Given N stairs, the task is to find the minimum number of jumps of perfect power of 2 requires to reach the Nth stair.
Input: N = 5
We can take jumps from 0->4->5.
So the minimum jumps require are 2.Input: N = 23
Output: 4
We can take jumps from 0->1->3->7->23.
So the minimum jumps required are 4.
First Approach: Since the jumps are required to be in perfect power of 2. So the count of set bit in the given number N is the minimum number of jumps required to reach Nth stair as the summation of 2i for all set bit index i is equals to N.
Below is the implementation of the above approach:
// C++ program for the above approach #include "bits/stdc++.h" using namespace std; // Function to count the number of jumps // required to reach Nth stairs. int stepRequired( int N) { int cnt = 0; // Till N becomes 0 while (N) { // Removes the set bits from // the right to left N = N & (N - 1); cnt++; } return cnt; } // Driver Code int main() { // Number of stairs int N = 23; // Function Call cout << stepRequired(N); return 0; } |
// Java program for the above approach import java.util.*; class GFG{ // Function to count the number of jumps // required to reach Nth stairs. static int stepRequired( int N) { int cnt = 0 ; // Till N becomes 0 while (N > 0 ) { // Removes the set bits from // the right to left N = N & (N - 1 ); cnt++; } return cnt; } // Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) { // Number of stairs int N = 23 ; // Function Call System.out.print(stepRequired(N)); } } // This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992 |
# Python3 program for the above approach # Function to count the number of jumps # required to reach Nth stairs. def stepRequired(N): cnt = 0 ; # Till N becomes 0 while (N > 0 ): # Removes the set bits from # the right to left N = N & (N - 1 ); cnt + = 1 ; return cnt; # Driver Code if __name__ = = '__main__' : # Number of stairs N = 23 ; # Function Call print (stepRequired(N)); # This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar |
// C# program for the above approach using System; class GFG{ // Function to count the number of // jumps required to reach Nth stairs. static int stepRequired( int N) { int cnt = 0; // Till N becomes 0 while (N > 0) { // Removes the set bits from // the right to left N = N & (N - 1); cnt++; } return cnt; } // Driver Code public static void Main(String[] args) { // Number of stairs int N = 23; // Function Call Console.Write(stepRequired(N)); } } // This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar |
<script> // JavaScript program for the above approach // Function to count the number of jumps // required to reach Nth stairs. function stepRequired(N) { let cnt = 0; // Till N becomes 0 while (N) { // Removes the set bits from // the right to left N = N & (N - 1); cnt++; } return cnt; } // Driver Code // Number of stairs let N = 23; // Function Call document.write(stepRequired(N)); // This code is contributed by Surbhi Tyagi </script> |
Time Complexity: O(log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Second Approach: Since the jumps are required to be in perfect power of 2. We can observe that log2 function gives the highest perfect power of 2 which can be achieved less than N if we typecast it to an integer. So we can subtract the pow(2,(int)log2(N)) each time from N till its value is greater than 0 while incrementing cnt at the same time.
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int stepRequired( int & N) { int cnt = 0; //until N is reached while (N>0) { //subtract highest perfect power of 2 we can reach from previous level N-= pow (2,( int )log2(N)); //increment cnt for total number of steps taken cnt++; } return cnt; } int main() { // Number of stairs int N = 23; // Function Call cout << stepRequired(N); return 0; } |
// Java program for above approach import java.util.*; class GFG { static int stepRequired( int N) { int cnt = 0 ; //until N is reached while (N> 0 ) { //subtract highest perfect power of 2 we can reach from previous level N-= Math.pow( 2 , ( int )(Math.log(N) / Math.log( 2 ))); //increment cnt for total number of steps taken cnt++; } return cnt; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Number of stairs int N = 23 ; // Function Call System.out.println(stepRequired(N)); } } // This code is contributed by sanjoy_62. |
# Python code is contributed by shinjanpatra import math def stepRequired(N): cnt = 0 # until N is reached while (N > 0 ): # subtract highest perfect power of 2 we can reach from previous level N - = math. pow ( 2 ,math.floor(math.log2(N))) # increment cnt for total number of steps taken cnt + = 1 return cnt # driver code # Number of stairs N = 23 # Function Call print (stepRequired(N)) # This code is contributed by shinjanpatra |
// C# program for the above approach using System; class GFG{ // Function to count the number of // jumps required to reach Nth stairs. static int stepRequired( int N) { int cnt = 0; //until N is reached while (N > 0) { //subtract highest perfect power of 2 we can reach from previous level N-=( int )Math.Pow(2,( int )(Math.Log(N,2))); //increment cnt for total number of steps taken cnt++; } return cnt; } // Driver Code public static void Main(String[] args) { // Number of stairs int N = 23; // Function Call Console.Write(stepRequired(N)); } } // This code is contributed by aditya942003patil |
<script> // JavaScript code is contributed by shinjanpatra function stepRequired(N) { let cnt = 0; // until N is reached while (N > 0) { // subtract highest perfect power of 2 we can reach from previous level N -= Math.pow(2,Math.floor(Math.log2(N))); // increment cnt for total number of steps taken cnt++; } return cnt; } // driver code // Number of stairs let N = 23; // Function Call document.write(stepRequired(N)); // This code is contributed by shinjanpatra </script> |
Time Complexity: O(log N)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
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