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HomeLanguagesnumpy.conj() in Python

numpy.conj() in Python

The numpy.conj() function helps the user to conjugate any complex number.

The conjugate of a complex number is obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part. If the complex number is 2+5j then its conjugate is 2-5j.

Syntax:numpy.conj(x[, out] = ufunc ‘conjugate’)
Parameters :
x [array_like]: Input value.
out [ndarray, optional] : Output array with same dimensions as Input array, placed with result.

Return :
x : ndarray. The complex conjugate of x, with same dtype as y.

Code #1 :

# Python3 code demonstrate conj() function
#importing numpy
import numpy as np
in_complx1 = 2+4j
out_complx1 = np.conj(in_complx1)
print ("Output conjugated complex number of  2+4j : ", out_complx1)
in_complx2 =5-8j
out_complx2 = np.conj(in_complx2)
print ("Output conjugated complex number of 5-8j: ", out_complx2)

Output :

Output conjugated complex number of  2+4j :  (2-4j)
Output conjugated complex number of 5-8j:  (5+8j)

Code #2 :

# Python3 code demonstrate conj() function
# importing numpy
import numpy as np
in_array = np.eye(2) + 3j * np.eye(2)
print ("Input array : ", in_array)
out_array = np.conjugate(in_array)
print ("Output conjugated array : ", out_array)

Output :

Input array :  [[ 1.+3.j  0.+0.j]
 [ 0.+0.j  1.+3.j]]
Output conjugated array :  [[ 1.-3.j  0.-0.j]
 [ 0.-0.j  1.-3.j]]

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