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HomeData ModellingData Structure & AlgorithmMin-Max Product Tree of a given Binary Tree

Min-Max Product Tree of a given Binary Tree

Given a Binary Tree, the task is to convert the given Binary tree into Min-Max Product Tree and print the level-order sequence of the modified tree. 
Min-Max Product Tree: A Min-Max Product Tree contains the product of the minimum and maximum values of its left and right subtrees at each node. 
Note: For any node having only a single child, the value of that child node will be considered as both the minimum and the maximum.


                /  \ 
              12    11
             /     /   \ 
            3     4     13 
                   \    / 
                   15  5  
45 9 60 3 225 25 15 5
Min-Max Product Tree:
                 45 (3 * 15)
                /  \ 
       ( 3 * 3)9    60 (4 * 15)
             /     /   \ 
            3     225   25 (5* 5)
                   \    / 
                   15  5

                /  \ 
              21     77 
             /  \      \
            61   16     16 
                  \    / 
                   10  3    
231 610 48 61 230 9 529 3 23


The idea is to use the post order traversal to traverse the left and right subtree recursively and extract the minimum and maximum. Store the product of minimum and maximum for every node in the Min-Max Product tree. Once, computed, compare the current node value with the current minimum and maximum and modify accordingly. Return the new minimum and maximum for the node at a higher level. Repeat this process for all nodes and finally, print the level order traversal of the Min-Max Product tree.

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C++ implementation of
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// A Tree node
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node *left, *right;
// Utility function to create
// a new node
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->data = key;
    temp->left = temp->right = NULL;
    return (temp);
// A minMax Structure for storing
// minimum and maximum value
struct minMax {
    int min;
    int max;
// Function to return min value
int min(minMax* a, minMax* b)
    if (a != NULL
        && b != NULL) {
        return a->min < b->min
                   ? a->min
                   : b->min;
    return a == NULL
               ? b->min
               : a->min;
// Function to return max value
int max(minMax* a, minMax* b)
    if (a != NULL
        && b != NULL) {
        return a->max > b->max
                   ? a->max
                   : b->max;
    return a == NULL
               ? b->max
               : a->max;
// Function to return min value
int min(int x, int y)
    return x < y ? x : y;
// Function to return max value
int max(int x, int y)
    return x > y ? x : y;
// Utility function to create
// min-max product tree
minMax* minMaxTreeUtil(
    Node* root)
    // Base condition
    if (root == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    minMax* var = new minMax;
    // Condition to check if
    // current node is leaf node
    if (root->left == NULL
        && root->right == NULL) {
        var->min = root->data;
        var->max = root->data;
        return var;
    // Left recursive call
    minMax* left
        = minMaxTreeUtil(root->left);
    // Right recursive call
    minMax* right
        = minMaxTreeUtil(root->right);
    // Store Min
    var->min = min(left, right);
    // Store Max
    var->max = max(left, right);
    // Store current node data
    int currData = root->data;
    // Assign product of minimum
    // and maximum value
    root->data = var->min * var->max;
    // Again store min by considering
    // current node value
    var->min = min(var->min, currData);
    // Again store max by considering
    // current node value
    var->max = max(var->max, currData);
    return var;
void print(Node* root)
    // Base Case
    if (root == NULL)
    // Create an empty queue for
    // level order traversal
    queue<Node*> q;
    // Enqueue Root and initialize
    // height
    while (q.empty() == false) {
        // nodeCount (queue size)
        // indicates number
        // of nodes at current level.
        int nodeCount = q.size();
        // Dequeue all nodes of current
        // level and Enqueue all nodes
        // of next level
        while (nodeCount > 0) {
            Node* node = q.front();
            cout << node->data << " ";
            if (node->left != NULL)
            if (node->right != NULL)
void minMaxProductTree(Node* root)
    // Utility Function call
    // Print tree
// Driver Code
int main()
    /*     10
            / \
        48     3
                / \
            11     37
            / \ / \
            7 29 42 19
    // Create Binary Tree as shown
    Node* root = newNode(10);
    root->left = newNode(48);
    root->right = newNode(3);
    root->right->left = newNode(11);
    root->right->right = newNode(37);
    root->right->left->left = newNode(7);
    root->right->left->right = newNode(29);
    root->right->right->left = newNode(42);
    root->right->right->right = newNode(19);
    root->right->right->right->left = newNode(7);
    // Create Min Max Product Tree
    return 0;


// Java program for the
// above approach
import java.util.*;
// A Tree node
class Node {
  public int data;
  public Node left, right;
  public Node(int x)
    data = x;
    left = null;
    right = null;
// A minMax Structure for storing
// minimum and maximum value
class minMax {
  public int min, max;
  public minMax(int x, int y)
    min = x;
    max = y;
class GFG {
  // Function to return min value
  static int minm(minMax a, minMax b)
    if (a != null && b != null) {
      if (a.min < b.min)
        return a.min;
      return b.min;
    if (a == null)
      return b.min;
    return a.min;
  // Function to return max value
  static int maxm(minMax a, minMax b)
    if (a != null && b != null) {
      if (a.max > b.max)
        return a.max;
      return b.max;
    if (a == null)
      return b.max;
    return a.max;
  // Utility function to create
  // min-max product tree
  static minMax minMaxTreeUtil(Node root)
    // Base condition
    if (root == null)
      return null;
    minMax var1 = new minMax(1000000000, -1000000000);
    // Condition to check if
    // current node is leaf node
    if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
      var1.min =;
      var1.max =;
      return var1;
    // Left recursive call
    minMax left = minMaxTreeUtil(root.left);
    // Right recursive call
    minMax right = minMaxTreeUtil(root.right);
    // Store Min
    var1.min = minm(left, right);
    // Store Max
    var1.max = maxm(left, right);
    // Store current node data
    int currData =;
    // Assign product of minimum
    // and maximum value = var1.min * var1.max;
    // Again store min by considering
    // current node value
    var1.min = Math.min(var1.min, currData);
    // Again store max by considering
    // current node value
    var1.max = Math.max(var1.max, currData);
    return var1;
  static void printt(Node root)
    // Base Case
    if (root == null)
    // Create an empty queue for
    // level order traversal
    ArrayList<Node> q = new ArrayList<Node>();
    // Enqueue Root and initialize
    // height
    while (q.size() > 0) {
      // nodeCount (queue size)
      // indicates number
      // of nodes at current level.
      int nodeCount = q.size();
      // Dequeue all nodes of current
      // level and Enqueue all nodes
      // of next level
      while (nodeCount > 0) {
        Node node = q.get(0);
        System.out.print( + " ");
        if (node.left != null)
        if (node.right != null)
        nodeCount -= 1;
  static void minMaxProductTree(Node root)
    // Utility Function call
    // Print tree
  // Driver Code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // /*     10
    //         / \
    //     48     3
    //             / \
    //         11     37
    //         / \ / \
    //         7 29 42 19
    //                 /
    //                 7
    // */
    // Create Binary Tree as shown
    Node root = new Node(10);
    root.left = new Node(48);
    root.right = new Node(3);
    root.right.left = new Node(11);
    root.right.right = new Node(37);
    root.right.left.left = new Node(7);
    root.right.left.right = new Node(29);
    root.right.right.left = new Node(42);
    root.right.right.right = new Node(19);
    root.right.right.right.left = new Node(7);
    // Create Min Max Product Tree
// This code is contributed by phasing17


# Python3 program for the
# above approach
from collections import deque
# A Tree node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, x):
       = x
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
# A minMax Structure for storing
# minimum and maximum value
class minMax:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.min = x
        self.max = y
# Function to return min value
def minm(a, b):
    if (a != None and
        b != None):
        if a.min < b.min:
            return a.min
        return b.min
    if a == None:
        return b.min
    return a.min
# Function to return max value
def maxm(a, b):
    if a != None and b != None:
        if a.max > b.max:
            return a.max
        return b.max
    if a == None:
        return b.max
    return a.max
# Utility function to create
# min-max product tree
def minMaxTreeUtil(root):
    # Base condition
    if (root == None):
        return None
    var = minMax(10 ** 9,
                 -10 ** 9)
    # Condition to check if
    # current node is leaf node
    if (root.left == None and
        root.right == None):
        var.min =
        var.max =
        return var
    # Left recursive call
    left= minMaxTreeUtil(root.left)
    # Right recursive call
    right= minMaxTreeUtil(root.right)
    # Store Min
    var.min = minm(left, right)
    # Store Max
    var.max = maxm(left, right)
    # Store current node data
    currData =
    # Assign product of minimum
    # and maximum value = var.min * var.max
    # Again store min by considering
    # current node value
    var.min = min(var.min,
    # Again store max by considering
    # current node value
    var.max = max(var.max,
    return var
def printt(root):
    # Base Case
    if (root == None):
    # Create an empty queue for
    # level order traversal
    q = deque()
    # Enqueue Root and initialize
    # height
    while (len(q) > 0):
        # nodeCount (queue size)
        # indicates number
        # of nodes at current level.
        nodeCount = len(q)
        # Dequeue all nodes of current
        # level and Enqueue all nodes
        # of next level
        while (nodeCount > 0):
            node = q.popleft()
                  end = " ")
            if (node.left != None):
            if (node.right != None):
            nodeCount -= 1
def minMaxProductTree(root):
    # Utility Function call
    # Print tree
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # /*     10
    #         / \
    #     48     3
    #             / \
    #         11     37
    #         / \ / \
    #         7 29 42 19
    #                 /
    #                 7
    # */
    # Create Binary Tree as shown
    root = Node(10)
    root.left = Node(48)
    root.right = Node(3)
    root.right.left = Node(11)
    root.right.right = Node(37)
    root.right.left.left = Node(7)
    root.right.left.right = Node(29)
    root.right.right.left = Node(42)
    root.right.right.right = Node(19)
    root.right.right.right.left = Node(7)
    # Create Min Max Product Tree
# This code is contributed by Mohit Kumar 29


// C# program for the
// above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// A Tree node
class Node {
  public int data;
  public Node left, right;
  public Node(int x)
    data = x;
    left = null;
    right = null;
// A minMax Structure for storing
// minimum and maximum value
class minMax {
  public int min, max;
  public minMax(int x, int y)
    min = x;
    max = y;
class GFG {
  // Function to return min value
  static int minm(minMax a, minMax b)
    if (a != null && b != null) {
      if (a.min < b.min)
        return a.min;
      return b.min;
    if (a == null)
      return b.min;
    return a.min;
  // Function to return max value
  static int maxm(minMax a, minMax b)
    if (a != null && b != null) {
      if (a.max > b.max)
        return a.max;
      return b.max;
    if (a == null)
      return b.max;
    return a.max;
  // Utility function to create
  // min-max product tree
  static minMax minMaxTreeUtil(Node root)
    // Base condition
    if (root == null)
      return null;
    minMax var1 = new minMax(1000000000, -1000000000);
    // Condition to check if
    // current node is leaf node
    if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {
      var1.min =;
      var1.max =;
      return var1;
    // Left recursive call
    minMax left = minMaxTreeUtil(root.left);
    // Right recursive call
    minMax right = minMaxTreeUtil(root.right);
    // Store Min
    var1.min = minm(left, right);
    // Store Max
    var1.max = maxm(left, right);
    // Store current node data
    int currData =;
    // Assign product of minimum
    // and maximum value = var1.min * var1.max;
    // Again store min by considering
    // current node value
    var1.min = Math.Min(var1.min, currData);
    // Again store max by considering
    // current node value
    var1.max = Math.Max(var1.max, currData);
    return var1;
  static void printt(Node root)
    // Base Case
    if (root == null)
    // Create an empty queue for
    // level order traversal
    List<Node> q = new List<Node>();
    // Enqueue Root and initialize
    // height
    while (q.Count > 0) {
      // nodeCount (queue size)
      // indicates number
      // of nodes at current level.
      int nodeCount = q.Count;
      // Dequeue all nodes of current
      // level and Enqueue all nodes
      // of next level
      while (nodeCount > 0) {
        Node node = q[0];
        Console.Write( + " ");
        if (node.left != null)
        if (node.right != null)
        nodeCount -= 1;
  static void minMaxProductTree(Node root)
    // Utility Function call
    // Print tree
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(string[] args)
    // /*     10
    //         / \
    //     48     3
    //             / \
    //         11     37
    //         / \ / \
    //         7 29 42 19
    //                 /
    //                 7
    // */
    // Create Binary Tree as shown
    Node root = new Node(10);
    root.left = new Node(48);
    root.right = new Node(3);
    root.right.left = new Node(11);
    root.right.right = new Node(37);
    root.right.left.left = new Node(7);
    root.right.left.right = new Node(29);
    root.right.right.left = new Node(42);
    root.right.right.right = new Node(19);
    root.right.right.right.left = new Node(7);
    // Create Min Max Product Tree
// This code is contributed by phasing17


// JS program for the
// above approach
// A Tree node
class Node
    { = x
        this.left = null
        this.right = null
// A minMax Structure for storing
// minimum and maximum value
class minMax
    constructor(x, y)
        this.min = x
        this.max = y
// Function to return min value
function minm(a, b)
    if (a != null &&
        b != null)
        if (a.min < b.min)
            return a.min
        return b.min
    if (a == null)
        return b.min
    return a.min
// Function to return max value
function maxm(a, b)
    if (a != null && b != null)
        if (a.max > b.max)
            return a.max
        return b.max
    if (a == null)
        return b.max
    return a.max
// Utility function to create
// min-max product tree
function minMaxTreeUtil(root)
    // Base condition
    if (root == null)
        return null
    var var1 = new minMax(10 ** 9, - (10 ** 9));
    // Condition to check if
    // current node is leaf node
    if (root.left == null &&
        root.right == null)
        var1.min =
        var1.max =
        return var1
    // Left recursive call
    left= minMaxTreeUtil(root.left)
    // Right recursive call
    right= minMaxTreeUtil(root.right)
    // Store Min
    var1.min = minm(left, right)
    // Store Max
    var1.max = maxm(left, right)
    // Store current node data
    currData =
    // Assign product of minimum
    // and maximum value = var1.min * var1.max
    // Again store min by considering
    // current node value
    var1.min = Math.min(var1.min,
    // Again store max by considering
    // current node value
    var1.max = Math.max(var1.max,
    return var1
function printt(root)
    // Base Case
    if (root == null)
    // Create an empty queue for
    // level order traversal
    q = []
    // Enqueue Root and initialize
    // height
    while (q.length > 0)
        // nodeCount (queue size)
        // indicates number
        // of nodes at current level.
        nodeCount = q.length
        // Dequeue all nodes of current
        // level and Enqueue all nodes
        // of next level
        while (nodeCount > 0)
            node = q.shift()
            process.stdout.write( + " ")
            if (node.left != null)
            if (node.right != null)
            nodeCount -= 1
function minMaxProductTree(root)
    // Utility Function call
    // Print tree
// Driver Code
    // /*     10
    //         / \
    //     48     3
    //             / \
    //         11     37
    //         / \ / \
    //         7 29 42 19
    //                 /
    //                 7
    // */
    // Create Binary Tree as shown
    root = new Node(10)
    root.left = new Node(48)
    root.right = new Node(3)
    root.right.left = new Node(11)
    root.right.right = new Node(37)
    root.right.left.left = new Node(7)
    root.right.left.right = new Node(29)
    root.right.right.left = new Node(42)
    root.right.right.right =new  Node(19)
    root.right.right.right.left = new Node(7)
    // Create Min Max Product Tree
// This code is contributed by phasing17


144 48 294 203 294 7 29 42 49 7


Time Complexity: O(N), where N denotes the number of nodes in the binary tree 
Auxiliary Space: O(N) 

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Nicole Veronica Rubhabha
Nicole Veronica Rubhabha
A highly competent and organized individual DotNet developer with a track record of architecting and developing web client-server applications. Recognized as a personable, dedicated performer who demonstrates innovation, communication, and teamwork to ensure quality and timely project completion. Expertise in C#, ASP.Net, MVC, LINQ, EF 6, Web Services, SQL Server, MySql, Web development,


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