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Operator Functions in Python | Set 2

Operator Functions in Python | Set 1

More functions are discussed in this article.

1. setitem(ob, pos, val) :- This function is used to assign the value at a particular position in the container. 
Operation – ob[pos] = val

2. delitem(ob, pos) :- This function is used to delete the value at a particular position in the container. 
Operation – del ob[pos]

3. getitem(ob, pos) :- This function is used to access the value at a particular position in the container. 
Operation – ob[pos]


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# setitem(), delitem() and getitem()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing list
li = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8]
# printing original list 
print ("The original list is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print (li[i],end=" ")
print ("\r")
# using setitem() to assign 3 at 4th position
# printing modified list after setitem()
print ("The modified list after setitem() is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print (li[i],end=" ")
print ("\r")
# using delitem() to delete value at 2nd index
# printing modified list after delitem()
print ("The modified list after delitem() is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print (li[i],end=" ")
print ("\r")
# using getitem() to access 4th element
print ("The 4th element of list is : ",end="")
print (operator.getitem(li,3))


The original list is : 1 5 6 7 8 
The modified list after setitem() is : 1 5 6 3 8 
The modified list after delitem() is : 1 6 3 8 
The 4th element of list is : 8

4. setitem(ob, slice(a,b), vals) :- This function is used to set the values in a particular range in the container. 
Operation – obj[a:b] = vals

5. delitem(ob, slice(a,b)) :- This function is used to delete the values from a particular range in the container. 
Operation – del obj[a:b]

6. getitem(ob, slice(a,b)) :- This function is used to access the values in a particular range in the container. 
Operation – obj[a:b]


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# setitem(), delitem() and getitem()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing list
li = [1, 5, 6, 7, 8]
# printing original list 
print ("The original list is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print (li[i],end=" ")
print ("\r")
# using setitem() to assign 2,3,4 at 2nd,3rd and 4th index
# printing modified list after setitem()
print ("The modified list after setitem() is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print (li[i],end=" ")
print ("\r")
# using delitem() to delete value at 3rd and 4th index
# printing modified list after delitem()
print ("The modified list after delitem() is : ",end="")
for i in range(0,len(li)):
    print (li[i],end=" ")
print ("\r")
# using getitem() to access 1st and 2nd element
print ("The 1st and 2nd element of list is : ",end="")
print (operator.getitem(li,slice(0,2)))


The original list is : 1 5 6 7 8 
The modified list after setitem() is : 1 2 3 4 8 
The modified list after delitem() is : 1 2 8 
The 1st and 2nd element of list is : [1, 2]

7. concat(obj1,obj2) :- This function is used to concatenate two containers. 
Operation – obj1 + obj2

8. contains(obj1,obj2) :- This function is used to check if obj2 in present in obj1
Operation – obj2 in obj1


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# concat() and contains()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing string 1
s1 = "Lazyroarfor"
# Initializing string 2
s2 = "Lazyroar"
# using concat() to concatenate two strings
print ("The concatenated string is : ",end="")
print (operator.concat(s1,s2))
# using contains() to check if s1 contains s2
if (operator.contains(s1,s2)):
       print ("Lazyroarfor contains Lazyroar")
else : print ("Lazyroarfor does not contain Lazyroar")


The concatenated string is : neveropen
Lazyroarfor contains Lazyroar

 9. and_(a,b) :- This function is used to compute bitwise and of the mentioned arguments. 
Operation – a & b

10. or_(a,b) :- This function is used to compute bitwise or of the mentioned arguments. 
Operation – a | b

11. xor(a,b) :- This function is used to compute bitwise xor of the mentioned arguments. 
Operation – a ^ b

12. invert(a) :- This function is used to compute bitwise inversion of the mentioned argument. 
Operation – ~ a


# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# and_(), or_(), xor(), invert()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing a and b
a = 1
b = 0
# using and_() to display bitwise and operation
print ("The bitwise and of a and b is : ",end="")
print (operator.and_(a,b))
# using or_() to display bitwise or operation
print ("The bitwise or of a and b is : ",end="")
print (operator.or_(a,b))
# using xor() to display bitwise exclusive or operation
print ("The bitwise xor of a and b is : ",end="")
print (operator.xor(a,b))
# using invert() to invert value of a
# printing modified value
print ("The inverted value of a is : ",end="")
print (operator.invert(a))


The bitwise and of a and b is : 0
The bitwise or of a and b is : 1
The bitwise xor of a and b is : 1
The inverted value of a is : -2

This article is contributed by Manjeet Singh. If you like Lazyroar and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the Lazyroar main page and help other Geeks.
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