Create color and store it into variables of color datatype. The parameters of color are RGB or HSB value depending on the current colorMode() function.
Function |
Description |
alpha() | It is used to extract the alpha value from a color or pixel array. |
blue() | It is used to extract the blue value from a color or pixel array. |
brightness() | It is used to extract the HSB brightness value from a color or pixel array. |
color() | It creates color and store it into variables. |
green() | It is used to extract the green value from a color or pixel array. |
hue() | It is used to extract the HSB and HSL hue value from a color or pixel array. |
lerpColor() | It is used to interpolate two colors to find a third color between them. |
lightness() | It is used to extract the HSL lightness value from a color or pixel array. |
red() | It is used to extract the red value from a color or pixel array. |
saturation() | It is used to extract the HSL and HSB saturation value from a color or pixel array. |
background() | It sets the color used for the background of the p5.js canvas. |
clear() | It is used to clear the pixels within a buffer. |
fill() | It is used to fill the color of the shapes. |
noFill() | It is used to disable the filling geometry. |
noStroke() | It removes the outline which is used to draw lines and borders around shapes. |
stroke() | It is used to draw the lines and border around the text and shapes. |
erase() | It subtracts all the drawings that would be done after the use of this function. |
noErase() | It is used to cancel the effects of the erase() function. |