Matplotlib is a library in Python and it is numerical – mathematical extension for NumPy library. Pyplot is a state-based interface to a Matplotlib module which provides a MATLAB-like interface.
matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() Function:
The ioff() function in pyplot module of matplotlib library is used to turn the interactive mode off.
Syntax: matplotlib.pyplot.ioff()
Parameters: This method does not accepts any parameter.
Returns: This method does not return any value.
Below examples illustrate the matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() function in matplotlib.pyplot:
Example #1:
# Implementation of matplotlib function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np plt.ioff() plt.plot([ 1.4 , 2.5 , 0.3 ]) axes = plt.gca() axes.plot([ 3.1 , 2.2 , 6 ]) plt.title( 'matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() function Example' , fontweight = "bold" ) |
Example #2:
# Implementation of matplotlib function import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np plt.ioff() random_array = np.arange( - 2 , 4 ) line_1 = random_array * 2 line_2 = 10 / (random_array * 2 + 1 ) figure, axes = plt.subplots() axes.plot(random_array, line_1, 'ro-' , random_array, line_2, 'bo-' , linestyle = 'solid' ) axes.fill_between(random_array, line_1, line_2, where = line_2>line_1, interpolate = True , color = 'green' , alpha = 0.4 ) lgnd = axes.legend([ 'line-1' , 'line-2' ], loc = 'lower center' , shadow = True ) lgnd.get_frame().set_facecolor( '# ffb19a' ) plt.title( 'matplotlib.pyplot.ioff() function Example' , fontweight = "bold" ) |