It was only a week ago that security researcher iBSparkes teased the Cydia package manager running on an iPhone with the first developer beta of iOS 13 installed on it, but as it would seem, that was just the tip of the iceberg.
Apple deployed the second developer beta of iOS 13 just yesterday afternoon, and a new teaser shared just this morning by security researcher and Yalu jailbreak developer Luca Todesco appears to show a working tfp0 exploit running on it:
Tfp0 is a kernel task port that allows for arbitrary reads and writes to the device’s kernel memory, and this is particularly central to jailbreak development. As you might recall, the exploit that Ian Beer released that facilitated iOS 11-centric jailbreak development was of the tfp0 variety.
We can gather from Todesco’s Tweet that he still needs to update the offsets for iOS 13 beta 2, but the fact that this tfp0 still works on the latest developer beta is particularly exciting, especially to those who might be in the market for an iOS 13 jailbreak when the software update drops later this Fall.
Although this Tweet isn’t a proof of delivery for an upcoming jailbreak of any kind, it certainly does indicate that iOS 13 can still be pwned despite many of the false rumors that iOS 13 would be unjailbreakable. With that in mind, the Tweet serves as nothing more than a proof of concept at the time of this writing.
It remains to be seen if Luca Todesco will release his tfp0 to the general public when complete, but it would make a lot of sense to keep it under wraps at least until the public release of iOS 13 debuts to see whether Apple patches it or not.
Are you excited to see the iOS 13 developer beta being pwned time and time again? Let us know in the comments section below.