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PHP vprintf() function

The vprintf() function in PHP is an inbuilt function which is used to display array values as a formatted string 
Display array values as a formatted string according to format it is work similar as printf() but accepts an array of arguments, in place of variables number of arguments. Returns the length of the outputted string on success.

vprintf (format, array_arguments)


  1. format: it is required parameter it specifies how will the string formatted.
    Possible format values:
    • %% – Returns a percent sign
    • %b – Binary number
    • %d – Signed decimal number (negative, zero or positive)
    • %u – Unsigned decimal number (equal to or greater than zero)
    • %x – Hexadecimal number (lowercase letters)
    • %X – Hexadecimal number (uppercase letters)
    • %f – Floating-point number (local settings aware)
    • %F – Floating-point number (not local settings aware)
    • %o – Octal number
    • %c – The character according to the ASCII value
    • %s – String
    • %e – Scientific notation using a lowercase (e.g. 1.2e+2)
    • %g – shorter of %e and %f
    • %E – Scientific notation using a uppercase (e.g. 1.2E+2)
    • %G – shorter of %E and %f
  2. array_arguments array arguments here for which need to format.

Program 1: This program will be showing uses of % b d u x X f F o formats using vprintf function. 


$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->val1 = 9;
$obj->val2 = 10;
$obj->val3 = 15;
$obj->val4 = -1;
echo "using %% format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for printing % format
vprintf('%% %% %% %%', $obj);
echo "\nusing %b format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for format %b will print equivalent 
// binary number 
vprintf('%b %b %b %b', $obj);
echo "\nusing %d format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  %d format
vprintf('%d %d %d %d', $obj);
echo "\nusing %u format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  % u (unsigned decimal) format
vprintf('%u %u %u %u', $obj);
echo "\nusing %x format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  %x  Hexadecimal number (lowercase letters) format
vprintf('%x %x %x %x', $obj);
echo "\nusing %X format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  %X  Hexadecimal number (uppercase letters) format
vprintf('%X %X %X %X', $obj);
echo "\nusing %f format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  %f  Floating-point number (local settings aware)
vprintf('%f %f %f %f', $obj);
echo "\nusing %F format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  %F Floating-point number (not local settings aware)
vprintf('%F %F %F %F', $obj);
echo "\nusing %o format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for  %o octal number
vprintf('%o %o %o %o', $obj);


using %% format: % % % %
using %b format: 1001 1010 1111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
using %d format: 9 10 15 -1
using %u format: 9 10 15 18446744073709551615
using %x format: 9 a f ffffffffffffffff
using %X format: 9 A F FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
using %f format: 9.000000 10.000000 15.000000 -1.000000
using %F format: 9.000000 10.000000 15.000000 -1.000000
using %o format: 11 12 17 1777777777777777777777


Program 2: This program will be showing uses of c and s formats using vprintf function.


$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->val1 = 65;
$obj->val2 = 66;
$obj->val3 = 97;
$obj->val4 = 98;
echo "using %c format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for printing %c format will be print 
// ASCII character 
vprintf('%c %c %c %c', $obj);
echo "\nusing %s format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for format %s will print as string 
vprintf('%s %s %s %s', $obj);


using %c format: A B a b
using %s format: 65 66 97 98


Program 3: This program will be showing uses of e g E G formats using vprintf function. 


$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->val1 = 999999999;
$obj->val2 = 145956566;
$obj->val3 = 111111111;
$obj->val4 = 100000000;
echo "using %e format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for printing %e format will be print 
// Scientific notation (lowercase) 
vprintf('%e %e %e %e', $obj);
echo"\nusing %g format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for format %g will be print
// Shorter of %e and %f
vprintf('%g %g %g %g', $obj);
echo "\nusing %E format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for format %E will print
// Scientific notation (uppercase)
vprintf('%E %E %E %E', $obj);
echo "\nusing %G format: ";
// below is using of vprintf function
// for format %G will be print
// Shorter of %E and %f
vprintf('%G %G %G %G', $obj);


using %e format: 1.000000e+9 1.459566e+8 1.111111e+8 1.000000e+8
using %g format: 1.0e+9 1.45957e+8 1.11111e+8 1.0e+8
using %E format: 1.000000E+9 1.459566E+8 1.111111E+8 1.000000E+8
using %G format: 1.0E+9 1.45957E+8 1.11111E+8 1.0E+8


Program 4: In this program, all four variable will be print respectively 10 20 30 40 space separated using vprintf function. 


$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->val1 = 'gfg 1';
$obj->val2 = 'gfg 2';
$obj->val3 = 'gfg 3';
$obj->val4 = 'gfg 4';
// below is using of vprintf function
vprintf('%-10s %-20s %-30s %-40s', $obj);


gfg 1      gfg 2                gfg 3                          gfg 4



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