In a previous piece, we discussed decrypting iPhone and iPad apps, what it entails, why you might want to do it, and the dos and don’ts of doing it. We also showed you how to do it with a specific type of app.
Now that we have TrollStore 2, we thought our readers might be interested in a new TrollStore 2-based .ipa file decryption app that supports the latest TrollStore-compatible firmware called TrollDecrypt by iOS developer donato-fiore.
TrollDecrypt works very similarly to that of the AppsDump app we showed you in our original piece, except that it offers a slightly refined user interface and is more widely available from a GitHub repository as opposed to some random Google Drive link.
The app is extremely user friendly in that it doesn’t require any legwork from the end user to find an app’s PID. Instead, the app shows a list of installed apps that you can choose an app from and then effortlessly decrypt it.
The app is effectively just a graphical user interface (GUI) for existing command line-based tools. The developer credits wh1te4ever, Stefan Esser, and BishopFox for creating the tools that make the GUI fully functional.
The decrypted .ipa file is then deposited into the /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application folder, but you don’t even need to navigate there because a Folder button at the top-left of the TrollDecrypt app reveals a full list of decrypted .ipa files on your device at the tap of a button.
What’s more is that you can simply tap on a decrypted app from this list to reveal a share sheet, which makes it easy to either wirelessly AirDrop the file to your computer to inject tweaks and modifications into it later on with Sideloadly, or to instantly perma-sign it on-device with TrollStore, among other things.
We feel obligated to reiterate that while decrypting apps is perfectly fine to do, what you do with that file afterward can land you in some trouble. It’s important never to share decrypted apps, as that would be a form of piracy. Anything that you do with decrypted apps must be for personal use only. Follow this basic rule, and you’ll be good.
Those interested in checking out the TrollDecrypt app can visit the project’s GitHub repository where the app’s .tipa file is available to download for free and perma-sign on your TrollStore-compatible device. TrollStore, as of TrollStore 2, now supports all firmware ranging from iOS & iPadOS 14.0-16.6.1 & 17.0.
Are you excited that there’s a new and easily-accessible .ipa decrypting app? Let us know in the comments section down below.