The GmagickDraw::arc() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to draw an arc falling within a specified bounding rectangle on the image.
GmagickDraw GmagickDraw::arc( float $sx, float $sy, float $ex, float $ey, float $sd, float $ed )
Parameters: This function accept six parameters as mentioned above and described below:
- $sx: It specifies the starting x-ordinate of rectangle.
- $sy: It specifies the starting y-ordinate of rectangle.
- $ex: It specifies the ending x-ordinate of rectangle.
- $ey: It specifies the ending y-ordinate of rectangle.
- $sd: It specifies the starting degrees of rotation.
- $ed: It specifies the ending degrees of rotation.
Return Value: This function returns GmagickDraw object on success.
Exceptions: This function throws GmagickDrawException on error.
Below given programs illustrate the GmagickDraw::arc() function in PHP:
Used Image:
Program 1 (Drawing arc from scratch):
<?php // Create a new Gmagick object $gmagick = new Gmagick( 'neveropen.png' ); // Create a GmagickDraw object $draw = new GmagickDraw(); // Set the color $draw ->setFillColor( 'white' ); // Function to draw rectangle $draw ->rectangle(0, 0, 800, 400); // Set the fill color $draw ->setFillColor( 'white' ); // Set the stroke color $draw ->setstrokecolor( 'black' ); // Set the stroke width $draw ->setStrokeWidth(5); // Mark a arc $draw ->arc(60, -60, 460, 170, 0, 200); // Use of drawimage function $gmagick ->drawImage( $draw ); // Display the output image header( "Content-Type: image/png" ); echo $gmagick ->getImageBlob(); ?> |
Program 2 (Drawing arc on a image):
<?php // Create a new Gmagick object $gmagick = new Gmagick( 'neveropen.png' ); // Create a GmagickDraw object $draw = new GmagickDraw(); // Set the fill color $draw ->setFillColor( 'red' ); // Set the stroke color $draw ->setstrokecolor( 'green' ); // Set the stroke width $draw ->setStrokeWidth(5); // Mark a arc $draw ->arc(160, -60, 360, 170, 50, 200); // Use of drawimage function $gmagick ->drawImage( $draw ); // Display the output image header( "Content-Type: image/png" ); echo $gmagick ->getImageBlob(); ?> |