Pre-Requisite: People Metrics in Software Engineering
People Metrics and Process Metrics, both plays important role in software development. People Metrics helps in quantifying the useful attributes whereas Process Metrics creates the body of the software. We are going to deal with both Metrics in detail. Let’s proceed with People Metrics first.
People Metrics
People metrics play an important role in software project management. These are also called personnel metrics. Some authors view resource metrics to include personnel metrics, software metrics, and hardware metrics but most of the authors mainly view resource metrics to consist of personnel metrics only. In the present context, we also assume resource metrics to include mainly personnel metrics.
People metrics quantify useful attributes of those generating the products using the available processes, methods, and tools. These metrics tell you about the attributes like turnover rates, productivity, and absenteeism.
The goal of the people metrics is to keep staff happy, motivated and focused on the task at hand. These metrics are as:
Programming Experience Metrics
- Programming language experience
- Development methods experience
- Management experience
Communication Level Metrics
- Teamwork experience
- Communication hardware software level.
- Personal availability.
Productivity Metrics
- Size productivity
- Productivity statistics
- Quality vs. Productivity
Team Structure Metrics
- Hierarchy metrics.
- Team stability metrics
People metrics are very helpful in assisting the appropriate allocation of resources amongst various software project activities.
For more, refer to Most Important People Metrics.
Process Metrics
Process Metrics are the measures of the development process that creates a body of software. A common example of a process metric is the length of time that the process of software creation tasks.
Based on the assumption that the quality of the product is a direct function of the process, process metrics can be used to estimate, monitor, and improve the reliability and quality of software. ISO- 9000 certification, or “Quality Management Standards“, is the generic reference for a family of standards developed by the International Standard Organization (ISO).
Often, Process Metrics are tools of management in their attempt to gain insight into the creation of a product that is intangible. Since the software is abstract, there is no visible, traceable artifact from software projects. Objectively tracking progress becomes extremely difficult. Management is interested in measuring progress and productivity and being able to make predictions concerning both.
Process metrics are often collected as part of a model of software development. Models such as Boehm’s COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) make cost estimations for software projects. The boat’s COPMO makes predictions about the need for additional effort on large projects.
Although valuable management tools, process metrics are not directly relevant to program understanding. They are more useful in measuring and predicting such things as resource usage and schedule.
Types of Process Metrics
- Static Process Metrics: Static Process Metrics are directly related to the defined process. For example, the number of types of roles, types of artifacts, etc.
- Dynamic Process Metrics: Dynamic Process Metrics are simply related to the properties of process performance. For example, how many activities are performed, how many artifacts are created, etc.)
- Process Evolution Metrics: Process Evolution Metrics are related to the process of making changes over a period of time. For example, how many iterations are there within the process)
Questions for Practice
1. Size and Complexity are a part of [UGC-NET 2022]
(A) People Metrics
(B) Project Metrics
(C) Process Metrics
(D) Product Metrics
Solution: Correct Answer is (D).
2. Which one of the following sets of attributes should not be encompassed by effective software metrics? [UGC-NET 2014]
(A) Simple and computable
(B) Consistent and objective
(C) Consistent in the use of units and dimensions
(D) Programming language dependent
Solution: Correct Answer is (D).
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the three main characteristics of Process Metrics?
The three main characteristics of Process Metrics are:
- Static Process Metrics
- Dynamic Process Metrics
- Process Evolution Metrics
2. What is an example of Process Metrics?
The main example of Process Metrics is the time taken by the process in the creation of the software tasks.
3. Why are People Metrics Important?
People Metrics help in reviewing and analyzing important data about work.