In Python, numpy.ldexp(arr1, arr2[, out]) function returns arr1 * (2**arr2), element-wise. This is also called as inverse of numpy.frexp() function.
Syntax: numpy.ldexp()
arr1: [array_like] Array of multipliers.
arr2: [array_like, int] Array of twos exponents.
out: [ndarray, optional] Output array for the result.
Returns: [ndarray, scalar] Return the result of arr1 * (2**arr2). This is a scalar if both arr1 and arr2 are scalars.
Code #1:
# Python program explaining # numpy.ldexp() method # importing numpy import numpy as geek # ldexp() Function on + ve nd -ve Numbers print (geek.ldexp( 6 , geek.arange( 4 ))) print (geek.ldexp( - 8 , geek.arange( 4 ))) # ldexp() Function on fractional Number print (geek.ldexp( 5.2 , geek.arange( 3 ))) print (geek.ldexp( - 3.2 , geek.arange( 3 ))) |
[ 6. 12. 24. 48.] [ -8. -16. -32. -64.] [ 5.2 10.4 20.8] [ -3.2 -6.4 -12.8]
Code #2: Complex data-types are not supported, they will raise a TypeError.
# Python program explaining # numpy.ldexp() method # importing numpy import numpy as geek # ldexp() Function on complex dtypes print (geek.ldexp( - 5 + 9J , geek.arange( 4 ))) |
TypeError: ufunc 'ldexp' not supported for the input types