The mb_encode_numericentity() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to convert characters in a given string to their corresponding HTML numeric entity representations.
mb_encode_numericentity( string $string, array $map, ?string $encoding = null, bool $hex = false ): string
This function accepts four parameters that are described below.
- $string: This parameter specifies the string that is to be decoded.
- $map: The code area that is to be transformed, is represented by the map, which is an array.
- hex: This parameter denotes either the entity reference will be hexadecimal notation or decimal notation.
- $encoding: The encoding parameter denotes the character encoding. If omitted or null, then the internal character encoding value will be used.
Return Value
The mb_encode_numericentity() function returns the encoded string if the function successfully executes otherwise. It will return false.
Program 1: The following program demonstrates the mb_encode_numericentity() function.
<?php $input_string = "Bonjour tout le monde! Ça va bien ?" ; // Check if the input string contains french characters if (preg_match( "/[\x{00C0}-\x{02AF}]/u" , $input_string )) { $convmap = [0x80, 0x10ffff, 0, 0x7fffffff]; // Encode characters from decimal // (hexadecimal 0x80 to 0x10FFFF) $encoded_string = mb_encode_numericentity( $input_string , $convmap , "UTF-8" , true ); } else { $encoded_string = $input_string ; } echo $encoded_string ; ?> |
Bonjour tout le monde! Ça va bien ?
Program 2: The following program demonstrates the mb_encode_numericentity() function.
<?php $input_string = "Hello, こんにちは!" ; // Encode characters from decimal 128 to 65535 $convmap = [0x80, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff]; $encoded_string = mb_encode_numericentity( $input_string , $convmap , "UTF-8" ); echo $encoded_string ; ?> |
Hello, こんにちは!