The Gmagick::getsamplingfactors() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the horizontal and vertical sampling factor. Sampling factors are used for compression of JPG. If this option is not set using setsamplingfactors() function then the default JPG sampling factors are used.
array Gmagick::getsamplingfactors( void )
Parameters:This function doesn’t accept any parameter.
Return Value: This function returns an associative array containing the values of sampling factors.
Exceptions: This function throws GmagickException on error.
Below given programs illustrate the Gmagick::getsamplingfactors() function in PHP:
Program 1:
<?php // Create a new Gmagick object $gmagick = new Gmagick( 'neveropen.png' ); // Get the image sampling factors $res = $gmagick ->getsamplingfactors(); print ( "<pre>" .print_r( $res , true). "</pre>" ); ?> |
Array // which is the default empty array ( )
Program 2:
<?php // Create a new Gmagick object $gmagick = new Gmagick( 'neveropen.png' ); // Set the image sampling factors $gmagick ->setsamplingfactors( array (3, 4, 5)); // Get the image sampling factors $res = $gmagick ->getsamplingfactors(); print ( "<pre>" .print_r( $res , true). "</pre>" ); ?> |
Array ( [0] => 3 [1] => 4 [2] => 5 )