The utf8_decode() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to decode a UTF-8 string to the ISO-8859-1. This function decodes back to the encoded string which is encoded with the utf8_encode() function.
string utf8_decode( string $string )
Parameter: This function accepts single parameter $string which is required. It specifies the UTF-8 encoded string to be decoded.
Return Value: This function returns a string representing the decoded string on success and false on failure.
Note: This function is available for PHP 4.0.0 and newer version.
Program 1:
<?php // String to decode $string_to_decode = "\x63" ; // Encoding string echo utf8_encode( $string_to_encode ) . "<br>" ; // Encoding string echo utf8_decode( $string_to_decode ); ?> |
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Program 2:
<?php // Creating an array of 256 elements $text = array ( "\x20" , "\x21" , "\x22" , "\x23" , "\x24" , "\x25" , "\x26" , "\x27" , "\x28" , "\x29" , "\x2a" , "\x2b" , "\x2c" , "\x2d" , "\x2e" , "\x2f" , "\x30" , "\x31" ); echo "Encoded elements:\n" ; // Encoding and decoding all elements foreach ( $text as $index ) { echo utf8_encode( $index ) . " " ; } echo "\nDecoded elements:\n" ; foreach ( $text as $index ) { echo utf8_decode( $index ) . " " ; } ?> |
Encoded elements: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 Decoded elements: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1