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MongoDB Tutorial in Java

MongoDB is an open-source cross-platform document database developed using C++. Some features of MongoDB are:

  • High and effective performance
  • Easily scalable
  • High availability
  • It can store high volume of data

It contains data in the form of collections and documents instead of rows and tables. A collection is a set of documents. The collection does not have schemas. It represents data in the form of a hierarchical model with which the storage of arrays and other data structures will be easy.

Components of MongoDB

The essentials components of MongoDB are listed below:

  1. id: This field represents a unique field in MongoDB. This field is created by default.
  2. Collection: It is a set of MongoDB documents. It exists with a single database.
  3. Database: This is the container for collections. Multiple databases can be stored in a mongoDB server.
  4. Document: A record in mongoDB is called a document. It contains names and values.
  5. Field: It is a name-value pair in a document.

Note: Make sure to install and setup MongoDB JDBC driver and Java.

Table of contents:
1. Establishing connections to database
2. Creating a MongoDb collection
3. Getting a Collection
4. Inserting Values into MongoDb
5. Displaying the list of all Documents
6. Updating documents in the MongoDB
7. Deleting a Document
8. Dropping of a Collection
9. Displaying all the collections

Establishing connections to database

For making the connection, you have to mention the database name. MongoDB creates a database by default if no name is mentioned.

  1. Firstly, import the required libraries for establishing the connection.
  2. Here, “MongoClient” is used to create the client for the database.
  3. MongoCredential” is used for creating the credentials.
  4. And finally, to access the database “MongoDatabase” is used.
  5. Username will be: “GFGUser” and the database name will be “mongoDb“.
  6. The function “.toCharArray()” is used to convert the password into a character array.
  7. The function “.getDatabase()” is used for getting the database.

The following code establishes a connection to MongoDB -> 


// Java program for establishing connections
// to MongoDb
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class ConnectionDB {
    public static void establishConnections()
        try {
            MongoClient db
                = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
            MongoCredential credential;
                = MongoCredential
                          "GFGUser", "mongoDb",
                "Successfully Connected"
                + " to the database");
            MongoDatabase database
                = db.getDatabase("mongoDb");
            System.out.println("Credentials are: "
                               + credential);
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Connection establishment failed");


Creating a MongoDb collection:

To create a collection com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase class and createCollection() method is used. Here, “database.createCollection()” creates a collection named as “GFGCollection”. Following is the code for creating collection: 


// Java program to create a MongoDb collection
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void createCollection(
        String collectionName)
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            // Get the database instance
            MongoDatabase database
                = db.getDatabase("mongoDb");
            // Create the collection
                "Collection created Successfully");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Collection creation failed");


Getting a Collection

For getting a collection, MongoCollection.getCollection() method is used. Below is the implementation of this approach: 


// Java program to retrieve a MongoDb collection
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void getCollection(
        String collectionName)
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            // Retrieve the collection
                collection = database
                "Collection retrieved Successfully");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Collection retrieval failed");


Inserting Values into MongoDb

Only a document type of data can be inserted a MongoDB. Therefore, either we can create a document with the values to be inserted using append() method or pass a document directly into the MongoDB using .insert() method. Here, first, we created a new document as “title” and then append the “about” section. Then, we have given the respective values to the documents. The function “.insertOne()” is used to insert the document into the collection. Below is the implementation of this approach: 


// Java program to insert values into MongoDB
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    // Function to insert only one
    // document in to the MongoDB
    public static void insertADocIntoDb()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            // Creating the document
            // to be inserted
            Document document
                = new Document("title",
                              "Open-Source database")
                  // Insert the document
                "Document inserted Successfully");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Document insertion failed");
    // Function to insert multiple
    // documents in to the MongoDB
    public static void insertManyDocsIntoDb()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            // Creating the document
            // to be inserted
            Document document
                = new Document("title", "MongoDB")
                      .append("about", "Open-Source database");
            Document document1
                = new Document("title", "retrieveDb")
                      .append("about", "Open-source database");
            // Adding the documents into a list
            List<Document> dblist
                = new ArrayList<Document>();
            // Insert the list of documents into DB
                "Documents inserted Successfully");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Documents insertion failed");


Displaying the list of all Documents

For displaying all documents of collection, find() method is used. Here, the database has two documents namely “document” and “document1”, which are retrieved using find() method. We use an iterator since it will iterate over each document present in the list and display it to us. Following is code for displaying all the documents: 


// Java code to display documents from DB
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void displayDocuments()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
                "Displaying the list"
                + " of Documents");
            // Get the list of documents from the DB
            FindIterable<Document> iterobj
                = collection.find();
            // Print the documents using iterators
            Iterator itr = iterobj.iterator();
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Could not find the documents "
                + "or No document exists");


Updating documents in the MongoDb

For updating the document, updateOne() method is used. Here, “Filters.eq” creates a filter that matches all documents with the name provided as argument. “Updates.set()” is used to update the document as the given value in the argument. Following is the code for it: 


// Java code to update the documents in DB
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void updateDocuments()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            MongoDatabase database
                = mongo.getDatabase("mongoDb");
            MongoCollection<Document> collection
                = database.getCollection(
                Filters.eq("title", "MongoDB"),
                Updates.set("about", "Database"));
                "Successfully updated"
                + " the document");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Updation failed");


Deleting a Document

For deleting the document, deleteOne() method is used. Following is the code for deleting the document -> 


// Java code to update the documents in DB
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void deleteDocuments()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            MongoDatabase database
                = mongo.getDatabase("mongoDb");
            MongoCollection<Document> collection
                = database.getCollection(
                           "Open-Source Database"));
                "Successfully deleted"
                + " the document");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Deletion failed");


Dropping of a Collection

“Collection.drop()” is used to drop the created collection. Following is the code for dropping the collection: 


// Java code to drop a collection in MongoDb
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void dropACollection()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            // Get the collection
                collection = database
            // Drop the above collection
                "Successfully dropped"
                + " collection");
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Drop failed");


Displaying all the collections

For displaying the list of all collections, listCollectionNames() method is used. Here, we iterate over all the collections we created with the help of “for()” statement. Database.listCollectionNames() is used to display the list of all collections present in the database. Following is the code for displaying all the collections: 


// Java code to display all collections
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoCredential;
public class Collection {
    public static void displayCollections()
        try {
            // establishConnections() Code
            // is defined above
            MongoDatabase database
                = mongo.getDatabase("mongoDb");
                "Displaying the list"
                + " of all collections");
            MongoCollection<Document> collection
                = database.getCollection(
            for (String allColl : database
                                      .listCollectionNames()) {
        catch (Exception e) {
                "Collections display failed");



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