The Imagick::setImageUnits() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to set the units of resolution of a particular image.
bool Imagick::setImageUnits( $units )
Parameters: This function accepts single parameter $units which is used to specify the units to be set for image.
Resolution constants: The Imagick::setImageUnits() function set the Image Units, as described below:
- imagick::RESOLUTION_UNDEFINED(integer), unit = 0
- imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERINCH(integer), unit = 1
- imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERCENTIMETER(integer), unit = 2
Return Value: This function returns True on success.
Original Image:
Below programs illustrate the Imagick::setImageUnits() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // PHP program to illustrate // seImageUnits function $image = new Imagick( // Use getImageUnits function $units = $image ->getImageUnits(); echo "units Before SetUnit = " ; print_r( $units ); // set image unit = 1 $image ->setImageUnits(1); // Display the output $units = $image ->getImageUnits(); echo "</br>units After Set = " ; print_r( $units ); ?> |
units Before SetUnit = 2 units After Set = 1
Program 2:
<?php $i = new Imagick( $r = $i ->getImageResolution(); $u = $i ->getImageUnits(); echo "print previous resolution = " ; print_r( $r ); // print units echo "</br>Check units = " ; print_r( $u ); // for units are based on below resolution //0=undefined, 1=pixelsperInch, 2=PixelsPerCentimeter // checking if units = 2 // then set unit = 1 if ( $u == Imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERCENTIMETER) { $r [x] = (int) round ( $r [x] * 2); $r [y] = (int) round ( $r [y] * 2); $i ->setImageUnits(Imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERINCH); $i ->setImageResolution( $r [x], $r [y]); //note that the number type is double again $r = $i ->getImageResolution(); } // print resolution after echo "</br>resolution after " ; print_r( $r ); $u = $i ->getImageUnits(); echo "</br>units After Set = " ; print_r( $u ); ?> |
print previous resolution = Array ( [x] => 37.8 [y] => 37.8 ) Check units = 2 resolution after Array ( [x] => 76 [y] => 76 ) units After Set = 1