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HomeData Modelling & AIMinimum time required to complete exactly K tasks based on given order...

Minimum time required to complete exactly K tasks based on given order of task execution

Given a 2D array, arr[][] of size N, each row of which consists of the time required to complete 3 different types of tasks A, B, and C. The row elements arr[i][0], arr[i][1] and arr[i][2] are the time required to complete the ith task of type A, B and C respectively. The task is to find the minimum completion time to complete exactly K tasks from the array based on the following conditions:

  • The same type of task will operate at the same time.
  • Tasks of type B can be performed only when K tasks of type A have already been completed.
  • Tasks of type C can be performed only when K tasks of type B have already been completed.


Input: N = 3, K = 2, arr[][] = {{1, 2, 2}, {3, 4, 1}, {3, 1, 2}}
Minimum time required to complete K tasks of type A = min(max(arr[0][0], arr[2][0]), max(arr[0][0], arr[1][0]), max(arr[1][0], arr[2][0])) = min(max(1, 3), max(1, 3), max(3, 3)) 3
Minimum time required to complete K tasks of type B = max(arr[0][1], arr[2][1]) = 2
Therefore, select items 1 and 3 as the K tasks to be completed for minimum time.
Therefore, time to complete K tasks of type C = max(arr[0][2], arr[2][2]) = 2
Therefore, minimum time to complete K(= 2) of all types = 3 + 2 + 2 = 7

Input: N = 3, K = 3, arr[][] = {{2, 4, 5}, {4, 5, 4}, {3, 4, 5}} 
Output: 14


Approach: The problem can be solved using Recursion. The idea is to either select the ith row from the given array or not. The following are the recurrence relation.

MinTime(TA, TB, TC, K, i) = min(MinTime(max(arr[i][0], TA), max(arr[i][1], TB), max(arr[i][2], TC), K-1, i-1), MinTime(TA, TB, TC, K, i-1))

MinTime(TA, TB, TC, K, i) Stores the minimum time to complete K tasks.
i stores the position of the ith row of the given array elements.

Base Case: if K == 0:
return TA + TB + TC
if i <= 0:
return Infinite

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  1. Initialize a variable, say X and Y while traversing each row recursively using the above recurrence relation.
  2. X stores the minimum completion time by selecting the ith row of the given array.
  3. Y stores the minimum completion time by not selecting the ith row of the given array.
  4. Find the value of X and Y using the above-mentioned recurrence relation.
  5. Finally, return the value of min(X, Y) for every row.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
using namespace std;
#define N 3
// Function to get the minimum
// completion time to select
// exactly K items
int MinTime(int arr[][N],int i, 
                int Ta, int Tb,
                int Tc, int K)
    // Base case
    if(K == 0) {
        return Ta + Tb + Tc;
    if(i == 0)
        return INT_MAX;
    // Select the ith item
    int X = MinTime(arr, i - 1,
            max(Ta, arr[i - 1][0]),
            max(Tb, arr[i - 1][1]),
            max(Tc, arr[i - 1][2]), K -1);
    // Do not select the ith item
    int Y = MinTime(arr, i - 1,
                    Ta, Tb, Tc, K);
    return min(X, Y);
// Driver Code
int main()
  int K = 2;
  int n = 3;
  int arr[N][N] = {{1, 2, 2} ,
                   {3, 4, 1} ,
                   {3, 1, 2}
  cout<<MinTime(arr, N, 0, 0, 0, K);
  return 0;


// Java program to implement 
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to get the minimum
// completion time to select
// exactly K items
public static int MinTime(int arr[][], int i,
                          int Ta, int Tb,
                          int Tc, int K)
    // Base case
    if (K == 0)
        return Ta + Tb + Tc;
    if (i == 0)
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    // Select the ith item
    int X = MinTime(arr, i - 1,
                    Math.max(Ta, arr[i - 1][0]),
                    Math.max(Tb, arr[i - 1][1]),
                    Math.max(Tc, arr[i - 1][2]), K - 1);
    // Do not select the ith item
    int Y = MinTime(arr, i - 1, Ta,
                    Tb, Tc, K);
    return Math.min(X, Y);
// Driver Code
public static void main(String args[])
    int K = 2;
    int n = 3;
    int arr[][] = { { 1, 2, 2 },
                    { 3, 4, 1 },
                    { 3, 1, 2 } };
    System.out.println(MinTime(arr, n, 0, 0, 0, K));
// This code is contributed by hemanth gadarla


# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach
N = 3
# Function to get the minimum
# completion time to select
# exactly K items
def MinTime(arr, i, Ta, Tb, Tc, K):
    # Base case
    if (K == 0):
        return Ta + Tb + Tc
    if (i == 0):
        return 10**9
    # Select the ith item
    X = MinTime(arr, i - 1,
            max(Ta, arr[i - 1][0]),
            max(Tb, arr[i - 1][1]),
            max(Tc, arr[i - 1][2]), K -1)
    # Do not select the ith item
    Y = MinTime(arr, i - 1,
                Ta, Tb, Tc, K)
    return min(X, Y)
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    K = 2
    n = 3
    arr = [ [ 1, 2, 2 ],
            [ 3, 4, 1 ],
            [ 3, 1, 2 ] ]
    print(MinTime(arr, N, 0, 0, 0, K))
# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program to implement 
// the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to get the minimum
// completion time to select
// exactly K items
public static int MinTime(int [,]arr, int i,
                          int Ta, int Tb,
                          int Tc, int K)
  // Base case
  if (K == 0)
    return Ta + Tb + Tc;
  if (i == 0)
    return int.MaxValue;
  // Select the ith item
  int X = MinTime(arr, i - 1,
                           arr[i - 1, 0]),
                           arr[i - 1, 1]),
                           arr[i - 1, 2]),
                               K - 1);
  // Do not select the ith item
  int Y = MinTime(arr, i - 1, Ta,
                  Tb, Tc, K);
  return Math.Min(X, Y);
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String []args)
  int K = 2;
  int n = 3;
  int [,]arr = {{1, 2, 2},
                {3, 4, 1},
                {3, 1, 2}};
  Console.WriteLine(MinTime(arr, n, 0,
                            0, 0, K));
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// Javascript program to implement 
// the above approach
// Function to get the minimum
// completion time to select
// exactly K items
function Mletime(arr, i, Ta, Tb, Tc, K)
    // Base case
    if (K == 0)
        return Ta + Tb + Tc;
    if (i == 0)
        return Number.MAX_VALUE;
    // Select the ith item
    let X = Mletime(arr, i - 1,
                    Math.max(Ta, arr[i - 1][0]),
                    Math.max(Tb, arr[i - 1][1]),
                    Math.max(Tc, arr[i - 1][2]), K - 1);
    // Do not select the ith item
    let Y = Mletime(arr, i - 1, Ta,
                    Tb, Tc, K);
    return Math.min(X, Y);
// Driver code
K = 2;
let n = 3;
let arr = [ [ 1, 2, 2 ],
            [ 3, 4, 1 ],
            [ 3, 1, 2 ] ];
document.write(Mletime(arr, n, 0, 0, 0, K));
// This code is contributed by splevel62 



Time Complexity: O(2N)
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Approach 2 :-


#include <iostream>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int MinTime(vector<vector<int>>& tasks, int k)
    // if k == 0 then return 0
    if (k == 0)
        return 0;
    vector<pair<int, pair<int, int>>> arr;
    // make a pair of pair DS
    for (auto t : tasks)
        arr.push_back({t[0], {t[1], t[2]}});
    // sort the pairs
    sort(arr.begin(), arr.end());
    // initialize the ans as INT_MAX/2
    int ans = INT_MAX / 2;
    for (int i = k - 1; i < arr.size(); i++)
        vector<pair<int, int>> pr;
        // push the pairs into the pr vector
        for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
        // sort the pairs
        sort(pr.begin(), pr.end());
        // priority queue
        priority_queue<int> q;
        for (int j = 0; j < pr.size(); j++)
            if (q.size() > k)
            if (q.size() == k)
                ans = min(ans, arr[i].first + + pr[j].first);
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int main() {
   int K = 2;
  int n = 3;
  vector<vector<int>> arr =
                  {{1, 2, 2} ,
                   {3, 4, 1} ,
                   {3, 1, 2}
  //This code is given by Akshay Verma
  return 0;


// Java program to implement 
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  static int MinTime(int[][] tasks, int k)
    // if k == 0 then return 0
    if (k == 0)
      return 0;
    ArrayList<int[]> arr = new ArrayList<>();
    // make a pair of pair DS
    for (int[] t : tasks)
      arr.add(new int[]{t[0], t[1], t[2]});
    // sort the pairs
    Collections.sort(arr, (a, b)->a[0] - b[0]);
    // initialize the ans as INT_MAX/2
    int ans =Integer.MAX_VALUE / 2;
    for (int i = k - 1; i < arr.size(); i++)
      ArrayList<int[]> pr = new ArrayList<>();
      // push the pairs into the pr vector
      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
        pr.add(new int[]{arr.get(j)[1],arr.get(j)[2]});
      // sort the pairs
      Collections.sort(pr, (a, b)->a[0] - b[0]);
      // priority queue
      PriorityQueue<Integer> q = new PriorityQueue<>();
      for (int j = 0; j < pr.size(); j++)
        if (q.size() > k)
        if (q.size() == k)
          ans = Math.min(ans, arr.get(i)[0] +
                         q.peek() + pr.get(j)[0]);
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    int K = 2;
    int n = 3;
    int arr[][] = { { 1, 2, 2 },
                   { 3, 4, 1 },
                   { 3, 1, 2 } };
// This code is contributed by offbeat


# Python program to implement 
# the above approach
import sys
def MinTime(tasks,k):
   # if k == 0 then return 0
    if (k == 0):
        return 0
    arr = []
     # make a pair of pair DS
    for t in tasks:
        arr.append([t[0], t[1], t[2]])
     # sort the pairs
    # initialize the ans as INT_MAX/2
    ans = sys.maxsize//2
    for i in range(k - 1, len(arr)):
        pr = []
    # push the pairs into the pr vector
        for j in range(i+1):
         # sort the pairs
        # priority queue
        q = []
        for j in range(len(pr)):
            if(len(q) > k):
            if(len(q) == k):
                ans=min(ans, arr[i][0] + q[0] + pr[j][0])
    return ans
  # Driver code
K = 2
n = 3
arr = [[1, 2, 2], [ 3, 4, 1 ], [3, 1, 2 ]]
print(MinTime(arr, K))
# This code is contributed by unknown2108


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
  static int MinTime(int[,] tasks, int k)
    // if k == 0 then return 0
    if (k == 0)
      return 0;
    List<List<int>> arr = new List<List<int>>();
    // make a pair of pair DS
    for(int i = 0; i < tasks.GetLength(0); i++)
        arr.Add(new List<int>());
        for(int j = 0; j < tasks.GetLength(1); j++)
    // initialize the ans as INT_MAX/2
    int ans = Int32.MaxValue / 2;
    for (int i = k - 1; i < arr.Count; i++)
      List<List<int>> pr = new List<List<int>>();
      // push the pairs into the pr vector
      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
        pr.Add(new List<int>());
      // priority queue
      List<int> q = new List<int>();
      for (int j = 0; j < pr.Count; j++)
        if (q.Count > k)
        if (q.Count == k)
          ans = Math.Min(ans, arr[i][0] + q[0] + pr[j][0]) + 1;
    return ans;
  // Driver code
  static void Main() {
    int K = 2;
    int[,] arr = { { 1, 2, 2 },
                   { 3, 4, 1 },
                   { 3, 1, 2 } };
// This code is contributed by decode2207.


// Javascript program to implement
// the above approach
function MinTime(tasks,k)
    // if k == 0 then return 0
    if (k == 0)
      return 0;
    let arr = [];
    // make a pair of pair DS
    for (let t=0;t< tasks.length;t++)
      arr.push([tasks[t][0], tasks[t][1], tasks[t][2]]);
    // sort the pairs
    arr.sort(function(a,b){return a[0]-b[0];});
    // initialize the ans as INT_MAX/2
    let ans =Number.MAX_VALUE / 2;
    for (let i = k - 1; i < arr.length; i++)
      let pr = [];
      // push the pairs into the pr vector
      for (let j = 0; j <= i; j++)
      // sort the pairs
      pr.sort(function(a,b){return a[0]-b[0];});
      // priority queue
      let q = [];
      for (let j = 0; j < pr.length; j++)
        if (q.length > k)
        if (q.length == k)
          ans = Math.min(ans, arr[i][0] +
                         q[0] + pr[j][0]);
    return ans;
// Driver code
let K = 2;
let n = 3;
let arr=[[ 1, 2, 2 ],
                   [ 3, 4, 1 ],
                   [ 3, 1, 2 ]];
// This code is contributed by patel2127



Time Complexity :- O(N2logN)
Space Complexity:- O(N)

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