Given n stones and array heights[] and Geek is standing at stone 1 and can jump to one of the following: Stone i+1, i+2, … i+k stone and cost will be [hi – hj] is incurred, where j is the stone to land on. Find the minimum possible total cost incurred before the Geek reaches Stone n.
Input: n = 5, k = 3, heights[] = {10, 30, 40, 50, 20}
Output: 30
Explanation: Geek will follow the path 1->2->5, and the total cost would be | 10 – 30 | + | 30 – 20 | = 30, which is minimumInput: n = 3, k = 1, heights[] = {10, 20, 10}
Output: 20
Explanation: Geek will follow the path 1->2->3, and the total cost would be |10 – 20 | + |20 – 10| = 20.
Approach: This can be solved with the following idea:
Using Dynamic Programming, we can calculate the minimum cost to travel n stones. At each i, we will look for the minimum value within k steps.
Steps involved in the implementation of code:
- Initializing dp vector.
- Iterating for first k values for each index.
- check if stones before this particular index are giving less cost or not.
- If it is, update the dp for that particular index.
- if after traversing n > k is true.
- Again iterate for k + 1 to n, following the same procedure.
- Returning the dp[n – 1].
Below is the implementation of the above approach:
// C++ code for the above approach: #include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; // Function to find minimum cost // to travel n stones void minCost(vector< int >& heights, int n, int k) { // dp vector for having major of cost. vector< int > dp(n + 1); dp[0] = 0; dp[1] = abs (heights[0] - heights[1]); // For first k steps. for ( int i = 2; i <= min(n, k); i++) { int x = INT_MAX; for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if (( abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp[i] = x; } // If n > k if (k < n) { for ( int i = k + 1; i < n; i++) { int x = INT_MAX; for ( int j = (i - k); j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if (( abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp[i] = x; } } // Finally we just cout // the minimum cost. cout << dp[n - 1] << endl; } // Driver code int main() { vector< int > heights = { 10, 30, 40, 50, 20 }; int n = heights.size(); // Max jump that we can take. int k = 3; // Function call minCost(heights, n, k); return 0; } |
// Java code for the above approach: import*; class GFG { static void minCost( int [] heights, int n, int k) { // int[] for having major of cost. int [] dp = new int [n + 1 ]; dp[ 0 ] = 0 ; dp[ 1 ] = Math.abs(heights[ 0 ] - heights[ 1 ]); // For first k steps. for ( int i = 2 ; i <= Math.min(n, k); i++) { int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for ( int j = 0 ; j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if ((Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp[i] = x; } // If n > k if (k < n) { for ( int i = k + 1 ; i < n; i++) { int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for ( int j = (i - k); j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if ((Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp[i] = x; } } // Finally we just print the minimum cost. System.out.println(dp[n - 1 ]); } public static void main(String[] args) { int [] heights = { 10 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 20 }; int n = heights.length; // Max jump that we can take int k = 3 ; // Function call minCost(heights, n, k); } } // This code is contributed by karthik. |
# Python code for the above approach: # Function to find minimum cost # to travel n stones def minCost(heights, n, k): # dp list for having major of cost. dp = [ 0 ] * (n + 1 ) dp[ 0 ] = 0 dp[ 1 ] = abs (heights[ 0 ] - heights[ 1 ]) # For first k steps. for i in range ( 2 , min (n, k) + 1 ): x = float ( 'inf' ) for j in range (i): # Choosing minimum value if (( abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x): x = abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j] dp[i] = x # If n > k if (k < n): for i in range (k + 1 , n): x = float ( 'inf' ) for j in range (i - k, i): # Choosing minimum value if (( abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x): x = abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j] dp[i] = x # Finally we just print # the minimum cost. print (dp[n - 1 ]) # Driver code heights = [ 10 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 20 ] n = len (heights) # Max jump that we can take. k = 3 # Function call minCost(heights, n, k) # This code is contributed by prasad264 |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; public class Gfg { // Function to find minimum cost // to travel n stones static void minCost(List< int > heights, int n, int k) { // dp vector for having major of cost. List< int > dp = new List< int >(n + 1); dp.Add(0); dp.Add(Math.Abs(heights[0] - heights[1])); // For first k steps. for ( int i = 2; i <= Math.Min(n, k); i++) { int x = int .MaxValue; for ( int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if ((Math.Abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = Math.Abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp.Add(x); } // If n > k if (k < n) { for ( int i = k + 1; i < n; i++) { int x = int .MaxValue; for ( int j = (i - k); j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if ((Math.Abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = Math.Abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp.Add(x); } } // Finally we just print the minimum cost. Console.WriteLine(dp[n - 1]); } // Driver code static void Main() { List< int > heights = new List< int > { 10, 30, 40, 50, 20 }; int n = heights.Count; // Max jump that we can take. int k = 3; // Function call minCost(heights, n, k); } } |
// JavaScript code for the above approach: // Function to find minimum cost // to travel n stones function minCost(heights, n, k) { // dp array for storing the minimum cost let dp = new Array(n + 1); dp[0] = 0; dp[1] = Math.abs(heights[0] - heights[1]); // For first k steps. for (let i = 2; i <= Math.min(n, k); i++) { let x = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if ((Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp[i] = x; } // If n > k if (k < n) { for (let i = k + 1; i < n; i++) { let x = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; for (let j = (i - k); j < i; j++) { // Choosing minimum value if ((Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]) < x) { x = Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]) + dp[j]; } } dp[i] = x; } } // Finally we just print // the minimum cost. console.log(dp[n - 1]); } // Driver code let heights = [10, 30, 40, 50, 20]; let n = heights.length; // Max jump that we can take. let k = 3; // Function call minCost(heights, n, k); |
Time Complexity: O(n*k)
Auxiliary Space: O(n+1)
Approach 2: Using the Hash Table
The hash table is used to store the minimum cost for each height reached, allowing for efficient retrieval and updating of costs during the iteration.
Steps involved in the implementation of code:
- Initialize a hash table dp and setting the first and height and cost of zero.
- Iterate over the heights from the second height to the last height.
- Initialize a variable min_cost till the infinity.
- Iterate over the previous heights and calculate the cost of getting to the current height from each of these previous heights.
- Update the min_cost to the minimum cost found in just above step.
- Store the minimum cost in the hash table dp for the current value of height.
- Return the minimum cost from the hash table for the last height.
Below is the implementation of the above approach:
//C++ code for the above approach #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <unordered_map> #include <cmath> #include <limits> using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::vector; using std::unordered_map; using std::min; using std:: abs ; using std::numeric_limits; // Function to find minimum cost to travel n stones int minCost( const vector< int >& heights, int n, int k) { // create a hash table to store the minimum cost to reach each stone unordered_map< int , int > dp; // cost of reaching the first stone is zero dp[heights[0]] = 0; // loop over the stones and calculate the minimum cost to reach each stone for ( int i = 1; i < n; i++) { int min_cost = numeric_limits< int >::max(); // loop over the previous k stones and find the minimum cost to reach the current stone for ( int j = i-1; j >= std::max(0, i-k); j--) { int cost = dp[heights[j]] + abs (heights[i]-heights[j]); min_cost = min(min_cost, cost); } // store the minimum cost to reach the current stone in the hash table dp[heights[i]] = min_cost; } // return the minimum cost to reach the last stone return dp[heights[n-1]]; } int main() { // input data vector< int > heights = { 10, 30, 40, 50, 20 }; int n = heights.size(); int k = 3; // calculate the minimum cost int cost = minCost(heights, n, k); cout << cost << endl; return 0; } |
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class Main { // Function to find minimum cost to travel n stones public static int minCost( int [] heights, int n, int k) { // Create a hash table to store the minimum cost to reach each stone Map<Integer, Integer> dp = new HashMap<>(); // Cost of reaching the first stone is zero dp.put(heights[ 0 ], 0 ); // Loop over the stones and calculate the minimum cost to reach each stone for ( int i = 1 ; i < n; i++) { int minCost = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Loop over the previous k stones and find the minimum cost to reach the current stone for ( int j = i - 1 ; j >= Math.max( 0 , i - k); j--) { int cost = dp.get(heights[j]) + Math.abs(heights[i] - heights[j]); minCost = Math.min(minCost, cost); } // Store the minimum cost to reach the current stone in the hash table dp.put(heights[i], minCost); } // Return the minimum cost to reach the last stone return dp.get(heights[n - 1 ]); } public static void main(String[] args) { int [] heights = { 10 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 20 }; int n = heights.length; int k = 3 ; // Calculate the minimum cost int cost = minCost(heights, n, k); System.out.println(cost); } } |
def min_cost(heights, k): # Create a dictionary to store the minimum cost to reach each stone dp = {} # Cost of reaching the first stone is zero dp[heights[ 0 ]] = 0 # Loop over the stones and calculate the minimum cost to reach each stone for i in range ( 1 , len (heights)): min_cost = float ( 'inf' ) # Loop over the previous k stones and find the minimum cost to reach the current stone for j in range (i - 1 , max ( 0 , i - k) - 1 , - 1 ): cost = dp[heights[j]] + abs (heights[i] - heights[j]) min_cost = min (min_cost, cost) # Store the minimum cost to reach the current stone in the dictionary dp[heights[i]] = min_cost # Return the minimum cost to reach the last stone return dp[heights[ - 1 ]] # Main function if __name__ = = "__main__" : # Input data heights = [ 10 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 20 ] k = 3 # Calculate the minimum cost cost = min_cost(heights, k) print (cost) |
//JS code for the above approach // Function to find minimum cost to travel n stones function minCost( heights, n, k) { // create a hash table to store the minimum cost to reach each stone let dp=[]; // cost of reaching the first stone is zero dp[heights[0]] = 0; // loop over the stones and calculate the minimum cost to reach each stone for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) { let min_cost = Number.MAX_VALUE; //numeric_limits<int>::max(); // loop over the previous k stones and find the minimum cost to reach the current stone for (let j = i-1; j >= Math.max(0, i-k); j--) { let cost = dp[heights[j]] + Math.abs(heights[i]-heights[j]); min_cost = Math.min(min_cost, cost); } // store the minimum cost to reach the current stone in the hash table dp[heights[i]] = min_cost; } // return the minimum cost to reach the last stone return dp[heights[n-1]]; } let heights = [ 10, 30, 40, 50, 20 ]; let n = heights.length; let k = 3; // calculate the minimum cost let cost = minCost(heights, n, k); console.log(cost); |
Time Complexity: O(n*k), as we are computing the cost of reaching each stone from all previous stones that are within the maximum jump limit k.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), as we are using the hash table to store the minimum cost to reach at every stone.
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