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Metasploit – Payload

There are currently 592 payload modules in the latest Metasploit Framework release. Before moving forward let’s begin with what is payload and basics of payload, Payload is a code that will be executed on the system and decides what to do after launching our exploit.

Check Availabilities In Metasploit:

After opening msfconsole, metasploit provides a great database of all kinds of exploits. For example, you can use the command search type: exploit platform: Unix to search exploits for Unix systems.

You’ll get a large list of potential exploits to attack your target. And commands such as those given below can be used directly in the console.

use exploit/unix/local/chkrootkit


There are many payloads that are available in Metasploit, so it might be overwhelming to figure out which payloads you can use for specific exploits. Luckily, you can easily view the payloads that are supported for an exploit.

After you choose an exploit, you can run the following command to view the payloads that are available:

show payloads


How To Use a Specific Payload?

To use a specific payload in your exploitation, use the following command

Set PAYLOAD Payload-name
Example: set PAYLOAD windows/adduser

Multi handler is the one and only exploits which can handle all the available payloads in Metasploit. It can deal with all the payloads no matter what the purpose of the payload is and how the connection is being established. It is the backbone of Metasploit for exploiting the targets.


The meterpreter payload is the most powerful weapon in the Metasploit framework. It can do various tedious tasks. It can log all the keystrokes, take screenshots, obtain hashes, set itself to be persistent on reboot, migrate to other services, see the process IDS, kill the processes, etc.

VNC Injection:

This is a pleasant payload that gives you a graphical user interface to control the remote system.


The VNC Injection payload sends a small VNC server to the Windows system we are attacking and then connects to that VNC server. As we discussed meterpreter is a powerful payload we can use to get an interactive shell. Here we would like to present some key options we can use in meterpreter. Descriptions took from the help menu of meterpreter.

Command Description
Migrate Once we exploit a process, we will get privileges that exist in that process. If the user suspects & terminates it, then we should re-gain control again. So before the victim suspects our process we should migrate to another trust process that has more privileges like “explorer.exe”
Help Among many commands, we are listing only a few here. If you use the “help” command it gives a complete list of commands it does support.
Channel Displays information about active channels
Exit/Quit Terminate the meterpreter session
Info Displays information about a Post module
Load Load one or more meterpreter extensions
hashdump Dumps the contents of the SAM database
Read Reads data from a channel
Write Writes data to a channel
File system Commands Cat, CD, del, download, edit, getlwd, getwd, Icd, Ipwd, Is, mkdir, pwd, rm, rmdir, search, upload
Networking Commands Ipconfig, portfwd, route
System Commands Clearev,drop_token, execute, getpid, getprivs,getuid, kill, ps, reboot, reg, rev2self, shell, shutdown, steal_token, sysinfo
User interface Commands Enumdesktops, getdesktop, idletime, keyscan_dump, keyscan_start, keyscan_stop, screenshot, setdesktop, uictl
Webcam Commands record_mic, webcam_list, webcam_snap
Elevate Commands Getsystem
Timestamp Commands timestamp

There are many payloads available, but we are discussing only some of those.(description from metasploit), for the remaining payloads along with the description you can find them in the List of Payloads.

MetaSploit  Description
adduser This payload is used to add a new user to the target system.
shell_bind_tcp Listen for a connection and spawn the command.
shell_reverse_tcp Connect back to the attacker machine and spawn a command shell.
speak_pwned Victim PC says You got pwned.
upexec->bind_tcp Listens for a connection and Uploads file and Runs it.
metsvc_bind_tcp Stub payload for interacting with meterpreter service.
dll-inject Injects DLL
VNCinject Injects a VNC dll, So we can connect to the victim with VNC.
exec Execute an arbitrary command.
message box Prompts a message box with user-desired data.
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