The rewinddir() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to rewind the directory handle. The rewinddir() function opens a directory and list its files, resets the directory handle, list its files once again, then finally closes the directory handle. The directory handle sent as a parameter to the rewinddir() function and it returns Null on success or False on failure.
rewinddir ( $dir_handle )
Parameters: The rewinddir() function accepts single parameter $dir_handle. It is a mandatory parameter which specifies the handle resource previously opened by the opendir() function.
Return Value: It returns Null on success or False on failure.
Errors And Exceptions:
- If the directory handle parameter is not specified by the user then the last link opened by opendir() is assumed by the rewinddir() function.
- rewinddir() is equivalent to a closedir(), opendir() sequence, but without obtaining a new handle.
Below programs illustrate the rewinddir() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // Open a directory $dir_handle = opendir("C:/xampp/htdocs/gfg"); // Read the contents of directory while (( $file_name = readdir( $dir_handle )) !== false) { echo ("File Name: " . $file_name . "<br>"); } // Rewinding directory rewinddir ( $dir_handle ); while (( $file_Name = readdir( $dir_handle )) !== false) { echo ("File Name: " . $file_Name . "<br>"); } // Close directory closedir ( $dir_handle ); ?> |
File Name: . File Name: .. File Name: content.xlsx File Name: gfg.pdf File Name: image.jpeg File Name: . File Name: .. File Name: content.xlsx File Name: gfg.pdf File Name: image.jpeg
Program 2:
<?php // Directory path $dir_name = "C:/xampp/htdocs/gfg"; // Open directory and read the content // of directory if ( is_dir ( $dir_name )) { if ( $dir_handle = opendir( $dir_name )) { // List files in images directory while (( $file_name = readdir( $dir_handle )) !== false) { echo "File Name:" . $file_name . "<br>"; } // Rewinding the directory rewinddir (); // List once again files in images directory while (( $file_name = readdir( $dir_handle )) !== false) { echo "File Name:" . $file_name . "<br>"; } // Close the directory closedir ( $dir_handle ); } } ?> |
filename:. filename:.. filename:content.xlsx filename:gfg.pdf filename:image.jpeg filename:. filename:.. filename:content.xlsx filename:gfg.pdf filename:image.jpeg