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HomeLanguagesPythonNseTools – Getting Adhoc Margin of Company

NseTools – Getting Adhoc Margin of Company

In this article, we will see how we can get the adhoc margin of given company using nsetools. Nsetools is a library for collecting real time data from National Stock Exchange of India. A stock quote is the price of a stock as quoted on an exchange. A basic quote for a specific stock provides information, such as its bid and ask price, last traded price, and volume traded. Adhoc margin collected by the Stock Exchange from the members having unduly large outstanding position or the margin levied on volatile scripts based on adhoc basis keeping in view the risk perspective.

Steps to get the Stock Quote 
1. Import the Nse from nsetools 
2. Create a Nse object 
3. From the Nse object get the stock quote with the help of get_quote method with the NSE Stock code of the company 
4. Get the adhoc margin from the quote with the help of ‘adhocMargin’ key 
5. Print the adhoc margin value 

Below is the implementation  


# importing nse from nse tools
from nsetools import Nse
# creating a Nse object
nse = Nse()
# nse stock code for wipro
code = "wipro"
# getting stock quote
quote = nse.get_quote(code)
# getting adhoc margin
value = quote['adhocMargin']
# printing adhoc margin
print("Adhoc Margin  : " + str(value))

Output : 

Adhoc Margin  : None

Another example  


# importing nse from nse tools
from nsetools import Nse
# creating a Nse object
nse = Nse()
# nse stock code for sbi
code = "sbin"
# getting stock quote
quote = nse.get_quote(code)
# getting adhoc margin
value = quote['adhocMargin']
# printing adhoc margin
print("Adhoc Margin  : " + str(value))

Output : 

Adhoc Margin  : 13.02


Ted Musemwa
As a software developer I’m interested in the intersection of computational thinking and design thinking when solving human problems. As a professional I am guided by the principles of experiential learning; experience, reflect, conceptualise and experiment.


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