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Maximize shortest path between given vertices by adding a single edge

Given an undirected graph of N nodes and M vertices. You are also given a K edges as selected[]. The task to maximize the shortest path length between node 1 to node N by adding single edges between any two vertices from the given selected edges. 
Note: You may add an edge between any two selected vertices who have already an edge between them.

Input: N = 5, M = 4, K = 2, selected[] = {2, 4} 
Below is the given graph: 

Before adding an edge between 2 and 4, the Shortest Path becomes: 1–>2–>3–>4–>5. 
After adding an edge between 2 and 4, the Shortest Path becomes 1–>2–>4–>5. Below is the graph after adding edges. denoted by the dashed line. 

Input: N = 5 M = 5 K = 3 selected[] = {1, 3, 5} 
Below is the given graph: 

We can add an edge between 3 and 5 as they have already an edge between them. so, the shortest path becomes 1–>2–>3–>5. Below is the graph after adding edges. denoted by the dashed line. 



Approach: The idea is to use Breadth-First Search to find the distance from vertices 1 and N to each selected vertex. For selected vertex i, let xi denote the distance to node 1, and yi denote the distance to node N. Below are the steps:

  1. Maintain a 2D matrix(say dist[2][]) having 2 rows and N columns.
  2. In the first row, Maintain the shortest distance between node 1 and other vertices in the graph using BFS Traversal.
  3. In the second row, Maintain the shortest distance between node N and the other vertices of the graph using BFS Traversal.
  4. Now, choose two selected vertices a and b from selected[] to minimize the value of min(xa + yb, ya + xb). For this do the following: 
    • Create a vector of pairs and store the value of (xi – yi) with their respective selected node.
    • Sort the above vector of pairs.
    • Initialize best to 0 and max to -INF.
    • Now traverse the above vector of pairs and for each selected node(say a) update the value of best to maximum of (best, max + dist[1][a]) and update max to maximum of (max, dist[0][a]).
  5. After the above operations the maximum of (dist[0][N-1] and best + 1) given the minimum shortest path.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int INF = 1e9 + 7;
int N, M;
// To store graph as adjacency list
vector<int> edges[200005];
// To store the shortest path
int dist[2][200000];
// Function that performs BFS Traversal
void bfs(int* dist, int s)
    int q[200000];
    // Fill initially each distance as INF
    fill(dist, dist + N, INF);
    int qh = 0, qt = 0;
    q[qh++] = s;
    dist[s] = 0;
    // Perform BFS
    while (qt < qh) {
        int x = q[qt++];
        // Traverse the current edges
        for (int y : edges[x]) {
            if (dist[y] == INF) {
                // Update the distance
                dist[y] = dist[x] + 1;
                // Insert in queue
                q[qh++] = y;
// Function that maximizes the shortest
// path between source and destination
// vertex by adding a single edge between
// given selected nodes
void shortestPathCost(int selected[], int K)
    vector<pair<int, int> > data;
    // To update the shortest distance
    // between node 1 to other vertices
    bfs(dist[0], 0);
    // To update the shortest distance
    // between node N to other vertices
    bfs(dist[1], N - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
        // Store the values x[i] - y[i]
                              - dist[1][selected[i]],
    // Sort all the vectors of pairs
    sort(data.begin(), data.end());
    int best = 0;
    int MAX = -INF;
    // Traverse data[]
    for (auto it : data) {
        int a = it.second;
        best = max(best,
                   MAX + dist[1][a]);
        // Maximize x[a] - y[b]
        MAX= max(MAX, dist[0][a]);
    // Print minimum cost
    printf("%d\n", min(dist[0][N - 1], best + 1));
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given nodes and edges
    N = 5, M = 4;
    int K = 2;
    int selected[] = { 1, 3 };
    // Sort the selected nodes
    sort(selected, selected + K);
    // Given edges
    // Function Call
    shortestPathCost(selected, K);
    return 0;


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class GFG{
static int INF = (int)1e9 + 7;
static int N, M;
// To store graph as adjacency list
static ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> edges;
// To store the shortest path
static int[][] dist = new int[2][200000];
// Function that performs BFS Traversal
static void bfs(int[] dist, int s)
    int[] q = new int[200000];
    // Fill initially each distance as INF
    Arrays.fill(dist, INF);
    int qh = 0, qt = 0;
    q[qh++] = s;
    dist[s] = 0;
    // Perform BFS
    while (qt < qh)
        int x = q[qt++];
        // Traverse the current edges
        for(Integer y : edges.get(x))
            if (dist[y] == INF)
                // Update the distance
                dist[y] = dist[x] + 1;
                // Insert in queue
                q[qh++] = y;
// Function that maximizes the shortest
// path between source and destination
// vertex by adding a single edge between
// given selected nodes
static void shortestPathCost(int selected[], int K)
    ArrayList<int[]> data = new ArrayList<>();
    // To update the shortest distance
    // between node 1 to other vertices
    bfs(dist[0], 0);
    // To update the shortest distance
    // between node N to other vertices
    bfs(dist[1], N - 1);
    for(int i = 0; i < K; i++)
        // Store the values x[i] - y[i]
        data.add(new int[]{dist[0][selected[i]] -
    // Sort all the vectors of pairs
    Collections.sort(data, (a, b) -> a[0] - b[0]);
    int best = 0;
    int MAX = -INF;
    // Traverse data[]
    for(int[] it : data)
        int a = it[1];
        best = Math.max(best,
                        MAX + dist[1][a]);
        // Maximize x[a] - y[b]
        MAX = Math.max(MAX, dist[0][a]);
    // Print minimum cost
    System.out.println(Math.min(dist[0][N - 1],
                                     best + 1));
// Driver code
public static void main (String[] args)
    // Given nodes and edges
    N = 5; M = 4;
    int K = 2;
    int selected[] = { 1, 3 };
    // Sort the selected nodes
    edges = new ArrayList<>();
    for(int i = 0; i < 200005; i++)
        edges.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
    // Given edges
    // Function Call
    shortestPathCost(selected, K);
// This code is contributed by offbeat


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function that performs BFS Traversal
def bfs(x, s):
    global edges, dist
    q = [0 for i in range(200000)]
    # Fill initially each distance as INF
    # fill(dist, dist + N, INF)
    qh, qt = 0, 0
    q[qh] = s
    qh += 1
    dist[x][s] = 0
    # Perform BFS
    while (qt < qh):
        xx = q[qt]
        qt += 1
        # Traverse the current edges
        for y in edges[xx]:
            if (dist[x][y] == 10**18):
                # Update the distance
                dist[x][y] = dist[x][xx] + 1
                # Insert in queue
                q[qh] = y
                qh += 1
# Function that maximizes the shortest
# path between source and destination
# vertex by adding a single edge between
# given selected nodes
def shortestPathCost(selected, K):
    global dist, edges
    data = []
    # To update the shortest distance
    # between node 1 to other vertices
    bfs(0, 0)
    # To update the shortest distance
    # between node N to other vertices
    bfs(1, N - 1)
    for i in range(K):
        # Store the values x[i] - y[i]
        data.append([dist[0][selected[i]]- dist[1][selected[i]], selected[i]])
    # Sort all the vectors of pairs
    data = sorted(data)
    best = 0
    MAX = -10**18
    # Traverse data[]
    for it in data:
        a = it[1]
        best = max(best,MAX + dist[1][a])
        # Maximize x[a] - y[b]
        MAX= max(MAX, dist[0][a])
    # Print minimum cost
    print(min(dist[0][N - 1], best + 1))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Given nodes and edges
    edges = [[] for i in range(5)]
    dist = [[10**18 for i in range(1000005)] for i in range(2)]
    N,M = 5, 4
    K = 2
    selected = [1, 3]
    # Sort the selected nodes
    selected = sorted(selected)
    # Given edges
    # Function Call
    shortestPathCost(selected, K)
    # This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


using System;
using System.Linq;
class Program
    static int N, M, K;
    static int[][] edges, dist;
    static int[] selected;
//Function that performs BFS Traversal
    static void BFS(int x, int s)
        int[] q = new int[200000];
    //Fill initially each distance as INF
    //fill(dist, dist + N, INF)
        int qh = 0, qt = 0;
        q[qh] = s;
        dist[x][s] = 0;
//Perform BFS
        while (qt < qh)
            int xx = q[qt];
            for (int i = 0; i < edges[xx].Length; i++)
                int y = edges[xx][i];
                if (dist[x][y] == int.MaxValue)
                    dist[x][y] = dist[x][xx] + 1;
                    q[qh] = y;
  //  Function that maximizes the shortest
// path between source and destination
// vertex by adding a single edge between
// given selected nodes
    static void ShortestPathCost(int[] selected, int K)
        BFS(0, 0);
        BFS(1, N - 1);
        Tuple<int, int>[] data = new Tuple<int, int>[K];
        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++)
            data[i] = Tuple.Create(dist[0][selected[i]] - dist[1][selected[i]], selected[i]);
        Array.Sort(data, (a, b) => a.Item1.CompareTo(b.Item1));
        int best = 0, MAX = int.MinValue;
        foreach (Tuple<int, int> it in data)
            int a = it.Item2;
            best = Math.Max(best, MAX + dist[1][a]);
            MAX = Math.Max(MAX, dist[0][a]);
        Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(dist[0][N - 1], best + 1));
//Driver code
    static void Main(string[] args)
        N = 5;
        M = 4;
        K = 2;
        selected = new int[] { 1, 3 };
        edges = new int[5][];
        edges[0] = new int[] { 1 };
        edges[1] = new int[] { 0, 2 };
        edges[2] = new int[] { 1, 3 };
        edges[3] = new int[] { 2, 4 };
        edges[4] = new int[] { 3 };
        dist = new int[2][];
        dist[0] = Enumerable.Repeat(int.MaxValue, 1000005).ToArray();
        dist[1] = Enumerable.Repeat(int.MaxValue, 1000005).ToArray();
        ShortestPathCost(selected, K);


// Javascript program for the above approach
let INF = 1e9 + 7;
let N, M;
// To store graph as adjacency list
let  edges=[];
// To store the shortest path
let dist=new Array(2);
for(let i=0;i<2;i++)
    dist[i]=new Array(200000);
    for(let j=0;j<200000;j++)
// Function that performs BFS Traversal
function bfs(dist,s)
    let q = new Array(200000);
    // Fill initially each distance as INF
    let qh = 0, qt = 0;
    q[qh++] = s;
    dist[s] = 0;
    // Perform BFS
    while (qt < qh)
        let x = q[qt++];
        // Traverse the current edges
        for(let y=0;y< edges[x].length;y++)
            if (dist[edges[x][y]] == INF)
                // Update the distance
                dist[edges[x][y]] = dist[x] + 1;
                // Insert in queue
                q[qh++] = edges[x][y];
// Function that maximizes the shortest
// path between source and destination
// vertex by adding a single edge between
// given selected nodes   
function shortestPathCost(selected,K)
    let data = [];
    // To update the shortest distance
    // between node 1 to other vertices
    bfs(dist[0], 0);
    // To update the shortest distance
    // between node N to other vertices
    bfs(dist[1], N - 1);
    for(let i = 0; i < K; i++)
        // Store the values x[i] - y[i]
        data.push([dist[0][selected[i]] -
    // Sort all the vectors of pairs
    data.sort(function(a, b){return a[0] - b[0];});
    let best = 0;
    let MAX = -INF;
    // Traverse data[]
    for(let it=0;it< data.length;it++)
        let a = data[it][1];
        best = Math.max(best,
                        MAX + dist[1][a]);
        // Maximize x[a] - y[b]
        MAX = Math.max(MAX, dist[0][a]);
    // Print minimum cost
    document.write(Math.min(dist[0][N - 1],
                                     best + 1));
// Driver code
// Given nodes and edges
    N = 5; M = 4;
    let K = 2;
    let selected = [ 1, 3 ];
    // Sort the selected nodes
    (selected).sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});
    edges = [];
    for(let i = 0; i < 200005; i++)
    // Given edges
    // Function Call
    shortestPathCost(selected, K);
// This code is contributed by patel2127




Time Complexity: O(N*log N + M) 
Auxiliary Space: O(N) 


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