnode(7);
    tnode n8 = new tnode(8);
    tnode n9 = new tnode(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths  
    bool[] flag = new bool[nv];
    for(int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
        flag[i] = true;
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, false);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Function Call
// This code is contributed by aashish1995


// JavaScript implementation to print
// N-ary Tree graphically
// Structure of the node
class tnode
        this.n = data;
// Function to print the
// N-ary tree graphically
function printNTree(x,flag,depth,isLast)
    // Condition when node is None
    if (x == null)
    // Loop to print the depths of the
    // current node
    for (let i = 1; i < depth; ++i) {
        // Condition when the depth
        // is exploring
        if (flag[i] == true) {
            document.write("| "
               + "&nbsp "
               + "&nbsp "
               + "&nbsp ");
        // Otherwise print
        // the blank spaces
        else {
            document.write("&nbsp "
               + "&nbsp "
               + "&nbsp "
               + "&nbsp ");
    // Condition when the current
    // node is the root node
    if (depth == 0)
    // Condition when the node is
    // the last node of
    // the exploring depth
    else if (isLast) {
        document.write("+--- " +  x.n + '<br>');
        // No more childrens turn it
        // to the non-exploring depth
        flag[depth] = false;
    else {
        document.write("+--- " +  x.n + '<br>');
    let it = 0;
    for (let i of x.root.values()) {
        // Recursive call for the
        // children nodes
        printNTree(i, flag, depth + 1,
            it == (x.root.length) - 1);
    flag[depth] = true;
// Function to form the Tree and
// print it graphically
function formAndPrintTree()
    nv = 10;
    let r = new tnode(0);
    let n1 = new tnode(1);
    let n2 = new tnode(2);
    let n3 = new tnode(3);
    let n4 = new tnode(4);
    let n5 = new tnode(5);
    let n6 = new tnode(6);
    let n7 = new tnode(7);
    let n8 = new tnode(8);
    let n9 = new tnode(9);
    // Array to keep track
    // of exploring depths
    let flag = new Array(nv);
    for(let i=0;i<nv;i++)
    // Tree Formation
    printNTree(r, flag, 0, false);
// Driver Code
// Function Call
// This code is contributed by unknown2108


+--- 1
|    +--- 4
|    +--- 5
+--- 2
+--- 3
    +--- 6
    +--- 7
    |    +--- 9
    +--- 8

Performance Analysis: 

  • Time Complexity: In the above-given approach, there is a recursive call to explore all the vertices which takes O(V) time. Therefore, the time complexity for this approach will be O(V).
  • Auxiliary Space Complexity: In the above-given approach, there is extra space used to store the exploring depths. Therefore, the auxiliary space complexity for the above approach will be O(V)


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Calisto Chipfumbu
Calisto Chipfumbu
I have 5 years' worth of experience in the IT industry, primarily focused on Linux and Database administration. In those years, apart from learning significant technical knowledge, I also became comfortable working in a professional team and adapting to my environment, as I switched through 3 roles in that time.


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