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Math class methods in Java with Examples | Set 2

java.math class and its methods | Set 1

java.math class methods
java.math class methods discussed in this article :

  1. abs() : java.math.abs() method returns the absolute value of any type of argument passed. This method can handle all the data types.
      Special Case :

    • Result is positive zero, if the argument is positive zero or negative zero.
    • Result is positive infinity, if the argument is infinite.
    • Result is NaN, if passed argument is NaN.


    public static datatype abs(datatype arg)
    arg - the argument whose absolute value we need
    absolute value of the passed argument.
  2. acos() : java.math.acos() method returns the arc cosine value of the passed argument.
    arc cosine is inverse cosine of the argument passed.
    acos(arg) = cos-1 of arg
    Special Case : Result is NaN, if the argument is NaN or its absolute value is greater than 1.
    public static double acos(double a)
    a - the argument whose arc cosine value we need.
        argument is taken as radian    
    arc cosine value of the argument.
  3. toRadians() : java.math.toRadians(double deg) method converts argument (degree) to radians.
    Special Point : Math class usually takes radians as an input which is very much different in real life applications since angles is usually represented in degrees.
    public static double toRadians(double deg)
    deg - degree angle needs to be in radian.
    radians equivalent of the degree-argument passed.
  4. What is NaN argument ?
    A constant holding a Not-a-Number (NaN) value of type double. It is equivalent to the value returned by Double.longBitsToDouble(0x7ff8000000000000L).

    Java code explaining abs(), acos(), toRadians() method in Math class.

    // Java program explaining Math class methods
    // abs(), acos(), toRadians()
    import java.math.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Declaring the variables
            int Vali = -1;
            float Valf = .5f;
            // Printing the values
            System.out.println("Initial value of int  : "+Vali);
            System.out.println("Initial value of int  : "+Valf);
            // Use of .abs() method to get the absoluteValue
            int Absi = Math.abs(Vali);
            float Absf = Math.abs(Valf);
            System.out.println("Absolute value of int : "+Absi);
            System.out.println("Absolute value of int : "+Absf);
            // Use of acos() method
            // Value greater than 1, so passing NaN
            double Acosi = Math.acos(60);
            System.out.println("acos value of Acosi : "+Acosi);
            double x = Math.PI;
            // Use of toRadian() method
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            double Acosj = Math.acos(x);
            System.out.println("acos value of Acosj : "+Acosj);



    Initial value of int  : -1
    Initial value of int  : 0.5
    Absolute value of int : 1
    Absolute value of int : 0.5
    acos value of Acosi : NaN
    acos value of Acosj : 1.5159376794536454
  5. addExact() : java.math.addExact(int a, int b) method returns the sum of the passed arguments.
    Special point : If Result overflows an int or long (according to the passed argument), the method throws ArithmeticException.
    public static int addExact(int x, int y)
    public static long addExact(long x, long y)
    a - first value
    b - second value
    Sum of the specified method arguments - a and b.
  6. asin() : java.math.asin() method returns the arc sine value of the method argument passed. Returned angle is in the range -pi/2 to pi/2.
    arc sine is inverse sine of the argument passed.
    asin(arg) = sine-1 of arg
    Special Case :
    • Result is NaN,if the argument is NaN or its absolute value is greater than 1.
    • Result is a zero, if the argument is zero.


    public static double asin(double arg)
    arg - argument passed. 
    arc sine of the argument passed.
  7. cbrt() : java.math.cbrt() method returns the cube root of the passed argument.
    Special Point :
    • Result is NaN, if the argument is NaN.
    • Result is an infinity with the same sign as the argument, if the argument is infinite.
    • Result is a zero, if the argument is zero.


    public static double cbrt(double arg)
    arg - argument passed. 
    cube root of the argument passed
  8. Java code explaining addExact(), asin(), cbrt() method in Math class.

    // Java program explaining Math class methods
    // addExact(), asin(), cbrt()
    import java.math.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            int a = 1, b = 8;
            // get the result of addExact method
            int radd = Math.addExact(a,b);
            System.out.println("Using addExact() : "+radd);
            // Use of acos() method
            // Value greater than 1, so passing NaN
            double Asini = Math.asin(radd);
            System.out.println("asin value of Asini : "+Asini);
            double x = Math.PI;
            // Use of toRadian() method
            x = Math.toRadians(x);
            double Asinj = Math.asin(x);
            System.out.println("asin value of Asinj : "+Asinj);
            // Use of cbrt() method
            double cbrtval = Math.cbrt(216);
            System.out.println("cube root : "+cbrtval);



    Using addExact() : 9
    acos value of Asini : NaN
    acos value of Asinj : 0.054858647341251204
    cube root : 6.0
  9. floor() : java.math.floor() method returns the floor value of an argument i.e. the closest integer value which is either less or equal to the passed argument.
    eg : 101.23 has floor value = 101
    Important point : Same argument is resulted if passed an NaN or infinite argument.
    public static double floor(double arg)
    arg - the argument whose floor value we need
    Returns:closest possible value that is either less than 
                    or equal to the argument passed
  10. hypot() : java.math.hypot(double p, double b) method returns hypotenuse of a right triangle on passing the triangle’s base and perpendicular as arguments.
    hypotenuse = [perpendicular2 + base2]1/2

    Important Point :

    • If either argument is infinite, then the result is positive infinity.
    • If either argument is NaN and neither argument is infinite, then the result is NaN.
    public static double hypot(double p, double b)
    p - perpendicular of the right triangle
    b - base of the right triangle
    hypotenuse of the right triangle
  11. IEEEremainder() : java.math.IEEERemainder(double d1, double d2) method returns the remainder value by applying remainder operation on two arguments w.r.t IEEE 754 standard.
    Remainder value = d1 – d2 * n
    n = closest exact value of d1/d2
    public static double IEEEremainder(double d1,double d2)
    d1 - dividend 
    d2 - divisor
    remainder when f1(dividend) is divided by(divisor)
  12. log() : java.math.log() method returns the logarithmic value of the passed argument.
    public static double log(double arg)
    arg - argument passed. 
    logarithmic value of the argument passed.
  13. Java code explaining floor(), hypot(), IEEEremainder(), log() method in Math class.

    // Java program explaining MATH class methods
    // floor(), hypot(), IEEEremainder(), log()
    import java.lang.*;
    public class NewClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            // Use of floor method
            double f1 = 30.56, f2 = -56.34;
            f1 =Math.floor(f1);
            System.out.println("Floor value of f1 : "+f1);
            f2 =Math.floor(f2);
            System.out.println("Floor value of f2 : "+f2);
            // Use of hypot() method
            double p = 12, b = -5;
            double h = Math.hypot(p, b);
            System.out.println("Hypotenuse : "+h);
            // Use of IEEEremainder() method
            double d1 = 105, d2 = 2;
            double r = Math.IEEEremainder(d1,d2);
            System.out.println("Remainder : "+r);
            // Use of log() method
            double l = 10;
            l = Math.log(l);
            System.out.println("Log value of 10 : "+l);



    Floor value of f1 : 30.0
    Floor value of f2 : -57.0
    Hypotenuse : 13.0
    Remainder : 1.0
    Log value of 10 : 2.302585092994046

    java.math class and its methods | Set 3

    This article is contributed by Mohit Gupta. If you like Lazyroar and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to See your article appearing on the Lazyroar main page and help other Geeks.

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