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HomeLanguagesOutput of Python Program – Dictionary (set 25)

Output of Python Program – Dictionary (set 25)

Prerequisite: Dictionaries in Python
These question sets will make you conversant with Dictionary Concepts in Python programming language.


Question 1: Which of the following is true about Python dictionaries?

A. Items are accessed by their position in a dictionary.

B. All the keys in a dictionary must be of the same type.

C. Dictionaries are mutable.

D. A dictionary can contain any object type except another dictionary.

Answer: C

Explanation: It means that you can change their content without changing their identity.

Question 2: Suppose we have a dictionary defined as :


Python = {'Geeks': 100, 'For': 200, 'Geeks': 300}
Python ['For':'Geeks']

What is the result of this statement:


Python ['For':'Geeks']

A. [200, 300]

B. (200, 300)

C. It raises an exception.

D. 200 300

Answer: C

Explanation: Dictionaries are accessed by key, not by the position of the items. It doesn’t make sense to slice a dictionary.

Question 3: Which of the following could not be a valid dictionary key:

A. len

B. (5+7j)

C. (‘Geeks’,’For’)

D. [‘Geeks’,’For’]

Answer: D

Explanation: A list is a mutable data structure so it cannot be used as a key as it raises the risk of modification and thus, aren’t hashable.

Question 4. Suppose you have the following dictionary defined as- 


Python = {'Geeks': 100, 'For': 200, 'Geeks': 300}

What method call will delete the entry whose value is 100?

A. push()

B. pop()

C. append()

D. extend()

Answer: B

Explanation: The pop() is an inbuilt function in Python that removes the item from the dictionary provided the key as a parameter.

Question 5. Suppose you have a dictionary d1. Which of the following effectively creates a variable d2 which contains a copy of d1?

A. d2 = dict(d1.keys())

B. d2 = dict(d1.values())

C. d2 = d1

D. d2 = dict(d1.items())

Answer: D

Explanation: The d1 dictionary can be passed directly as an argument to dict() to create a new dictionary.

Question 6. What will be the output of the following code snippet?


for i,j in y.items():
    print(i,j,end=" ")

A. Geeks For Geeks

B. 16 Geeks 25 For  32 Geeks

C. 16 25 32

D. 16 :”Geeks” 25:”For” 32:”Geeks”

Answer: B

Explanation: Python’s print() function comes with a parameter called ‘end’. By default, the value of this parameter is ‘\n’, i.e. the new line character. You can end a print statement with any character/string using this parameter.

Question 7. What is the correct command to shuffle the following list?


d = {"Albert":70, "Suzan":85}

A. 85

B. “Albert”

C. 70

D. “Suzan”

Answer: C

Explanation: A key can be used to access the value in a dictionary.

Question 8. Which statement defined below can create a dictionary?

A. d = {“Computer”:100, “Programming”:95}

B. d = {100:” Computer”, 95:”Programming”}

C. d = { }

D. All the above.

Answer: D

Explanation: Since there are multiple methods to define dictionary ,all of which are defined above.

Question 9. Which of the following statements can be used for declaration of the dictionary?

A. {23: ‘Geeks’, 26: ‘ForGeeks’}

B. dict([[23,”Geeks”],[26,”ForGeeks”]])

C. {23,”Geeks”,26”ForGeeks”}

D. All the above

Answer: A

Explanation: Because a dictionary has a key and a value which should be defined as {key: value}

Question10.  Let us assume d = {“Nobita”:70, “Doremon”:65} . Which command you will use to delete the entry for “Nobita”:

A. d.delete(“Nobita”:70)

B. d.delete(“Nobita”)

C. del d[“Nobita”]

D. del d(“Nobita”:70)

Answer: C

Explanation: The del keyword is used to delete objects. In Python everything is an object, so the del keyword can also be used to delete variables, lists, or parts of a list etc.


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