The IntlCalendar::getTimeZone() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the timezone object associated with this calendar.
- Object oriented style
IntlTimeZone IntlCalendar::getTimeZone( void )
- Procedural style
IntlTimeZone intlcal_get_time_zone( IntlCalendar $cal )
Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $cal which holds the resource of IntlCalendar object.
Return Value: This function returns an IntlTimeZone object associated with this calendar.
Below program illustrates the IntlCalendar::getTimeZone() function in PHP:
<?php // Set the date timezone ini_set ( 'date.timezone' , 'Asia/Calcutta' ); ini_set ( 'intl.default_locale' , 'en_US' ); // Create an instance of calendar $calendar = IntlCalendar::createInstance(); // Get the object of timezone print_r( $calendar ->getTimeZone()); // Create new IntlGregorianCalendar object $calendar ->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( 'Asia/Singapore' )); // Get the object of timezone print_r( $calendar ->getTimeZone()); // Set the timezone $calendar ->setTimeZone( 'GMT+05:30' ); // Get the object of timezone print_r( $calendar ->getTimeZone()); // Set the timezone $calendar ->setTimeZone(IntlTimeZone::getGMT()); // Get the object of timezone print_r( $calendar ->getTimeZone()); ?> |
IntlTimeZone Object ( [valid] => 1 [id] => Asia/Calcutta [rawOffset] => 19800000 [currentOffset] => 19800000 ) IntlTimeZone Object ( [valid] => 1 [id] => Asia/Singapore [rawOffset] => 28800000 [currentOffset] => 28800000 ) IntlTimeZone Object ( [valid] => 1 [id] => GMT+05:30 [rawOffset] => 19800000 [currentOffset] => 19800000 ) IntlTimeZone Object ( [valid] => 1 [id] => GMT [rawOffset] => 0 [currentOffset] => 0 )