The DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to search for all elements with given tag name in specified namespace.
DOMNodeList DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS( string $namespaceURI, string $localName )
Parameters: This function accepts two parameters as mentioned above and described below:
- $namespaceURI: It specifies the namespace URI of the elements to match on and * matches all namespaces.
- $localName : It specifies the local name of the elements to match on and * matches all local names.
Return Value: This function returns a DOMNodeList of all elements with a given local name and a namespace URI.
Below given programs illustrate the DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS() function in PHP:
Program 1: In this example, we will get localname and prefix of elements with a specific namespace.
<?php // Create an XML $xml = <<<EOD <?xml version= "1.0" ?> <!-- this is the namespace --> <chapter xmlns:xi= "my_namespace" > <title>Books of the other guy..</title> <para> <xi: include > <xi:fallback> </xi:fallback> </xi: include > </para> </chapter> EOD; $dom = new DOMDocument; // Load the XML string defined above $dom ->loadXML( $xml ); // Use getElementsByTagName to get // the elements from xml foreach ( $dom ->getElementsByTagNameNS( 'my_namespace' , '*' ) as $element ) { echo '<b>Local name:</b> ' , $element ->localName, ', <b>Prefix: </b>' , $element ->prefix, "<br>" ; } ?> |
Local name: include, Prefix: xi Local name: fallback, Prefix: xi
Program 2: In this example, we will get the number of elements of a certain namespace.
<?php // Create an XML $xml = <<<EOD <?xml version= "1.0" ?> <!-- this is the namespace --> <chapter xmlns:xi= "my_namespace" > <title>Books of the other guy..</title> <para> <xi: include > <!-- 1st --> <xi:fallback> <!-- 2nd --> </xi:fallback> </xi: include > <xi: include > <!-- 3rd --> <xi:fallback> <!-- 4th --> </xi:fallback> </xi: include > </para> </chapter> EOD; $dom = new DOMDocument(); // Load the XML string defined above $dom ->loadXML( $xml ); // It will count all occurrence of // xi inside my_namespace $elements = $dom ->getElementsByTagNameNS( 'my_namespace' , '*' ); print_r( $elements ->length); ?> |