By the end of this article you should be able to move a host from a cluster to another cluster within the same or different data centers. You should have access to oVirt/RHEV Administration Portal as user with a sufficient role before you can proceed with this article. If you have any justifying need of moving Hypervisor host between Clusters or Data Centers in oVirt/RHEV, then this article has been created for you.
Login to the Administration Portal
Select the host you want to migrate in the Hosts table, within Compute menu section.
Place the hypervisor hosts in maintenance mode by selecting Maintenance from the drop-down list on the Management button
You can input reason for maintenance and confirm to place the host into maintenance mode.
Wait for the host to transition to the Maintenance status. It will have a look similar to one in the screenshot below:
Access the window to edit host by clicking the host Edit button to open the Edit Host window.
Choose the destination Cluster fro your hypervisor host from the Host Cluster drop-down list. This will be in the same or a different data center.
Confirm the new cluster is selected.
Click the OK button twice, to exit the editing window and confirm moving of your host to different Cluster.
Note that the host remains in maintenance mode until you manually activate. This can be done using the Activate option available on the Management button drop-down list.
When the host has been activated successfully, the status icon changes to green from red.
This change in status icon and label indicate that our hypervisor host was moved successfully and is now available in the new cluster and data center. We can confirm the name of new cluster is different from original cluster.
Check more guides on oVirt / RHEV available in the following links.
- List of oVirt/RHEV User Roles and its Permissions
- How To Reset oVirt/RHEV admin user password
- Configure oVirt / RHEV User Authentication using FreeIPA LDAP
- Creating Additional MAC Address Pools in oVirt / RHEV
- How To Create Data Center and Cluster in oVirt / RHEV
- Upload and Use ISO Images on oVirt / RHEV Storage Domain