A deque data structure is used to store the sequence of values in a contiguous memory buffer which grows and shrinks automatically. The deque is the abbreviation of “double-ended queue”.
Requirements: PHP 7 is required for both extension and the compatibility polyfill.
Installation: The easiest way to install data structure by using the PECL extension.
pecl install ds
public Ds\Deque:: function()
Example: Below programs illustrate the Ds\Deque::get() fon in PHP:
<?php // Declare a deque $deck = new \Ds\Deque([10, 20, 3, 40, 50, 6]); echo ( "Elements in the Deque\n" ); // Display the Deque elements print_r( $deck ); echo ( "\nElement at index 2 in the deque: " ); // Use get() function to find the index value var_dump( $deck ->get(2)); ?> |
Elements in the Deque Ds\Deque Object ( [0] => 10 [1] => 20 [2] => 3 [3] => 40 [4] => 50 [5] => 6 ) Element at index 2 in the deque: int(3)
The complete list of Ds\Deque functions are given below:
Functions |
Description |
allocate() | This is used to allocate memory as specified in the argument. |
apply() | Update the values of Deque by performing operations as defined by the callback function. |
capacity() | Get the current capacity of the Deque. |
clear() | Clear the Deque by removing all elements from the Deque. |
__construct() | It is used to create a new instance. |
copy() | Return a shallow copy of the Deque. |
count() | Get the number of elements in the Deque. |
filter() | Filter out the elements from the deque based on the operation defined in the callback function. |
find() | Find the index of the element in the Deque if element found in the Deque. |
first() | Returns the first value in the Deque if Deque is not empty. |
get() | Return the value at the given index. |
insert() | Insert the value at the given index in the Deque. |
isEmpty() | Check the Deque is empty or not. |
join() | Join all values in the Deque as a string. |
last() | Return the last element of Deque if Deque is not empty. |
map() | Returns the result of applying a callback to each value |
merge() | Returns the result of adding all given values to the deque. |
pop() | Remove the last element from Deque (if Deque is not empty) and return it. |
push() | Add the elements to the Deque by appending an element at the end of the Deque. |
remove() | Remove and return the index value. |
reverse() | Reverse the elements in the Deque in place. |
reversed() | Return the copy of Deque which contains the elements in reversed order. |
rotate() | Rotate the elements of Deque by the given number of rotations. |
set() | Set the value at the given index in the Deque. |
shift() | Remove and return the first value of deque. |
slice() | Return a sub-Deque which contains elements of the Deque within the index range. |
sort() | Sort the Deque in place by arranging the elements in increasing order. |
sorted() | Return a copy of Deque which contains the element in the original Deque in increasing order. |
sum() | Return the sum of all elements present in the Deque. |
toArray() | The elements of the array will be in the same order as they are in Deque. |
unshift() | It is used to add the value in front of the deque. |