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PHP urlencode() Function Example

PHP urlencode() Function Example. In this tutorial, you will learn how to encode given_url in PHP using the PHP urlencode() function with examples.

PHP is a server-side scripting language widely used for web development. One of the most useful functions in PHP is the urlencode() function. This function is used to encode a string of characters into a format that is suitable for use in a URL. In this article, you will learn the urlencode() function in detail, along with some examples to help you understand how it works.

PHP urlencode() Function

The PHP urlencode() function is an important function that is used to encode a string to make it suitable for use in a URL. The function is commonly used to encode special characters, such as spaces, commas, question marks, and ampersands, which would otherwise cause problems in a URL.


The urlencode() function in PHP has a very simple syntax. It takes a single parameter, which is the string that needs to be encoded. The syntax for the function is as follows:


The urlencode() function takes a string as its parameter and returns the encoded string.

Example 1: Basic Usage

Let’s start with a simple example of encoding a string using the urlencode() function. In this example, you will encode the string “Hello, World!”.

$string = "Hello, world!";
$encoded_string = urlencode($string);

echo $encoded_string;



In this example, you have used the urlencode() function to encode the string “Hello, world!”. The encoded string is then printed using the echo statement. As you can see, the commas (,) and spaces have been replaced with %2C and + respectively.

Example 2: Encoding URLs

The urlencode() function can also be used to encode URLs. In the following example, you will encode a URL using urlencode() and then use it to create a link:

$url = " Doe&age=25";
$encoded_url = urlencode($url);

echo "<a href='$encoded_url'>Click here</a>";


Click here

In this example, you have encoded the URL “ Doe&age=25” using urlencode(). You have then used the encoded URL to create a link using the a tag. When the link is clicked, the URL will be decoded by the web browser and the original URL will be used.

Example 3: Encoding Special Characters

The urlencode() function can also be used to encode special characters, such as the ampersand (&) and the equal sign (=). In the following example, you will encode a string that contains these special characters:

$string = "Hello&world=foo";
$encoded_string = urlencode($string);

echo $encoded_string;



In this example, you have encoded a string that contains the ampersand (&) and the equal sign (=). As you can see, these special characters have been replaced with %26 and %3D respectively.

Example 4: Encoding an Array

The urlencode() function can also be used to encode an array. In this example, you will encode an array using the urlencode() function.

$data = array(
    'name' => 'John Doe',
    'email' => '[email protected]',
    'phone' => '123-456-7890'

$encoded_data = array_map('urlencode', $data);
echo http_build_query($encoded_data);



In this example, you first created an array with some data. you then used the array_map() function to apply the urlencode() function to each value in the array. Finally, you used the http_build_query() function to convert the array into a query string.


In conclusion, the urlencode() function is a very useful function in PHP that is used to encode strings for use in URLs. By using this function, you can ensure that your URLs are properly formatted and can be used by web browsers without any issues. With the help of the examples provided in this article, you should now have a better understanding of how the urlencode() function works and how to use it in your own PHP code.

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