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HomeLanguagesPythonNumpy recarray.fill() function | Python

Numpy recarray.fill() function | Python

In numpy, arrays may have a data-types containing fields, analogous to columns in a spreadsheet. An example is [(a, int), (b, float)], where each entry in the array is a pair of (int, float). Normally, these attributes are accessed using dictionary lookups such as arr['a'] and arr['b']. Record arrays allow the fields to be accessed as members of the array, using arr.a and arr.b.

numpy.recarray.fill() function fill the record array with a scalar value.

Syntax : numpy.recarray.fill(value)

value : [scalar] All elements of array will be assigned this value.

Return : Output array filled with value.

Code #1 :

# Python program explaining
# numpy.recarray.fill() method 
# importing numpy as geek
import numpy as geek
# creating input array with 2 different field 
in_arr = geek.array([(5.0, 2), (3.0, -4), (6.0, 9),],
                     dtype =[('a', float), ('b', int)])
print ("Input array : ", in_arr)
# convert it to a record array,
# using arr.view(np.recarray)
rec_arr = in_arr.view(geek.recarray)
print("Record array of float: ", rec_arr.a)
print("Record array of int: ", rec_arr.b)
# applying recarray.fill methods
# to float record array 
print ("Output filled array : ", rec_arr.a) 
# applying recarray.fill methods 
# to int record array 
print ("Output filled array : ", rec_arr.b) 


Input array :  [(5.,  2) (3., -4) (6.,  9)]
Record array of float:  [5. 3. 6.]
Record array of int:  [ 2 -4  9]
Output filled array :  [5. 5. 5.]
Output filled array :  [0 0 0]


Code #2 :

We are applying numpy.recarray.fill() to whole record array.

# Python program explaining
# numpy.recarray.fill() method 
# importing numpy as geek
import numpy as geek
# creating input array with 2 different field 
in_arr = geek.array([[(5.0, 2), (3.0, 4), (6.0, -7)],
                     [(9.0, 1), (6.0, 4), (-2.0, -7)]],
                     dtype =[('a', float), ('b', int)])
print ("Input array : ", in_arr)
# convert it to a record array, 
# using arr.view(np.recarray)
rec_arr = in_arr.view(geek.recarray)
# applying recarray.fill methods to  record array
print ("Output filled array : ", rec_arr)


Input array :  [[( 5.,  2) ( 3.,  4) ( 6., -7)]
 [( 9.,  1) ( 6.,  4) (-2., -7)]]
Output filled array :  [[(0., 0) (0., 0) (0., 0)]
 [(0., 0) (0., 0) (0., 0)]]

Thapelo Manthata
I’m a desktop support specialist transitioning into a SharePoint developer role by day and Software Engineering student by night. My superpowers include customer service, coding, the Microsoft office 365 suite including SharePoint and power platform.


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