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Methods in Golang

Go language support methods. Go methods are similar to Go function with one difference, i.e, the method contains a receiver argument in it. With the help of the receiver argument, the method can access the properties of the receiver. Here, the receiver can be of struct type or non-struct type. When you create a method in your code the receiver and receiver type must be present in the same package. And you are not allowed to create a method in which the receiver type is already defined in another package including inbuilt type like int, string, etc. If you try to do so, then the compiler will give an error.


func(reciver_name Type) method_name(parameter_list)(return_type){
// Code

Here, the receiver can be accessed within the method.

Method with struct type receiver

In Go language, you are allowed to define a method whose receiver is of a struct type. This receiver is accessible inside the method as shown in the below example:



// Go program to illustrate the
// method with struct type receiver
package main
import "fmt"
// Author structure
type author struct {
    name      string
    branch    string
    particles int
    salary    int
// Method with a receiver
// of author type
func (a author) show() {
    fmt.Println("Author's Name: ",
    fmt.Println("Branch Name: ", a.branch)
    fmt.Println("Published articles: ", a.particles)
    fmt.Println("Salary: ", a.salary)
// Main function
func main() {
    // Initializing the values
    // of the author structure
    res := author{
        name:      "Sona",
        branch:    "CSE",
        particles: 203,
        salary:    34000,
    // Calling the method


Author's Name:  Sona
Branch Name:  CSE
Published articles:  203
Salary:  34000

Method with Non-Struct Type Receiver

In Go language, you are allowed to create a method with non-struct type receiver as long as the type and the method definitions are present in the same package. If they present in different packages like int, string, etc, then the compiler will give an error because they are defined in different packages.



// Go program to illustrate the method
// with non-struct type receiver
package main
import "fmt"
// Type definition
type data int
// Defining a method with
// non-struct type receiver
func (d1 data) multiply(d2 data) data {
    return d1 * d2
// if you try to run this code,
// then compiler will throw an error
func(d1 int)multiply(d2 int)int{
return d1 * d2
// Main function
func main() {
    value1 := data(23)
    value2 := data(20)
    res := value1.multiply(value2)
    fmt.Println("Final result: ", res)


Final result:  460

Methods with Pointer Receiver

In Go language, you are allowed to create a method with a pointer receiver. With the help of a pointer receiver, if a change is made in the method, it will reflect in the caller which is not possible with the value receiver methods.


func (p *Type) method_name(...Type) Type {
// Code



// Go program to illustrate pointer receiver
package main
import "fmt"
// Author structure
type author struct {
    name      string
    branch    string
    particles int
// Method with a receiver of author type
func (a *author) show(abranch string) {
    (*a).branch = abranch
// Main function
func main() {
    // Initializing the values
    // of the author structure
    res := author{
        name:   "Sona",
        branch: "CSE",
    fmt.Println("Author's name: ",
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(Before): ", res.branch)
    // Creating a pointer
    p := &res
    // Calling the show method"ECE")
    fmt.Println("Author's name: ",
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(After): ", res.branch)


Author's name:  Sona
Branch Name(Before):  CSE
Author's name:  Sona
Branch Name(After):  ECE

Method Can Accept both Pointer and Value

As we know that in Go, when a function has a value argument, then it will only accept the values of the parameter, and if you try to pass a pointer to a value function, then it will not accept and vice versa. But a Go method can accept both value and pointer, whether it is defined with pointer or value receiver. As shown in the below example:



// Go program to illustrate how the
// method can accept pointer and value
package main
import "fmt"
// Author structure
type author struct {
    name   string
    branch string
// Method with a pointer
// receiver of author type
func (a *author) show_1(abranch string) {
    (*a).branch = abranch
// Method with a value
// receiver of author type
func (a author) show_2() { = "Gourav"
    fmt.Println("Author's name(Before) : ",
// Main function
func main() {
    // Initializing the values
    // of the author structure
    res := author{
        name:   "Sona",
        branch: "CSE",
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(Before): ", res.branch)
    // Calling the show_1 method
    // (pointer method) with value
    fmt.Println("Branch Name(After): ", res.branch)
    // Calling the show_2 method
    // (value method) with a pointer
    fmt.Println("Author's name(After): ",


Branch Name(Before):  CSE
Branch Name(After):  ECE
Author's name(Before) :  Gourav
Author's name(After):  Sona

Difference Between Method and Function

Method Function
It contains a receiver. It does not contain a receiver.
Methods of the same name but different types can be defined in the program. Functions of the same name but different type are not allowed to be defined in the program.
It cannot be used as a first-order object. It can be used as first-order objects and can be passed



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