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Lucky alive person in a circle | Set – 2

Given that N person (numbered 1 to N) standing as to form a circle. They all have the gun in their hand which is pointed to their leftmost Partner. 

Every one shoots such that 1 shoot 2, 3 shoots 4, 5 shoots 6 …. (N-1)the shoot N (if N is even otherwise N shoots 1). 
Again on the second iteration, they shoot the rest of remains as above mentioned logic (now for n as even, 1 will shoot to 3, 5 will shoot to 7 and so on). 

The task is to find which person is the luckiest(didn’t die)?


Input: N = 3 
As N = 3 then 1 will shoot 2, 3 will shoot 1 hence 3 is the luckiest person.

Input: N = 8 
Here as N = 8, 1 will shoot 1, 3 will shoot 4, 5 will shoot 6, 7 will shoot 8, Again 1 will shoot 3, 5 will shoot 7, Again 1 will shoot 5 and hence 1 is the luckiest person.

This problem has already been discussed in Lucky alive person in a circle | Code Solution to sword puzzle. In this post, a different approach is discussed.


  1. Take the Binary Equivalent of N.
  2. Find its 1’s compliment and convert its equal decimal number N`.
  3. find |N – N`|.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:  


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to convert string to number
int stringToNum(string s)
    // object from the class stringstream
    stringstream geek(s);
    // The object has the value 12345 and stream
    // it to the integer x
    int x = 0;
    geek >> x;
    return x;
// Function to convert binary to decimal
int binaryToDecimal(string n)
    int num = stringToNum(n);
    int dec_value = 0;
    // Initializing base value to 1, i.e 2^0
    int base = 1;
    int temp = num;
    while (temp) {
        int last_digit = temp % 10;
        temp = temp / 10;
        dec_value += last_digit * base;
        base = base * 2;
    return dec_value;
string itoa(int num, string str, int base)
    int i = 0;
    bool isNegative = false;
    /* Handle 0 explicitly, otherwise
    empty string is printed for 0 */
    if (num == 0) {
        str[i++] = '0';
        return str;
    // In standard itoa(), negative numbers
    // are handled only with base 10.
    // Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned.
    if (num < 0 && base == 10) {
        isNegative = true;
        num = -num;
    // Process individual digits
    while (num != 0) {
        int rem = num % base;
        str[i++] = (rem > 9) ? (rem - 10) + 'a' : rem + '0';
        num = num / base;
    // If the number is negative, append '-'
    if (isNegative)
        str[i++] = '-';
    // Reverse the string
    reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
    return str;
char flip(char c)
    return (c == '0') ? '1' : '0';
// Function to find the ones complement
string onesComplement(string bin)
    int n = bin.length(), i;
    string ones = "";
    // for ones complement flip every bit
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ones += flip(bin[i]);
    return ones;
// Driver code
int main()
    // Taking the number of a person
    // standing in a circle.
    int N = 3;
    string arr = "";
    // Storing the binary equivalent in a string.
    string ans(itoa(N, arr, 2));
    // taking one's compelement and
    // convert it to decimal value
    int N_dash = binaryToDecimal(onesComplement(ans));
    int luckiest_person = N - N_dash;
    cout << luckiest_person;
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
  // Function to convert string to number
  public static int stringToNum(String s)
    // The object has the value 12345 and stream
    // it to the integer x
    int x = Integer.parseInt(s);
    return x;
  // Function to convert binary to decimal
  public static int binaryToDecimal(String n)
    int num = stringToNum(n);
    int dec_value = 0;
    // Initializing base value to 1, i.e 2^0
    int base = 1;
    int temp = num;
    while (temp != 0) {
      int last_digit = temp % 10;
      temp = temp / 10;
      dec_value += last_digit * base;
      base = base * 2;
    return dec_value;
  public static String itoa(int num, String str, int base)
    int i = 0;
    boolean isNegative = false;
    /* Handle 0 explicitly, otherwise
        empty string is printed for 0 */
    if (num == 0) {
      str += '0';
      return str;
    // In standard itoa(), negative numbers
    // are handled only with base 10.
    // Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned.
    if (num < 0 && base == 10) {
      isNegative = true;
      num = -num;
    // Process individual digits
    while (num != 0) {
      int rem = num % base;
      str += (rem > 9) ? (char)(rem - 10 + 'a')
        : (char)(rem + '0');
      num = num / base;
    // If the number is negative, append '-'
    if (isNegative)
      str += '-';
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
    // Reverse the string
    return sb.toString();
  public static char flip(char c)
    return (c == '0') ? '1' : '0';
  // Function to find the ones complement
  public static String onesComplement(String bin)
    int n = bin.length(), i;
    String ones = "";
    // for ones complement flip every bit
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      ones += flip(bin.charAt(i));
    return ones;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    // Taking the number of a person
    // standing in a circle.
    int N = 3;
    String arr = "";
    // Storing the binary equivalent in a string.
    String ans = itoa(N, arr, 2);
    // taking one's compelement and
    // convert it to decimal value
    int N_dash = binaryToDecimal(onesComplement(ans));
    int luckiest_person = N - N_dash;
// This code is contributed by Prajwal Kandekar


# Function to convert string to number
def string_to_num(s):
    return int(s)
# Function to convert binary to decimal integer
def binary_to_decimal(n):
    num = string_to_num(n)
    dec_value = 0
    # Initializing base value to 1, i.e 2^0
    base = 1
    temp = num
    while temp:
        last_digit = temp % 10
        temp = temp // 10
        dec_value += last_digit * base
        base = base * 2
    return dec_value
def itoa(num, base):
    i = 0
    is_negative = False
    str_list = []
    # Handle 0 explicitly, otherwise empty string is printed for 0
    if num == 0:
        return ''.join(str_list)
    # In standard itoa(), negative numbers are handled only with base 10. Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned.
    if num < 0 and base == 10:
        is_negative = True
        num = -num
    # Process individual digits
    while num != 0:
        rem = num % base
        str_list.append(str(rem) if rem <= 9 else chr(ord('A') + rem - 10))
        num //= base
    # If the number is negative, append '-'
    if is_negative:
    # Reverse the string
    return ''.join(str_list)
def flip(c):
    return '1' if c == '0' else '0'
# Function to find the ones complement
def ones_complement(bin):
    n = len(bin)
    ones = ""
    # for ones complement flip every bit
    for i in range(n):
        ones += flip(bin[i])
    return ones
# Driver code
# Taking the number of a person standing in a circle.
N = 3
# Storing the binary equivalent in a string.
ans = itoa(N, 2)
# Taking one's complement and convert it to decimal value
N_dash = binary_to_decimal(ones_complement(ans))
luckiest_person = N - N_dash


using System;
class MainClass {
  // Function to convert string to number
  public static int stringToNum(string s)
    // The object has the value 12345 and stream
    // it to the integer x
    int x = int.Parse(s);
    return x;
  // Function to convert binary to decimal
  public static int binaryToDecimal(string n)
    int num = stringToNum(n);
    int dec_value = 0;
    // Initializing base value to 1, i.e 2^0
    int base_value = 1;
    int temp = num;
    while (temp != 0) {
      int last_digit = temp % 10;
      temp = temp / 10;
      dec_value += last_digit * base_value;
      base_value = base_value * 2;
    return dec_value;
  public static string itoa(int num, string str, int base_value)
    int i = 0;
    bool isNegative = false;
    /* Handle 0 explicitly, otherwise
        empty string is printed for 0 */
    if (num == 0) {
      str += '0';
      return str;
    // In standard itoa(), negative numbers
    // are handled only with base 10.
    // Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned.
    if (num < 0 && base_value == 10) {
      isNegative = true;
      num = -num;
    // Process individual digits
    while (num != 0) {
      int rem = num % base_value;
      str += (rem > 9) ? (char)(rem - 10 + 'a')
        : (char)(rem + '0');
      num = num / base_value;
    // If the number is negative, append '-'
    if (isNegative)
      str += '-';
    char[] charArray = str.ToCharArray();
    // Reverse the string
    return new string(charArray);
  public static char flip(char c)
    return (c == '0') ? '1' : '0';
  // Function to find the ones complement
  public static string onesComplement(string bin)
    int n = bin.Length, i;
    string ones = "";
    // for ones complement flip every bit
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
      ones += flip(bin[i]);
    return ones;
  // Driver code
  public static void Main()
    // Taking the number of a person
    // standing in a circle.
    int N = 3;
    string arr = "";
    // Storing the binary equivalent in a string.
    string ans = itoa(N, arr, 2);
    // taking one's compelement and
    // convert it to decimal value
    int N_dash = binaryToDecimal(onesComplement(ans));
    int luckiest_person = N - N_dash;
// This code is contributed by Prajwal Kandekar


// JavaScript implementation of the above approach
// Function to convert string to number
function stringToNum(s)
    return parseInt(s);
// Function to convert binary to decimal integer
function binaryToDecimal(n)
    let num = stringToNum(n);
    let dec_value = 0;
    // Initializing base value to 1, i.e 2^0
    let base = 1;
    let temp = num;
    while (temp) {
        let last_digit = temp % 10;
        temp = Math.floor(temp / 10);
        dec_value += last_digit * base;
        base = base * 2;
    return dec_value;
function itoa(num, str, base)
    let i = 0;
    let isNegative = false;
    str = str.split("");
    /* Handle 0 explicitly, otherwise
    empty string is printed for 0 */
    if (num == 0) {
        str[i++] = '0';
        return str.join("");
    // In standard itoa(), negative numbers
    // are handled only with base 10.
    // Otherwise numbers are considered unsigned.
    if (num < 0 && base == 10) {
        isNegative = true;
        num = -num;
    // Process individual digits
    while (num != 0) {
        let rem = num % base;
        str[i++] = (rem > 9) ? (rem - 10): rem;
        num = Math.floor(num / base);
    // If the number is negative, append '-'
    if (isNegative)
        str[i++] = '-';
    // Reverse the string
    return str.join("");
function flip(c)
    return (c == '0') ? '1' : '0';
// Function to find the ones complement
function onesComplement(bin)
    let n = bin.length;
    let i;
    let ones = "";
    // for ones complement flip every bit
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ones += flip(bin[i]);
    return ones;
// Driver code
// Taking the number of a person
// standing in a circle.
let N = 3;
let arr = "";
// Storing the binary equivalent in a string.
let ans = itoa(N, arr, 2);
// taking one's compelement and
// convert it to decimal value
let N_dash = binaryToDecimal(onesComplement(ans));
let luckiest_person = N - N_dash;
// This code is contributed by phasing17



Alternate Shorter Implementation : 
The approach used here is same.


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int luckiest_person(int n)
    // to calculate the number of bits in
    // the binary equivalent of n
    int len = log2(n) + 1;
    // Finding complement by inverting the
    // bits one by one from last
    int n2 = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        // XOR of n2 with (1<<i) to flip
        // the last (i+1)th bit of binary equivalent of n2
        n2 = n2 ^ (1 << i);
    // n2 will be the one's complement of n
    return abs(n - n2);
int main()
    int N = 3;
    int lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
    cout << lucky_p;
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the above approach
class GFG {
    static int luckiest_person(int n)
        // To calculate the number of bits in
        // the binary equivalent of n
        int len = (int)(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)) + 1;
        // Finding complement by inverting the
        // bits one by one from last
        int n2 = n;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            // XOR of n2 with (1<<i) to flip the last
            // (i+1)th bit of binary equivalent of n2
            n2 = n2 ^ (1 << i);
        // n2 will be the one's complement of n
        return Math.abs(n - n2);
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 3;
        int lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
// This code is contributed by rishavmahato348


# Python3 implementation of the above approach
import math
def luckiest_person(n):
    # to calculate the number of bits in
    # the binary equivalent of n
    len_ = int(math.log(n, 2)) + 1
    # Finding complement by inverting the
    # bits one by one from last
    n2 = n
    for i in range(len_):
        # XOR of n2 with (1<<i) to flip
        # the last (i+1)th bit of binary equivalent of n2
        n2 = n2 ^ (1 << i)
    # n2 will be the one's complement of n
    return abs(n - n2)
# Driver Code
N = 3
lucky_p = luckiest_person(N)
# this code is contributed by phasing17


// C# implementation of the above approach
using System;
class GFG {
    static int luckiest_person(int n)
        // To calculate the number of bits in
        // the binary equivalent of n
        int len = (int)(Math.Log(n) / Math.Log(2)) + 1;
        // Finding complement by inverting the
        // bits one by one from last
        int n2 = n;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            // XOR of n2 with (1<<i) to flip the last
            // (i+1)th bit of binary equivalent of n2
            n2 = n2 ^ (1 << i);
        // n2 will be the one's complement of n
        return Math.Abs(n - n2);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int N = 3;
        int lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
// This code is contributed by subhammahato348


// JavaScript implementation of the above approach
function luckiest_person(n)
    // to calculate the number of bits in
    // the binary equivalent of n
    let len = parseInt(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)) + 1;
    // Finding complement by inverting the
    // bits one by one from last
    let n2 = n;
    for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        // XOR of n2 with (1<<i) to flip
        // the last (i+1)th bit of binary equivalent of n2
        n2 = n2 ^ (1 << i);
    // n2 will be the one's complement of n
    return Math.abs(n - n2);
// Driver Code
    let N = 3;
    let lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);



Alternate Implementation in O(1) : The approach used here is same, but the operations used are of constant time.


// Here is a O(1) solution for this problem
// it will work for 32 bit integers]
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// function to find the highest power of 2
// which is less than n
int setBitNumber(int n)
    // Below steps set bits after
    // MSB (including MSB)
    // Suppose n is 273 (binary
    // is 100010001). It does following
    // 100010001 | 010001000 = 110011001
    n |= n >> 1;
    // This makes sure 4 bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set. It does following
    // 110011001 | 001100110 = 111111111
    n |= n >> 2;
    n |= n >> 4;
    n |= n >> 8;
    n |= n >> 16;
    // Increment n by 1 so that
    // there is only one set bit
    // which is just before original
    // MSB. n now becomes 1000000000
    n = n + 1;
    // Return original MSB after shifting.
    // n now becomes 100000000
    return (n >> 1);
int luckiest_person(int n)
    // to calculate the highest number which
    // is power of 2 and less than n
    int nearestPower = setBitNumber(n);
    // return the correct answer as per the
    // approach in above article
    return 2 * (n - nearestPower) + 1;
int main()
    int N = 8;
    int lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
    cout << lucky_p;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Ujesh Maurya


/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
// Here is a O(1) solution for this problem
// it will work for 32 bit integers]
class GFG {
    static int setBitNumber(int n)
        // Below steps set bits after
        // MSB (including MSB)
        // Suppose n is 273 (binary
        // is 100010001). It does following
        // 100010001 | 010001000 = 110011001
        n |= n >> 1;
        // This makes sure 4 bits
        // (From MSB and including MSB)
        // are set. It does following
        // 110011001 | 001100110 = 111111111
        n |= n >> 2;
        n |= n >> 4;
        n |= n >> 8;
        n |= n >> 16;
        // Increment n by 1 so that
        // there is only one set bit
        // which is just before original
        // MSB. n now becomes 1000000000
        n = n + 1;
        // Return original MSB after shifting.
        // n now becomes 100000000
        return (n >> 1);
    static int luckiest_person(int n)
        // to calculate the highest number which
        // is power of 2 and less than n
        int nearestPower = setBitNumber(n);
        // return the correct answer as per the
        // approach in above article
        return 2 * (n - nearestPower) + 1;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int N = 8;
        int lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
// This code is contributed by Ujesh Maurya


// Here is a O(1) solution for this problem
// it will work for 32 bit integers]
using System;
class GFG {
    // function to find the highest power of 2
    // which is less than n
    static int setBitNumber(int n)
        // Below steps set bits after
        // MSB (including MSB)
        // Suppose n is 273 (binary
        // is 100010001). It does following
        // 100010001 | 010001000 = 110011001
        n |= n >> 1;
        // This makes sure 4 bits
        // (From MSB and including MSB)
        // are set. It does following
        // 110011001 | 001100110 = 111111111
        n |= n >> 2;
        n |= n >> 4;
        n |= n >> 8;
        n |= n >> 16;
        // Increment n by 1 so that
        // there is only one set bit
        // which is just before original
        // MSB. n now becomes 1000000000
        n = n + 1;
        // Return original MSB after shifting.
        // n now becomes 100000000
        return (n >> 1);
    static int luckiest_person(int n)
        // to calculate the highest number which
        // is power of 2 and less than n
        int nearestPower = setBitNumber(n);
        // return the correct answer as per the
        // approach in above article
        return 2 * (n - nearestPower) + 1;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int N = 8;
        int lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
// This code is contributed by Ujesh Maurya


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Here is a O(1) solution for this problem
// it will work for 32 bit integers]
function setBitNumber(n) {
    // Below steps set bits after
    // MSB (including MSB)
    // Suppose n is 273 (binary
    // is 100010001). It does following
    // 100010001 | 010001000 = 110011001
    n |= n >> 1;
    // This makes sure 4 bits
    // (From MSB and including MSB)
    // are set. It does following
    // 110011001 | 001100110 = 111111111
    n |= n >> 2;
    n |= n >> 4;
    n |= n >> 8;
    n |= n >> 16;
    // Increment n by 1 so that
    // there is only one set bit
    // which is just before original
    // MSB. n now becomes 1000000000
    n = n + 1;
    // Return original MSB after shifting.
    // n now becomes 100000000
    return (n >> 1);
function luckiest_person(n) {
    // to calculate the highest number which
    // is power of 2 and less than n
    let nearestPower = setBitNumber(n);
    // return the correct answer as per the
    // approach in above article
    return 2 * (n - nearestPower) + 1;
// Driver Code
let N = 8;
let lucky_p = luckiest_person(N);
// This code is contributed by Saurabh Jaiswal


def set_bit_number(n):
    # Below steps set bits after
    # MSB (including MSB)
    # Suppose n is 273 (binary
    # is 100010001). It does following
    # 100010001 | 010001000 = 110011001
    n |= n >> 1
    # This makes sure 4 bits
    # (From MSB and including MSB)
    # are set. It does following
    # 110011001 | 001100110 = 111111111
    n |= n >> 2
    n |= n >> 4
    n |= n >> 8
    n |= n >> 16
    # Increment n by 1 so that
    # there is only one set bit
    # which is just before original
    # MSB. n now becomes 1000000000
    n = n + 1
    # Return original MSB after shifting.
    # n now becomes 100000000
    return (n >> 1)
def luckiest_person(n):
    # to calculate the highest number which
    # is power of 2 and less than n
    nearest_power = set_bit_number(n)
    # return the correct answer as per the
    # approach in above article
    return 2 * (n - nearest_power) + 1
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = 8
    lucky_p = luckiest_person(N)



Another approach in O(1) : On the basis of the pattern that forms in given question, which is displayed in following table.

n   1   2 3   4 5 6 7   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15   16
    1   1 3   1 3 5 7   1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15   1


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Driven code
int find(int n)
    // Obtain number less n in 2's power
    int twospower = pow(2, (int)log2(n));
    // Find p-position of odd number, in odd series
    int diff = n - twospower + 1;
    // Value of pth odd number
    int diffthodd = (2 * diff) - 1;
    return diffthodd;
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 5;
    cout << find(n);
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by Dharmik Parmar


import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int n = 5;
  public static int find(int n) {
    // Obtain number less n in 2's power
    int twospower = (int) Math.pow(2, (int) (Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)));
    // Find p-position of odd number, in odd series
    int diff = n - twospower + 1;
    // Value of pth odd number
    int diffthodd = (2 * diff) - 1;
    return diffthodd;


import math
def find(n):
    # Obtain number less n in 2's power
    twospower = int(math.pow(2, int(math.log2(n))))
    # Find p-position of odd number, in odd series
    diff = n - twospower + 1
    # Value of pth odd number
    diffthodd = (2 * diff) - 1
    return diffthodd
# Driver code
n = 5


using System;
public class GFG {
    static public void Main()
        int n = 5;
    public static int find(int n)
        // Obtain number less n in 2's power
        int twospower = (int)Math.Pow(
            2, (int)(Math.Log(n) / Math.Log(2)));
        // Find p-position of odd number, in odd series
        int diff = n - twospower + 1;
        // Value of pth odd number
        int diffthodd = (2 * diff) - 1;
        return diffthodd;


// JS program to implement the approach
function find(n) {
  // Obtain number less n in 2's power
  let twospower = Math.pow(2, Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)));
  // Find p-position of odd number, in odd series
  let diff = n - twospower + 1;
  // Value of pth odd number
  let diffthodd = 2 * diff - 1;
  return diffthodd;
let n = 5;


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