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PHP | DOMElement removeAttributeNS() Function

The DOMElement::removeAttributeNS() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to remove the attribute with a specific local name in a specific namespace from the element.


bool DOMElement::removeAttributeNS( string $namespaceURI, string $localName )

Parameters: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:

  • $namespaceURI: It specifies the namespace URI.
  • $localName: It specifies the local name.

Return Value: This function returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Exceptions: This function throws DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR when the node is read-only.

Below examples illustrate the DOMElement::removeAttributeNS() function in PHP:

Example 1:

// Create a new DOMDocument
$dom = new DOMDocument();
// Load the XML
$dom->loadXML("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
    <html xmlns:x=\"my_namespace\">
        <x:h1 x:id=\"my_id\"> Geeksforneveropen </x:h1>
        <x:h2> Second heading </x:h2>
    <html xmlns:y=\"another_namespace\">
        <y:h1 id=\"my_new_id\"> Random text </y:h1>
        <y:h2> Another heading </y:h2>
// Get the elements
$nodes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('h1');
echo "Before the removal of attributes: <br>";
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    // Get the attribute name and value
    $attribute = $node->attributes->item(0);
    $attribute_name = $attribute->name;
    $attribute_value = $attribute->value;
    echo $attribute_name . ' => ';
    echo $attribute_value . '<br>';
    // Remove the id attribute
    $node->removeAttributeNS('my_namespace', 'id');
echo "<br>After the removal of attributes: <br>";
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
    // Get the attribute name and value
    $attribute = $node->attributes->item(0);
    $attribute_name = $attribute->name;
    $attribute_value = $attribute->value;
    echo $attribute_name . ' => ';
    echo $attribute_value . '<br>';


Before the removal of attributes:
id => my_id
id => my_new_id

After the removal of attributes:
=>  // Empty string means attribute is removed
id => my_new_id 

Example 2:

// Create a new DOMDocument
$dom = new DOMDocument();
// Load the XML
$dom->loadXML("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
    <html xmlns:x=\"my_namespace\">
        <x:h1 x:id=\"my_id\"> 
        <x:h2> Second heading </x:h2>
    <html xmlns:y=\"another_namespace\">
        <y:h1 y:id=\"my_new_id\" 
         y:style=\"color: blue;\">
         Random text 
        <y:h2> Another heading </y:h2>
// Get the elements
$node = $dom->getElementsByTagName('h1')[1];
echo "Before the removal of attributes: <br>";
// Get the attribute count
$attributeCount = $node->attributes->count();
echo 'No of attributes => ' . $attributeCount;
// Remove the id attribute
$node->removeAttributeNS('another_namespace', 'id');
echo "<br>After the removal of attributes: <br>";
// Get the attribute count
$attributeCount = $node->attributes->count();
echo 'No of attributes => ' . $attributeCount;


Before the removal of attributes:
No of attributes => 2
After the removal of attributes:
No of attributes => 1



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