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PHP Convert Array to Comma Separated String

Convert array to comma-separated string in PHP; Through this tutorial, you will learn how to convert array to comma-separated string in PHP

basically, in PHP you use implode function to convert the array into comma separated string. And with implode function convert one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and multidimensional arrays to comma separated strings. In this tutorial, you will learn how to convert an array to comma separated string using implode function.

To convert an array into a comma-separated string. This is a relatively simple task, but it can be confusing for beginners who are not familiar with the various functions and techniques that are available in PHP.

How to Convert Array to Comma Separated String in PHP

Here, you will explore the various methods of converting an array to a comma-separated string in PHP.

  • Method 1: Using implode() Function
  • Method 2: Using foreach Loop
  • Method 3: Using array_reduce() Function

Method 1: Using implode() Function

The implode() function is a built-in PHP function that can be used to join the elements of an array into a string using a specified delimiter. To convert an array to a comma-separated string, you can use the implode() function with the comma (,) or quotes as the delimiter.

Syntax of using the PHP implode method

The basic syntax of the implode function is:


Parameters of implode function:

Parameter Description
separator Optional. Specifies what to put between the array elements. Default is “” (an empty string)
array Required. The array to join to a string

Examples – Convert an Array to String in PHP using implode function

Let’s see the following examples to convert one dimensional, two dimensional and multidimensional array to comma separated string in PHP:

  • Example 1: PHP Array to String Conversion
  • Example 2: PHP Array to Comma Separated String
  • Example 3: PHP Two Dimensional Array Convert to Comma Separated String
  • Example 4: PHP Implode – Multidimensional Array to Comma Separated String
Example 1: PHP Array to String Conversion

Let’s take an example for index array convert to string in PHP:


$array = array("PHP","PYTHON","JAVA");
$string =implode(" ", $array);
echo "The returned string after implod: <br><strong>".$string ."</strong>";

Example 2: PHP Array to Comma Separated String

Let’s take new example with an array, here you will convert array to a comma-separated string.


$array = array("PHP","PYTHON","JAVA");
$string =implode(",", $array);
echo "The returned string after implode with comma: <br><strong>".$string ."</strong>";

Example 3: PHP Two Dimensional Array Convert to Comma Separated String

Now will take the example of a two-dimensional array. In this example, you will convert two-dimensional array to comma separate string.

     // Two Dimensional array
	$array = array (
	  array ('01','03','02','15'),
	  array ('05','04','06','10'),
	  array ('07','09','08','11'),
	  array ('12','14','13','16')

	$tmpArr = array();
	foreach ($array as $sub) {
	  $tmpArr[] = implode(',', $sub);
	$result = implode(',', $tmpArr);

	echo $result;
Example 4: PHP Implode – Multidimensional Array to Comma Separated String

Here you will learn how you can convert multidimensional array to comma separated string.


$multi_dimensional_array = array(
'Name' => 'PHP',
'Email' => '[email protected]'
'Name' => 'Java',
'Email' => '[email protected]'

echo implode(', ', array_map(function ($string) {
return $string['Name'];
}, $multi_dimensional_array));


Method 2: Using foreach Loop

Another method to convert an array into a comma-separated string is by using the foreach loop. This method is useful if you want to modify the array elements before joining them into a string. To convert an array into a comma-separated string using the foreach loop.

$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi");
$fruits_string = "";
foreach($fruits as $fruit){
   $fruits_string .= $fruit . ",";
$fruits_string = rtrim($fruits_string, ",");
echo $fruits_string;



In the example above, you use a foreach loop to iterate through each element of the array, concatenate it with a comma, and append it to the $fruits_string variable. You use the rtrim() function to remove the trailing comma from the string.

Method 3: Using array_reduce() Function

The array_reduce() function is another built-in PHP function that can be used to reduce an array to a single value by applying a callback function to each element of the array. You can use the array_reduce() function to concatenate the elements of the array with a comma.

$fruits = array("apple", "banana", "orange", "kiwi");
$fruits_string = array_reduce($fruits, function($carry, $item){
   return $carry . $item . ",";
$fruits_string = rtrim($fruits_string, ",");
echo $fruits_string;



In the example above, you use the array_reduce() function with a callback function that concatenates each element of the array with a comma. The first parameter of the callback function is the carry variable that stores the result of the previous iteration, and the second parameter is the current item of the array.


In this article, you have learned the various methods of converting an array into a comma-separated string in PHP. The most common method is using the implode() function, but you can also use the foreach loop or the array_reduce() function to achieve the same result. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the method that best suits your needs. With these techniques, you can easily convert arrays into comma-separated strings and use them in your PHP convert json array to comma separated string phpb applications.

Converting an array to a comma-separated string is a common task in PHP, and there are several methods to accomplish this. The most commonly used methods are the implode() function, a loop, and the array_reduce() function. By using any of these methods, you can easily convert an array to a comma-separated string and use it in your PHP applications.

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