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HomeMobileJailbreakP0sixninja says he’s discovered exploits for next jailbreak

P0sixninja says he’s discovered exploits for next jailbreak

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This is kind of interesting. Well-known iOS hacker and (former?) Chronic Dev Team member p0sixninja says that he has discovered enough exploits in iOS 6 to build a new jailbreak. The previous one, as most of you know, was recently shut down by Apple.

But it appears that p0sixninja has discovered some vulnerabilities that were not patched by the company’s security team in the latest iOS update, as he tweeted out earlier tonight: “Well, so far it looks like the next jailbreak might be created entirely by me…”

Here’s the tweet:

But don’t worry, p0sixninja says that the evad3rs haven’t gone anywhere. He’s just discovered the exploits on his own.

Of course, it’s worth mentioning that p0sixninja hasn’t demonstrated that he has a working jailbreak yet. And if he has one, there’s no telling when or if he will release it. iOS 6.1.3 just came out, and the next expected big release is iOS 7, which is still several months away.

Planetbeing, of the evad3rs, has also stated that his team has iOS exploits in reserve. But obviously, with Apple’s history of patching them up once they’ve been shown, the smart move is to wait until iOS 7 is released to the public, which could be as late as October.

Still, between p0sixninja’s findings and the evad3rs’ work, the future for jailbreaking has never looked brighter. And that’s great news, considering how bleak things looked earlier this year. Until pod2g and team stepped up, we didn’t know if we’d ever see iOS 6 jailbroken.

Now it seems like, barring any major security advances by Apple, we’re set for the next few iOS releases.

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